Chapter 20 - New Memories

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A/N - this might be a shorter chapter than the others only because this chapter isn't a "filler" per say but it's just to update you on what's gone on in the couple of months that has been.
(Around 4 months have passed)

I am going to trying and make this chapter as happy as I can.
Enjoyyy :)
Months had gone by and honestly it could not be going any better for the staff. They met a new life.
Autumn and Winter just welcomed their little girl Elodie Mae Knight to their household, they couldn't be any more happier. It made them plgleam with joy especially after they had unfortunately lost their first child, bringing Elodie into the world really ignited their parental instincts. The worry of not being a good enough mother soon subsided from Autumn as soon as Elodie was born, she had been screaming the hospital room down but as soon as she was placed on Autumn's chest - she had stopped
crying and soothed herself on her mummy.

When it came to naming their daughter, Autumn and Winter were truly stuck on what her first name should be. Winter was allowed to make the decision for her first name, after his late grandmother Elizabeth he wanted to continue parts of her name on without her full name. In French, Elodie meant "Flowers of the Field" which Winter felt was fitting because she would be able to fully bloom and grow in life.
Autumn knew who she wanted to dedicate the middle name to, although not dead she and Maeve had always had the fond memory of playing mother and daughters even if they were the same age. They had always joked they didn't want a seasonal name, but breaking it down to "Mae" they found out in Hebrew it meant "Goddess of Spring Growth" they found the one.

Both Winter and Autumn were protective of their daughter, still working in childcare allowed them into many insights some first time parents may not have experienced.

They didn't especially expect Reece to be as much as a "Hands on Uncle" as he said he wanted to be. Both him and Marjorie moved closer them, in order for them to be more apart of her life than they could dream to be. Getting a new house with a big pool, hot tub and garden is what Winter kept hinting and that is what they had bought.

Winter knew just how much this had meant to Autumn than it meant to him, Autumn had opened up now and again to Winter explaining how when they were younger they had always wanted to be apart of each other's children from the beginning to the end. It melted his heart to accept this little Boy's Wishes For Autumn as well possibly His Love of Spring had come see his love beaming with joy around her brother and friends, seeing how everyone can make an impact on their life.
When the staff finally had been able to meet Elodie, they were over the moon. Though Maeve was still over the moon even when she was the first to meet her after  she was born. Both Maeve and Autumn were out together doing cute shopping and sorting last minute things out, when Autumn's waters had broke.

Maeve's reactions were priceless, the room kept filling with "Awwww she's so tiny, she's so much like you, she's a cutie" which made Autumn's eyes well with tears as she glanced over to Winter, confirming it was the right choice to make her Elodie's Godmother.
She held her with protection and love as she started softly talking to her as she allowed Autumn to get sleep and Winter to go home and freshen up from the night. During that time, Maeve had been cutely showing Elodie parts of the room which she thought she'd find interesting and pulling out a little blanket for her. 

She wasn't aware that in that time Autumn had woken up from her nap and was watching the wholesome moment unravel, seeing Maeve waffle about cute stories she knew Elodie wouldn't remember but she found herself funny. Autumn found herself smiling at this, taking her phone and taking a few videos and photos without Maeve knowing, "this was a great decision" she texted sending Winter the products. He felt himself further smile as he got out of the shower.

When Marjorie and Reece had met Elodie, Autumn's hypothesis seemed to come true as she saw Marjorie cry and crack seeing Elodie and holding her little cute body. Lots of mini "my loves" funnelled from Marjorie as she just admired Elodie in all her glory.
Much like how Reece reacted to him being told Autumn was pregnant, he also had freaked out and started to tear up when he saw just how cute she was. When he would look closely at her, he noticed more and more the times he saw her more distinct and comparable similarities to Autumn when she was a baby. He knew it made sense that her daughter would inherit some of her genes, but he noticed the dimples which were prominent when Autumn was born, the soft coils of baby hair which slowly formed Elodie's face and just so much more.

Then when the time come and Autumn and Winter visited the nursery during MAT leave, the staff were crazy over how cute she was. It surprised Marjorie the most that Mia came up to them to adore Elodie - finding it bizarre she could be capable of having a heart. But Mia only let her soft for kids be shown to Maeve and Charlotte, she adored everything to do with them: she didn't know if it was because of her being an only child but she loved it.

When Charlotte and Sorscha had the chance to meet Elodie, their hearts burst with love and joy. After talking with Maeve, Charlotte could definitely see the similarities between them, some babies would normally have an unbalanced ratio of genes and looked more like one than the other. Yet with Elodie she seemed to have the split even balance of genes.., she looked exactly like both of them.
Carly meeting her is what earned a smile bright on Autumn's face, she didn't expect Carly to be so happy but she was ecstatic to say the least. She begged Marjorie and Reece to take her to the shopping centre to get baby things for Elodie. Carly was in love, especially since she only grew up with boys for brothers and she was the eldest.

In this time they were able to make things more official to everyone in the Nursery.
Charlotte, Maeve and Mia were finally able to break the news to everyone that they were officially a couple. It took them a while to figure it out and if this is what they truly wanted but they couldn't really oppose the idea that they were meant for each other, they knew it.
They sat down night after night bringing the pros of this relationship, to them it didn't matter that there were three people in their relationship they only cared that they had three people that they cherished and adored in their love. But unfortunately some didn't take it as well, mostly being the parents when they'd see the three of them out on a date together, would they gossip on the parents WhatsApp group. But they never cared what they thought, they knew how much their love held for one another.

Like when Maeve knew about Elodie, Autumn knew that they'd be together sooner or later. She saw how well they treated each other and how they would balance the attention of each one perfectly. Now and again a bubbling feeling would creep into Autumn's stomach, because she never wanted to see Maeve hurt - especially after being with Nick, but she knew they couldn't be capable of hurting a perfect girl...right?

They bought each other matching necklaces? To be able to remind them of their loved ones. The necklaces Mia had custom made because and couldn't find any better than her vision, but she had 3 small heart outlines on the necklace each with one lovers initials: M,C,M. How could they even get better than this? Well they announced their relationship whilst on Holiday in Greece.

Instagram caption: I'm happy to announce that Mia, Me and Charlotte can officially call each other girlfriends! I love you both xxx @Amelia

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Instagram caption: I'm happy to announce that Mia, Me and Charlotte can officially call each other girlfriends! I love you both xxx
@Amelia.R2 @CharX0Love

Everyone seemed to be happy by their news, Autumn and Winter congratulated together. Reece and Marjorie decided to buy them wine, Sorscha was happy she's got more allies as well.

That couldn't wait to start making new memories and growing together as three.

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