Chapter 6 - Welcome To The Knight Nursery!

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———— In the middle of the night ————
As Charlotte curls up into her duvet she texts the group chat they had made, Maeve hadn't been added for the reason of they're all planning a Welcome party for Maeve.

Surprise welcome party Group chat!
Charlotte: Hiya guys, just to remind you we're all free on the Saturday for the surprise party?
Carly: Yeahhhh!!! Reece can you drive me there?? Pretty please
Reece: Carly you don't have to beg me to drive you, you know I will.
Jodie: Totes coolzzzz what's the surprise? 😦
Winter: I feel like I'm loosing brain cells..
Autumn: Don't worry my sweet, I'll knock some hopefully into Jodie.
Jodie: Oh goodie!!!
Marjorie: Yeah that's all good my love, we'll get the food and drinks sorted
Autumn: Oh there better be wine.. I know I'll listen to you talk about my brother..
Charlotte: There will be Autumn don't worry :)
Mia: Are we dressing up in costume?~
Marjorie: No Mia.., you best be decent

The conversation goes on for a while, as the staff members happily talk about the plans they'd made for the party to welcome Maeve in. Charlotte puts her phone on the side as sighs grabbing her coffee, "oh now I can't wait to throw this party.." Charlotte giggles as she wraps her duvet around her. She had to beg Siobhan and Marjorie to allow her to throw a party for Maeve, she thought that the party would uplift the previous tension that lurked in the nursery after the big announcement. Charlotte closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep again.
——————— In the Morning ———————
As Charlotte woke up in the morning she smiled, it was a Friday and it was one day until the party. Charlotte felt this warm feeling turn inside her stomach; she couldn't wait until they could all surprise Maeve together as a Collective.

Maeve wasn't working today, Marjorie had allowed her to take the day off but Maeve wasn't available anyways, she had some sort of "phone call" Maeve had told Charlotte. Charlotte rubbed her eyes and she saw that her phone flashed with her favourite contact, 'Amelia 🖤' Charlotte smiles and answers her phone.

"Hello sweetheart" Mia softly says, a hint of seduction in her own voice.
Charlotte chuckles, "Amelia, did you sort it out with Autumn?" She coo's down the phone.
Charlotte hears rustling down the other end of the line, "Yes sweetheart, the stuff is done for the party. Now are you coming, I'll even tease Marj" Mia teases, she found it funny how protective Charlotte was of her friends.
"Amelia..,I'm warning you play nice" Charlotte adds then says goodbye, ending the call.

Throughout the day in the nursery, it was completely filled with conversation about the party the next day. Hell even Autumn had gotten quite excited in the office, which concerned Marjorie at first when she saw it.
———————— The Next day —————————
Maeve's POV:
I can't help but shake the feeling that today will be a weird one. Something just doesn't feel right.
As I roll over thinking I've still got a ton of space on my bed, I end up splatting like a pancake on my bedroom floor, hitting my head on my bedside table as I go down. "OWWWWW!!" I groan as the first thing I grabbed was my boobs, I had landed stomach first and groan in pain.

I slowly sat up as I look at the time, leaning against my bed and I run my fingers through my hair: quite agitated at myself for falling. "Maeve you alright? I heard quite a loud bang..." Charlotte starts and she pauses, assessing me childishly led against my bed. "Oh my fucking god!!!" She giggles loudly seeing me in pain. "Oh that is fucking hilarious, you were the bang???" I watch as she grabs her stomach, laughing so hard.  "'s not funny I'm hurting" I pout at her sighing and putting my head in my hands. I put my head in my hands and I feel her crouch down and sit next to me. Wrapping an arm around me I hear her softly speak "Hey it's all good.. do you want to go out for breakfast? Mia is coming around later. And we have to go to the nursery later to fill out stuff and do some training" she rubs my back soothing me.

"Oh alright, Amelia's coming?" I lean against her and her presence calms me, somehow it made me feel a pang of....something. "Yes sweetheart Amelia's coming later.." she adds smiling.
As Charlotte talks about how Mia will coming over and Charlotte can't wait visibly to give Maeve a surprise. Though Maeve being herself, she didn't even notice Charlotte's shift of behaviour as Charlotte is always so full of joy.

"Are you all good Lottie? You're acting.......more clingy and cuddly?" Maeve adds assessing the other woman. "Oh I'm fine! I just can't wait to do these team building exercises later on!" Charlotte hurriedly says giggling slightly.
Weird, Maeve had thought. She never thought Charlotte would be so happy... happy to complete team building activities?

Charlotte had to think of a way to get Maeve out of the house without being suspicious, she thought for a moment and looked to Maeve. "Oh Maeve how about you get dressed and we go to meet Mia?" Charlotte voices her thoughts nudging the woman. "Awww.. I was comfy Lottie" she groans in protest.
"Amelia's coming~" Charlotte kept poking Maeve's arm, "fine..." she grumbled and got dressed.

Mia had been told to come straight to Charlotte's when Maeve was getting changed to surprise her.
As soon as Maeve had got to the stairs she saw Mia and threw herself onto her. "AMELIA!" Maeve giggles and she threw her arms around Mia, "Maeve you're looking amazing" Mia says as she rubs the others back. Now time to get her to the nursery both Mia and Char thought.
———————  2 hours later ————————
Charlotte texts the other staff that they're outside the nursery, Mia and Maeve go ahead and Charlotte turns the lights on.

In unison all the staff jump out of the shadows,
"SURPRISE!! WELCOME TO THE KNIGHT NURSERY!!" They all clap as Maeve scans around quickly holding onto Mia's hand to calm her nerves. Charlotte wasn't jealous at all.

Maeve's eyes had darted and pinged off of the other staff members, "we thought since you joined the nursery, we could throw a welcome party to celebrate!" Carly squealed as the other staff nodded along as they sipped and ate the food, talking amongst themselves and occasionally dancing to the random songs that were played on the phone.

Many hours had passed since the start of the party and most people were definitely drunk, whilst some like Reece, Carly and Jodie weren't drunk at all. But for the rest of the staff, they had decided that it would be safer to get a taxi back to their houses. Charlotte had convinced Mia to come back with her and Maeve.

"Oh my god can we play truth or dare????" Carly chimed up looking over her Fanta orange.
Silence and no one answers, "pleaseee"Carly now pulls a pleading face and they all agree.

The atmosphere was so energetic and loving when they were at the party, Maeve felt like she was still on cloud nine.
—————-  In the Morning ——————-
Maeve's POV:
I absolutely loved last night. I don't remember it that well though. I throw my arm across to my pillow, it feeling a little firmer than I remember so I turn to the other side and squish my other pillow..., it's so soft.

I feel a warm breath across the back of my neck and I then I hear an arm snake around me from behind and one from the front. "Maeve,..." the one woman say at the same time, nuzzling closer.

Maeve has thought that she must be dreaming. But she never expect to have been sharing a bed with Charlotte and Mia, she nuzzled in deeper to them. I smile as I cuddle into them still quite drunk, their presence calmed me.
"Come here my sweethearts..." Mia grumbles  wrapping her arms around me and Charlotte.

I could get used to this, I thought to myself. But I don't know what I think about this, I can't give in yet.

A/N -Hi sorry this is long again I did want to write more about the party but I didn't know what to write, I hope you liked it :)

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