❤️A/N - Quick Update! 🖤

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Hi everyone!

I hope again that you are as invested in this story as I am writing about it! Sorry that these past couple of chapters have been coming out sporadically, but I just started a new job but I will keep writing as I really enjoy this!

Another thing after trying to get ideas for the bases of each chapter I ended up loosely creating two new stories that may appear in between this.

One of them I want for my own reasons and don't come after me is an Amelia Roberts X Maeve Van Gould fanfic, which would most likely deal with angst(to my best ability) and spreading awareness to different coping mechanisms for mental health eg: Smoking, Alcoholism, SH. But there will ultimately have happy endings and fluff/Smut sprinkled within. Idk if I want there to be angst and smut mixed into a chapter but ye.

Then the second one which to be honest has been getting me thinking for a while, centralised around the information Agatha gave similar to "Out of all the Knight siblings, you are my least favourite" which will lead to the appearance of another sibling. What has happened to them? Who knows? And I don't know what lover/ if at all there had to be one I would choose.

But don't worry I'll still be back and writing these chapters as I speak!

Love you allll :)

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