Chapter 43 - Let us hold you.

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A/N - This one will mention fluff and hints to smut, something to just uplift your mood after I've bored you all with sadness. But wait until the end to see something that will change their lives forever! Honestly I hope you enjoy!

I just had to put in something that also related to that mialotte 6pm video as well!
As the days rolled into one it was now October 23rd, the soft grunts of the radiators filled the rooms as the hums of the music trickled through their ears as they slept. Wednesdays were for Charlotte and Maeve one of the busier days of the week in the nursery, parents complaining mid week, so much paperwork and various mishaps.

Though this was peaceful...

This was something that they all could get used to, permanently waking up in bed together, knowing their relationship would be secure and safe. It lingered in all kinds but more frequently one woman's mind most. Amelia Mae Roberts.. she was in awe and admiration of her two girlfriends, the way their smiles both served the same purpose. Yet when Charlotte's smile was more innocent and rose tinted love, Maeve's smile was drenched with seduction and Mischief. The way their eyes contrasted each other's, Maeve's dark rich brown eyes shone when the sun hit them in the right direction, glowing hints of light brown and tinges of green. Then when Charlotte's soft blue eyes stood out and she could pick her sweetheart out from anywhere.. Amelia fell in love with their touch too.., the subtle touches and the more intimate moments. Mia's weakness was Charlotte's small innocent touches that caught her off guard, yet were purposeful with every graze and every smooth and knead to her skin. But behind closed doors Maeve was Amelia's aphrodisiac, her poison, her detonate; unlike Charlotte's slow touches - Maeve's were fiery and quick, knowing exactly how to make both Mia and Charlotte squirm. The mischief that glinted in her girlfriend's eyes as she looked over to Charlotte, considering her opinion to her lethal seductive touches. Mia LOVED them. ADORE. She couldn't fathom life without them.

Charlotte Victoria Stafford and Maeve Roslyn Montgomery were the Vanilla and Chocolate to Mia's Strawberry, the candle and the wick to Mia's flame. Then they were golden retriever and black lab to Mia's black tabby cat.

So she knew what she had to do - put the ring on their fingers and claim her girlfriends as her forever people. Her wives. Her heart and home.

Mia sat in an entranced daze, pupils dilated and blown as she admired her wonderful girlfriends as they slept. It was 6:30 in the morning but she couldn't help but watch their chests rise and slowly fall, knowing they were safe with her. She didn't want to but eventually after giving herself ten more minutes to take in her love; she woke up her two sleepyhead girlfriends, with major differences to their mood when they woke up.

Her little vanilla char was sweet and had the softest voice as she woke up. Her hair was tossed over her shoulders as her natural blush crept onto her cheeks. Charlotte was giggly and smiling when she woke up like her natural self, which made the soft spot ache for Mia.

However her little rich chocolate Maeve was unruly, her voice was thick with grogginess and sin as she spoke, inevitably making Mia's knees buckle in bed as she listened. Her hair was puffy and curled to her natural state, as her plump lips parted as she breathed. Maeve was never one to be an early bird, grumpy as can be without her morning coffee. But for Mia and Char she could be happy in the mornings as she woke.

"Mm..." the women moaned out as the lights hit by their eyes, blinding them from the warmth. "Morning my did you sleep?" Mia smiled as she watched the two slowly sit up. Maeve clumsily grabbing for her glasses and Charlotte finding a bobble. "The best ever.... Last nights.." "...yeah all over your neck char" Maeve interrupted as she traced her fingers on Charlottes collar bone, giving Mia a quick kiss before getting up and going to the bathroom.
Maeve's POV:
As I left to go into the bathroom, a wave of nausea pushed through me as I hurled my body loosely over the toilet bowl, trying to make little sound as I could. It had been happening for a while but I hadn't managed to get proper sleep for days. A strange feeling kept lurking over my shoulders as I washed my face and flushed the toilet, it would be best to keep quiet..

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