Chapter 31 - Surprise

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Maeve's POV:
What could really be expected if it was true?
Could I really be a great mother?
Can I raise this baby properly?

As I stood in the warm light in the bathroom, I stared ahead at the convenience store plastic bag full of different types of pregnancy tests and strips. The more I thought about it in the shop, the more I started to panic and worry if I was pregnant or not. What worried me most was what if I was pregnant?

What would I tell my kid if they asked me one day, "Mummy can I see my daddy?" Or "What's daddy like?". I wouldn't be able to think straight but what worried me more was what if they asked, "How was I made?" I remember as a kid I asked that question too, I thought it would be like in the movies when they say a beautiful reason as to why they chose to have another child, I was just told that I was a mistake.

I was a mistake...
And out of no fault of this possible baby, they would also be a default mistake. That inevitably I couldn't control the end.
They would be a constant reminder of that night, if I couldn't control it.

Yet I stared ahead at the mirror just reflecting my thoughts and how shattered I felt at this very moment. I wanted to prove my thoughts wrong and to not give into my intrusive thoughts. "Sweetheart are you alright in there?" Mia calls out to me out of my thoughts, "Just a minute baby I'm okay, I'll be down in a few" I force a smile although they can't see me, I truly love them to pieces but my mind is too full of all these thoughts and outcomes.
I dump out the plethora of tests that I bought and spread them across my counter, I can't hide from it anymore... it'll be alright wouldn't it? As I wait for the most excruciating 2 minutes of my life my head replays a conversation I had with Autumn, after we bumped into one another in the store.
"You know that whatever happens Maeve.... We all know you'll be an amazing mother" Autumn looked at me as she puts her stuff in her bag, a rubbed the top of my shoulders, "It's not your fault, it never was your fault and if you are this baby would be so lucky to have three strong women raising them." Autumn pulled me into a hug soothing me there in the middle of the store.

I looked up at her and sobbed, "What if I'm not a good enough mother..." "You are amazing with kids and Elodie as well..., we all believe in you" Autumn let go of me and we both walked out together, back to our cars to drive home.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1.....

The timer rings through my ears, now this is it it's time to finally see the results. As I turn over all the tests a lump in my throat forms and becomes unbearable... I'm.... I'm pregnant...

I'm pregnant? ...I'm pregnant

I stare ahead at the tests again, not really believing anything that I'm seeing at the moment. I'm going to have a baby. I'm having a baby.... "Oh...I'm having a baby..." I mutter to myself as I grab one test and put the rest in a bag to put in the bin. I guess I'll have to put all these emotions aside and stop worrying about myself and now put my attention to this baby.

My head starts to clear a bit as I walk down the stairs to be greeted with my two amazing girlfriends, my eyes were a bit teary and red but surely it could be easily covered right?
"Oh baby there you are, were you feeling sick again?" Charlotte jogs up to me and rubs my shoulder, Mia following along and looking at my face, "Sweetheart why are you crying?..." Mia tilts my head up as she studied my face and eyes. I don't know if she could see the fear in my eyes or how my body was shaking in shock from my discovery. "What's wrong baby?.." she hushed softly grounding me still to keep focus.

"I found something out..... and I-I don't know what to do..." I sob wrapping my arms around the back of Mia's back, with the pregnancy test still in my hand. "Hey it's's okay.." Mia coo's and sways with me to calm me again.

Charlotte's POV:
As I watch Amelia soothing Maeve, I notice a familiar object in her hand that's she's desperately clutching to. A pregnancy test? "Baby can I see that a second?"
I look at her in the eyes as I take it from her hands, seeing the outcome. 'That's why she's so shaken up' I think to myself as I scan over the test, did she know what she wants to do?

"Maeve's....pregnant Amelia..." I quietly mumble as I see Mia turn around still having an arm around Maeve. "Wait really?.. you're pregnant?" Mia looks at the pregnancy test then Maeve. I watch as Maeve closes in on herself and starts to become more quiet, "I'm sorry... I didn't want to be pregnant, I didn't ask for it.." she croaks as she leans sideways. "Hey hey it's not your fault baby, we know you didn't ask for it" I crouch infront of her and grab her hands, rubbing circles into her palms, "We love you okay?" Mia reassured her further and kissed her head.

I look at Maeve waiting to see what she wants to do next, "I want to keep the baby.... But what if the baby reminds me too much of Nick?" She looks up at us, "I'm sure the baby will be perfect and they will be lucky to have you as a mummy~" me and Mia look at her and comfort her. "Are you going into work today baby? We can always call in sick if you want," Mia looks at me then Maeve. "Nono.., we'll be fine to go to work today I've got so much paperwork and things to sort out I'll be fine okay?" Maeve responds getting up.

"I'll get the car started and we'll be going soon okay?" I look to the both of them and I grab my bag and shoes, getting it ready.
————— At the Knight Nursery —————
Arriving at the nursery Maeve hunches behind a bush and wretches her guts again, "Oh baby shall we get you inside and put your fan on in your office?" Charlotte grabs Maeve's bag and Mia wraps an arm around Maeve and walks her to the office, sitting her down in her chair.

"I'm going to keep coming to check on you throughout the day okay? I don't want you to get sick, do you need any meds" Mia looks at Maeve up and down rubbing her back.

As Mia and Charlotte walk out of the office a few minutes Autumn walks into Maeve's office, knocking her door. "Maeve you in here today? I wanted to check on you" Autumn calls out and the enters when she hears a muffled 'yes' come
Through the door. Maeve is sat in her chair with a bottle of water next to her and typing on her computer, "You're pregnant aren't you?" Autumn sits opposite Maeve. A small spread of silence simmered in the room, until Maeve looks up with tears in her eyes as she fiddles with her fingers, "Yeah...I'm pregnant" she mumbles.
Behind the door a gossipy bint parent is listening as she lets her daughter put up her coat and bag, "hmmm.....pregnant?" She mummers as she pulls out her phone and records the conversation, "guess who's pregnant in the nursery, not so faithful is she at all?" The mother says before sending it to the gossipy bint WhatsApp group.
In the middle of lunch Maeve goes to the toilet Marjorie comes into her office and looks around for her, "Maeve are you in here? I've got a message for you from Autumn" Marjorie calls out just as Maeve walks out of the bathroom and sighs, "Hey Margie.. yeah sorry sorry, is it about what midwife would be the best for me?" Maeve asks but forgets that she hasn't told Marjorie yet.

"You're pregnant?" Marjorie asks as she steps fully into her office, "Yes not from my own accord but we are happy and will make it work out.. you'll be an auntie..." Maeve smiles and looks at her for a look of approval, "I'm happy for you Maeve.. I really am, you'll be a great mum" Marjorie smiles.

"But yes it was about a midwife, Autumn said hers is available to be with at the moment." She smiles and hands her the notes Autumn gave her.

"Marj?" Maeve calls out looking for her response
"Yeah Maeve what's up?" "I love you so much..." Maeve smiles and sits back to her computer.

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