Chapter 47 - Acceptance and closure

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A/N - Sorry that there hasn't been any updates on this one for a while, I've been making another story and school as well. This may end up being a short one so sorry about that! :)
Tw: this will mention attempted suicide, pills, fainting, distress and hospitals.
Everyone thought that she was doing fine, everyone thought that she was coping well even months after the loss of her sweet Mabel.

But that was far from it. Maeve wasn't coping well with her death, many parents came up to her and asked why she was holding onto something so long and it "wasn't even a baby" as some told her. But after the Halloween party and all the alcohol, she finally felt a bit of numbness from her pain. She knew it wasn't right but everything was messing with her head.

As the sun was completely shut out from their blinds, Maeve woke up and ran right to the toilet. She knew she needed to accept what had gone on but she didn't know how to just yet. Not wanting to wake up her two fiancés, she calls someone who she needs most. After a ring it picks up.

"Autumn..." Maeve's voice sounded so brittle and corse as she spoke, "Maeve what's wrong? Are you okay?" She heard from the other end of the line as her head got more fuzzy. "I-I don't know anymore Aut..." she lets out, tears streaming down her face as she walks into the kitchen and places the phone on the counter. She didn't know what to do at this moment but she wanted some closer of this pain, the unbearable pain.

Putting it on speaker. "Mae what's wrong?." Autumn says gradually more concern lacing her words as she spoke. Maeve had grabbed a large bottle of vodka and many pills as she stumbled to the kitchen stools, "I-I don't think.... Can't do this anymore autie.. it's all so much.. I miss her...." Maeve sobbed, as she opened her bottle of vodka and starts crying as she drank it. She felt fuzzy but she wanted to feel nothing anymore, she didn't want to be in a world where her daughter wasn't there in it either.

Autumn got up in her house, looking across to winter as she had the phone on speaker as well. "Maeve what are you doing?. Maeve!.." Autumn spoke louder getting the attention of Winter, "my love?" "My sweet I think Maeve's in trouble.. I think she's going to do something bad" Autumn says as she hastily puts on appropriate clothes.

"Maeve come on keep talking to autie!" She soothes down the phone as she listens to the background, hearing the pill bottles open. "Mae... where's Char and Mia?" Autumn calls. Silence is on the other end of the line, staggered breathing in the background as she urged winter to help.

Maeve's POV:
I know it was selfish of me to take my own life, we're supposed to get married soon, but I can't live without my little Mabel knowing that she is not in the world with me. I hadn't touched any alcohol since therapy had started, but after last night having all of it, I felt it change.

I felt my body relax and numb.
I've nearly finished the whole bottle...
I downed and gagged as the fistfuls of pills hit the back of my throat as I swallowed them.
I could see the pill bottles knocked over....

I giggle to myself as I start to feel fuzzy, I start to feel light and my ears feel warm and tingly.

"Maeve come on keep talking to autie!" I can barely make out as I head starts to spin, I can't even speak out to Autumn.  "Mae... where's Char and Mia?" I hear Autumn call out again and I can't move or speak, as the phone is in my hand I collapse onto the floor. My body roughly colliding  with the kitchen floor and I never seem to answer. "Maeve?" Static fills my ears.

"Maeve!!!! Maeve answer me!" I can't make out anything she says as my body starts to shiver and I feel my head thrash against the floor.

I feel my eyes get more heavy, as I feel the rest of my body become more heavy.
"Maeve!!! Maeve answer me!" Autumn shouts down the phone as now her and winter are running down the street, Reece staying At Autumn's with Elodie. Her heart ripping from her chest as they both run closer.

Within three minutes they're infront of the door and Autumn doesn't hesitate to bang on the door as she calls out for anyone, "HELLOO!!! MAEVE OPEN THE DOOR!!" She screams from the top of her lungs as she searching frantically for the spare key. Before being held by winter.

"What my love?" She looks, concern and tears threaten to fall, "L-Look...." He says merely as he takes her to the living room window and hurriedly pointing to Maeve on the kitchen floor as she shook. "Holy...shit where's that key?!!!" Autumn frantically keeps looking and trying to open the window as well. "Aren't Mia and Char up my love?" "No!!" She screams as tears fall.

After finally finding the key in the plant pot, the key is fumbled around as she finally gets the door open. Upping the door open Autumn runs to Maeve and tries to support her head, "Maeve wake up.. wake up!!!" Autumn cries holding her stable as winter called an ambulance.

"Don't you dare leave...not again so many people need you... think of Mia and Charlotte.... You were going to get married soon. So don't leave please!!" She croaks, sifting her fingers through Maeve's hair as winter runs upstairs.
"Please don't leave.... I need you we all need you..." Winter heard as he ran up the stairs and banged on the bedroom door. Charlotte answers the door, all groggy from the alcohol and he could tell that they had no clue what went on and were in deep sleep from the alcohol.

"Winter? What are you?-" Charlotte goes to say before she hears Autumn's broken voice scream, "nonono!!! Don't you leave Maeve!!!" "What's going on?" Charlotte looked worried dragged Mia to the landing and looked over the balcony. Winter had followed the pair. As the three of them looked over the balcony they were in a state of shock, led in the middle of their kitchen Autumn was performing cpr on Maeve as her lips were turning blue, her skin going pale as she shuffled on the floor. Autumn was screaming trying to keep her awake, "Maeve come on!!! Don't you dare leave.... I know you miss Mabel but she wouldn't want this for you!!!" She cries out noticing the three of them stood up there.

"Don't just stand there help me!!" She cries as they hurriedly ran down the stairs. "What happened?.." Mia asked now taking over Autumn's position and holding her head up as Charlotte held her left hand. "She rang me this morning... s-saying that..." Autumn lets out between sobs as winter takes over CPR, Autumn just fell against the counter. "S-She said that she couldn't...take it anymore.... That she missed her.." Autumn stared lifelessly at Maeve.

They continued rotating doing CPR Autumn and Winter as Charlotte and Mia tried to wake her up. After a short while the ambulance arrives and pulls Maeve up onto a stretcher. "it's good that you found her as early as you did Mrs Fortune Knight" the paramedic slantingly smiled.

"Anyone coming into the ambulance?..In relation to Miss Montgomery?" the paramedics looked over to them. "We both are" Mia spoke up grabbing Charlottes hand and the paramedic sighed, "I'm sorry to say but only one person is allowed to ride in the back.. new protocol".

As the paramedic said that they looked between each other. Both wanted to be there with their sweetheart, "I'll go okay?.." Mia spoke out and cupped Charlotte's face, "I'm sure Autumn and Winter won't mind getting you there safe" she kissed before getting into the ambulance and they watched as it drove off. "H-How didn't I notice?.." Charlotte sobbed into Autumn.
As the ambulance reached the hospital, Mia hopped out of the ambulance and never left Maeve's side, when Maeve went into surgery to get her stomach flushed and assess further damage Mia couldn't sit still. She paced back and forth Maeve's room as she waited.

She was in the middle of pacing when she heard the door open. Thinking it was the doctors she whipped her head up to reveal Autumn, Winter and Charlotte. She ran and pressed into Charlotte as she sobbed and sobbed. The immense guilt was pressing on them both as they held each other tightly, sitting in the chair, same as others.

"We didn't know what you wanted.., but all the other nursery staff are here, they're in the waiting room outside.. they didn't want you to be alone" Autumn half smiled, as they waited hours for news. The silence was uncomfortable.

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