Chapter 15 - A blast from the Past

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Maeve's POV:
I sigh as I walk back to the table with danger lurking right behind me. There goes the throbbing pain, becoming more vicious and painful as the silence envelops me and my thoughts. I could not look in those eyes again..

I felt so weak knowing that I still feel affected fr his actions that he poisoned my body with, I'm starting to think... if I'm wrong about this?

"Any day now.. introduce me to your......"friends" I bet they want to know who I am" He smirks. Nick was and still is notoriously known for self inserting himself into other's situations. For example; when we had got together he always seemed so sweet to me, that was until I wanted to do my own things and socialise with my friends.
He had made it very clear that I wasn't allowed to go out without his permission, even if I were to desperately need to get food for the month. I couldn't leave that house unless I was with him.
"Honey? Introduce me" he snares again. He gives me that look, that gut wrenching look - a look that wouldn't kill most but I was petrified of. His hand lingers around my ass, firmly squeezing it.
"Fuck Off it Nick." I whisper shouted, still scared of what he could do to me.

I shake my head and nervously toy with my fingers. "I'm back.... And I bumped into someone who gave me...a-a blast to my past" I avoid eye contact with everyone, looking down at my wrists that had formed visible bangles or purple racing around my wrists. Flickers of red and rouge danced along my arms, as I continued to nervously toy with my own skin.

"Guys... This is Nick.. Nick these are my friends" I mumble shifting nervously in one spot.
"This is Nick" is all that stuck in each staff members mind. Some had heard of what Nick had done, some had seen what Nick had done. But no one ever SEEN who Nick was.

A Mexican wave of groans and mutters escaped the various members of staff as they share the same exchanges of glares and turned up noses. "'re Nick." Mia licks the inside of her inside of her lips looking Nick up and down, then looking across to Charlotte. They clearly shared the same opinions about him straight away, Maeve had the courage to do tell them both some of the things Nick had made her do and she never felt so vulnerable in her life.

"Honey aren't they gorgeous?" Nick winks and Maeve just shivers, squeezing on the end of the table next to Autumn. "They're taken" Maeve looks up to him and all the women looked at each other as Maeve claimed Mia and Charlotte.
"Not by you I hope. I would hate to hear that you've been tainted with... that" he says as he leans against the booth barrier.
Maeve sucked in a shallow breath, slightly leaning back into Autumn as he leans closer into her face. That glint reappeared in his eyes.

Most of the staff stayed quiet. Marjorie stayed unusually quiet as she looks down at her phone, slight fear curdling her veins. "So Nick what are you doing here? Maeve talks a bit about you" Clodagh innocently asks, Maeve doesn't blame her for asking she would have never known.

"Oh she does?" Nicks face drops as he starts to be concerned about what Maeve has told people.
"Honey what did you tell them exactly?.." He looks down on Maeve as if she's his prey and he's the predator. She shifts uncomfortably in his gaze, that glint in his eyes darkened like the void.
".....just that we..we were together for so long and you know how much. Fun we had as a couple" she fidgets and Autumn looks up the line to Mia and Charlotte. "That's all....." she mumbles scratching her hands.

"If you are quite done, you'll be leaving us right?" Autumn glares at him and without an utter he moves from the table and goes back away.
"So there's your drinks guys.. Sorscha you've got yours a bit strong like you wanted. Reece winter, you've got your usual I think there's peanuts on the tray somewhere like packets for you two" Maeve nervously rambles pacing back and forth the booth. "Hon how about you sit down with us? Come calm your nerves" Charlotte softly speaks unlike how Nick had just spoken to her.
Marjorie's POV:
I couldn't really focus on what currently happened with Maeve, not that I didn't care what she just went through with Nick.
But my mind was hazed with the messages I continued to get throughout the night. A past staff member Harry had been messaging me, it started as simple conversations of how life has been like for him but then things started to turn weird, when he would private message me commenting on my body.

He had done it quite a few times now, tonight I had posted a full body picture of me and Reece to show off our outfits. I felt so proud of myself for being able to upload a full photo of me, as I couldn't face seeing my body it would wrench my gut overthinking about my body image.

When I look in the mirror I always see a distorted uncongenial body, my stomach felt foreign to me
It all felt so foreign, I felt lost in my own body.
He started leaving messages about my body and how I should lay off of certain foods and I should try various diets if I want to ever keep a proper man who will only love me for my body.

I don't know what to do, so I stare into space and try and regain myself from this.
Maeve wiggles back in between Mia and Charlotte and rests her head on Charlotte's shoulder. She was exhausted, even tho she had hardly done anything when in the bar.

"Are you alright hon?" Charlotte rubs her hand down Maeve's back and kisses her forehead. All the others were quietly giggling with their respective partners and now Maeve, Mia and Charlotte cuddle up in the booth.

"I'm so tired...." Maeve yawns and rubs her eyes. Mia and Charlotte's arms wrapped around her waist. "I know sweetheart, we'll go home soon okay? Can you hold out for just a few more hours?" Mia rubs her leg. "But please...." Maeve whines and leans into the both so tired and knackered from faking the relationship with Nick. From a distance Nick looked at Maeve and was disgusted when he saw who she was cuddled with not just one women but TWO he was furious. Did she really think that he drilled these terms into her and he saved her for her to turn to the dark side and poison????

As Maeve starts to shift more uncomfortably in her seat the other women start to notice.
"Sweetheart are you okay you're shifting quite a lot over there?" They both ask Maeve and she shakes her head, "I need the toilet" she shakes.
As Maeve gets up to go to the toilet a figure follows behind her into the women's toilets. She finishes up and then washes her hands and slowly wiping her face and she looks up in the mirror to see Nick stood behind her, with a devilish smirk plastered across his face.
"Easy tiger.... How about I show you want you're really missing?~" he creeps behind her wrapping his arms roughly around her waist and painfully pushes her against the edge of the counter.

"P-please... don't I'll do anything please" she pleads as tears roll down her cheeks, her eyes shifting between different shades of red. "It's time I put you back in line. Seems like you don't know how to shut your mouth when you talk about me." He grabs a fistful of Maeve's hair and yanks it back harshly.
Maeve groans in pain and pleads for him to stop, repeating "no" so many times she forgets the word and its true meaning at this point.

Everything was a blur after that grab back, it felt as if it was in slow motion and Maeve couldn't move. She was being used just as she was used before.

She couldn't look at them, those were the eyes which held her down with a Brutish force, those were the eyes that danced with torture as he towered over Maeve and shown her "who I belonged to".. those were the eyes that had taken everything from her; Maeve's purity, Maeve's life, Maeve's mind, Maeve's thoughts, Maeve's everything.

A/N - Thank you so much sorry this was left on a repeat cliff hanger but I can't wait to the next one !
Hope you enjoyed :)

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