Chapter 25 - A rough Night

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Last night was rough but happy.

Maeve was still in agony from her foot, it was getting better and thankfully she had Mia and Charlotte to help her around the house.
The morning blasted through the blinds, expecting sunshine to hit her in the face but she groaned as the damp dark sky hit her. What a rough day this will be. Maeve reached to her bedside table like always to grab her glasses, putting them on her sight was regained. She wasn't totally blind but it's been prescribed and recommended that she has glasses to benefit her.

She hobbles out of bed and starts to get dressed, as she struggles to get her clothes out of her dresser she hears shuffling from behind her. "Sweetheart? What are you doing you might hurt yourself baby." Mia shuffles quickly over to Maeve, Char sits on the edge of the bed.
"Hey I'm fine Amelia.. I just can't bend can you get the skirt please? It'll be easier to put on" Maeve leans back a bit to steady herself.

Mia bends down to pick out a skirt for Maeve and she looks down and giggles and smacks Mia on her ass letting out a little giggle, moving back to Charlotte and sitting by her on the bed with her little energy she has left.

"Maeve Roselyn Montgomery!" Mia quickly stands up holding her cheek as she throws the skirt of Maeve.
"What do you think you're doing? I didn't say you could touch did I?" Mia inches closer to her, "Ah ah you aren't allowed to punish a hurt person!!" Maeve giggles and grabs onto charlottes arm.

She lets out a small giggle again before she feels Charlotte's gaze land on her, "Sorry Amelia... I'll behave now. Can I have help?" Mia gently lifts Maeve up and Charlotte pulls down her shorts.
After getting ready they all get into Charlotte's car and start driving to work, Mia starts to crave a coffee. "Can we stop at Coffee one drive through I need a coffee to function." Mia grumbled as she continues to drive and orders them all their coffees for the morning.

They thought that the gloom of the sky would have subsided by now, but as they got out the car it started to splatter with rain forgetting that Maeve couldn't run so fast because of her ankle. "Amelia! Help please!" Maeve calls out as her hair starts to get damp quickly. Putting all the men to shame, Mia gently picks Maeve up making sure she doesn't flash anyone with a skirt and walks her into her office.

"Oh my my are you trying to make me love you?" Agatha stares up as Mia walks past with Maeve and Charlotte walking next to her. "Agatha aren't you married?" Mia glared at Agatha.

Putting her down in her office chair, Charlotte puts Maeve's bag under her desk as she kisses her forehead. "I love you baby, I'll see you on my break and lunch okay?" She kisses them both and leaves her personal items in Maeve's closet. The rain just keeps coming on heavier and heavier, "so you and char won't be able to pick me up tonight? Make sure you look after char with her hospital appointment though okay Amelia?"
Maeve asks and logs in to her computer. "Yes baby I will I'll order you a taxi to pick you up after you've locked up." Mia kisses and leaves.

Maeve's POV:
The more the day goes on the more agitated I become, I've already had 4 parents come into my office and complain about such petty things. One parent burst into my office complaining about... the pegs. I mean how stupid is that?! Pegs?

This mother was annoyed because her daughter's peg was moved away from the door of Marjorie and Autumns joint office, towards the end of the hall next to the kitchen. Turns out this mother was the start of the gossip!

"How absurd..." I groan and rub my forehead, this is going to be too much of a long day.
Charlotte's lunchtime came around and Maeve is really starting to feel rough from the outside weather, it no always put her into a mood.

As Maeve is taking a phone call with Siobhan, she was rambling on about the new fee increase and how we can't apply more apprentices for the nursery. Maeve thinks that it would be useful for Reece to have more stable apprentices to additionally support, so they don't have to lend staff out of each nursery.

"No Siobhan it really would be useful for Reece to have additional support in the nursery..." Maeve adds. Then Charlotte walks through the door and Maeve smiles seeing her walk in, watching Charlotte circle around to the back of her deck, wrapping her arms around Maeve's waist, moving a chair to sit next to her.

"Siobhan seriously.. no you can't get a hot tub with the earnings from the nursery. Yes I know there's a managers conference yeah." Maeve rolls her eyes and then kisses Charlotte on the lips, leaning into her embrace loving life.

"Mhm.. yeah Siobhan sorry I have to go. Yeah byeeee" Maeve hangs up the phone and turns around to Charlotte grinning from ear to ear. The glint in her eyes shines, as she looks at Charlotte and pulls her into a passionate kiss tugging at charlottes lips, "Hey sunshine.., have you ate today?" Maeve asks slowly releasing for air. "I was waiting to eat with you babe." Charlotte smiles and grabs her lunch and begins to eat.

They both kiss each other goodbye and Charlotte leaves back to go in the rooms.
Many hours pass and Maeve still gets angry parents storming into her office complaining left right and centre. It pissed Maeve out constantly. She didn't tell Mia or Charlotte what had been recently happening though, Nick had found numerous ways to get in contact with Maeve.

Tonight Nick had asked if he could meet her after work to have a chat, supposedly he wanted to amend his wrong doings with her and she didn't know if he could trust her.
Of course you can't trust him! Maeve thought to herself the horrible things he did to her..

She again gets pulled out of her thoughts when Charlotte and Mia re enter her office.
"My sweetheart!~" Mia smiles and lightly jogs over to Maeve wrapping her arms around her and kisses her neck. "Are you alright sweetheart?" Mia leans in to see her face properly. "Yeah just parents being rude cows all day today, don't you need to take sunshine to hospital?" Maeve looks up at them both.

"Yeah we do but we wanted to just make sure you're okay before we leave." Charlotte smiles and gives Maeve a kiss. "Bye baby we'll see you when you get home yeah?" Charlotte smiles and gives her more kisses, grabbing her stuff from Maeve's closet, "Love Mae" they both say and go.
Getting her stuff ready and cleaning up, doing last checks to make sure it's all good for Monday she turns around and weirdly forgets her stuff before leaving the nursery, including her phone...

As she leaves the nursery locking the door, she starts to walk away. When a strange looming presence behind her, watching her every step. Walking more and more that same feeling starts to crawl up Maeve's spine, so when she feels cold surround her and yank her into a cold van what will happen? Who's got her? What's going on?

A/N - sorry guys this is such a terrible chapter I didn't know how to start it to be truthful.

I will give an advanced warning like I did at the beginning of these sections, there will be mentions of Sa and violence.

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