Chapter 23 - A needed Conversation

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A/N - Just a warning there will be mentions of homophobia.
"It was going to be a long bad day today, it's all going to be long and tired and ughhhh" Maeve had thought to herself as she rolled out of bed to get ready for the day.

Unlike normally when she'd wake up with Char and Mia at the same time, she woke up early. Would it count as waking up if she never really had any sleep that night? She didn't really know. She couldn't shake the feeling from last night, someone had sent her those messages and they kept sending them through Sunday as well. It was still dark outside silent and dark, Maeve loved but strangely hated the feeling of not knowing what's in the dark.

But currently 4:30am had gleamed off of her watch onto her face, "so so soo early" she thought again to herself as she stood on her balcony and observed the night of morning.

Maeve's love for the dark always came handy when she was younger, she'd climb on her roof and watch the stars fall and start to dream what her life could have been like if she wasn't who she was. Ever since she loved the dark. When she couldn't think of what the right thing to say was she would console in the night sky for answers.

"Maybe.... I could scrape in an early morning run before I shower and go to work" Maeve pondered leaning on her balcony looking at the nightlife. "Go on then I can do it.... I think I can at least" she giggles to herself before changing into some sports clothes and quietly tiptoeing out of their room and house. Maeve smiled seeing them peacefully asleep in bed without her.

With that she started with her morning run.
Maeve's POV:
As I left the house, I started to let my music play in my headphones to keep me motivated I admittedly listen to "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus.
I can't lie but that song always knows how to put me into a good mood for the day.

So I set off doing my run, truthfully I don't always run so I do sometimes look like a headless chicken for the most part. But I like the feeling of freedom when running as it clears my mind.

I'm about half way through my run when I run around a corner and my foot catches in the gap of the pavement, twisting and landing on its side.
"Fuck!!" I squeal and with one jolt I tumble down to my knees. "Ow ow ow...." I groan and wince as I rock back and forth in agony. How did I not see that gap? How did I not? This is going to be a long bad day. As I do so I feel tears pricking at the corners of my eyes begging for release, this hurts so so much. I'm such a pillock Maeve.

I reach for my phone in my pocket and let out a small groan as I go to call Autumn, my head wasn't in the right place so I don't know why I'd choose to wake a new mother up. But as I went to open my phone another anonymous message came through: "Aw you fell over? Would you like me to come and kiss it better?" I sigh and call Autumn, I was no where near my house but a small distance from Aut's.

It took two rings before she groggily answered, "Hello?. Maeve it's 5am what's wrong?" She asks and I whine again trying to prop myself up against a tree, "Maeve you okay?" "Ye-yeah.. so I sort of.. got my foot stuck in a gap in the pavement and twisted my foot. I don't think it's broken but it hurts so much. I should've stayed home and slept." I groan and listen to her breathing on the other end of the line.

"You're such a clumsy person. Give me three and I'll pick you up and before you ask.... No you didn't wake me I was already awake." She smiles on the other end of the phone before hanging up.

Just as she promised, she arrived in 3 minutes with crutches and an ankle brace. "You never know you, the way you're going I'm surprised you're not more hurt" she chuckles and slowly lifted me up as I groan in pain. "One day I'll need to have a conversation with you about safety" she chuckles again and helps me to her car.
When she looks over to me she raises her eyebrow, "Did the anonymous person message you again? You look worried" "Yeah sorta... he asked if he wanted to kiss it better" I hum as I steady myself on the crutches.

"Mine or yours?" Autumn asks and I look at her. "I don't know... I didn't tell them I'd go on a run but um... If you're in this morning yours?" I look up at her and see her nod and we leave to hers.

———— Time skip to Mid afternoon ————

As the day went by Maeve has been just stuck in her office glued to the giant piles of paperwork Siobhan had dumped on her desk.

Her ankle was getting better however it was still quite sore and she couldn't put as much pressure on it. She was quite thankful for Autumn and her help getting her up and giving her pain killers. There was so much to do and there was little time left in the sky to get it all done.

"This day is dragging on so long..." Maeve rubs her forehead as she picks up the phone.
"Hello the Knight Nursery how can I help you?" Maeve asks and already she's agitated. "Hey sweetheart" Mia smirks down the phone line and all her frustration subsided, "Hi baby, are you alright? I thought you were in work today." Maeve leans back in her chair and wraps the phone cord slowly around her fingers. "Mhm... I am coming later. Aut told me you hurt yourself on" Mia laughs on the last words.

"Hey!! It's not funny... it really hurts Amelia Roberts. I need my kisses" Maeve groans and leans now forward. They continue talking for a while and she doesn't notice a parent walking through the door. "I love you Amelia Roberts and I love you and my girl Char" Maeve bites her lip.

The mother coughs loudly to draw attention and Maeve moves the phone down not hanging up the phone. "Can I help you Amanda?" Maeve rubs the back of her neck.
"I heard that you're dating... two women?" Amanda looks at Maeve and the phone is still on.
Maeve looks up at her "Yes I am and I'm proud of that... we've been together for 6 months now. Where's this going?" She asks.

"Well... I don't really think it's appropriate for you to be in that three way relationship. It can really brainwash the kids into thinking "that" stuff is okay" she snarks and points Maeve up and down. You could hear small muffled voice down the phone, "what would "that stuff" be because it's just humans loving humans" she asks back. "Everything! Absolutely everything it's against every moral and you should be ashamed that you even wanted to associate yourself with that degenerate disgusting thing".

Maeve stands up and looks at her, "Did you just? Wait you didn't really just....." Maeve rubs her forehead in anger. "Well no you're making it out to be worse, what I meant was..." she is about to repeat it all but Maeve interjects, "No I don't need to hear it again.. DON'T you ever think you can use that filthy language in this setting. That is so rude! It shouldn't matter what sexuality or preference you choose, everyone should be treated with respect!" "Well no you're being dramatic -" she cuts in. "Dramatic?! Me? You've just said a vulgar slur that shouldn't be used full stop! You wouldn't go up to Sorscha and say that would you? What's different?" Maeve's anger boils and boils on her face.

Mia is still on the other end of the phone listening and driving to the nursery.

"Well Sorscha... acts normal and doesn't have more than one. It's a bit greedy don't you think?" Amanda tilts her head to the side. "Get out.... Now. I don't want to hear or see you at all." Maeve sighs and sits back down boiling to her limit, she didn't want to loose control.

"Make sure you let Jesus save you Maeve. Free your sins free them!" She shouts as she leaves.
Mia's POV:
I was driving to the nursery, I heard all the commotion over the phone and I could just hear all of Maeve's anger rise.

Running into the nursery I jog to her office and knock on the door. "Sweetheart? Can I come in?" I softly ask and wait for a response, "please... I need you.." she muffles and I can hear some sniffles from behind the door. As I open the door I see her slumped in her chair with her head in her arms. She sounded so confident on the phone and now I look at her and she looks so small.

"Oh sweetheart... oh baby... it's okay I'm here" I rush to her side and wrap my arms around her. I kiss her forehead and try to comfort her as much as I possibly can. "I don't know what people's problem is with not treating humans like humans and not giving them dignity." She sniffles and I wrap my arms around her.

The night comes to the close and they all end up going home and they treat each other to many cuddles and kisses.

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