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Why weren't they stopping each other? It had always been that way. As soon as one tried to get to me, the other pulled them back as soon as possible. So why? Why were they still coming this way without even sparing the other a single glance? Were we wrong about their personalities still being programmed? Thinking it through, it wasn't unlogical for sir to get things wrong. How even would he know how those around us acted? I slowly started stepping back, one by one, finally regaining the strength as they now almost reached me. Shouting for Hyunjin was of no use either. He was caught between the two boys that had always surrounded Da-Hye, from what I'd heard.

While my legs finally seemed to have found the strength to get moving fully, it was already too late, as Jeong-hui just grabbed my wrist, pulling me back, my back against his chest as his hands already started to wonder across my body. No. No, this couldn't be happening. Barely a second later, Jeong-ho too found his way to us, with a firm pull taking me out of Jeong-hui's grip, his arm around my waist to pull me in, already smashing his cold, iron lips against mine. I was back. Back at the horror of my home. The tears started falling down my face already, all of the confidence I had before this slowly leaving my body as the panic set it. I knew it wasn't them, and yet I couldn't seem to move anymore.

"Oh fuck that, absolutely not," Jeong-hui shouted, trying to take me back as he grabbed my left wrist. Yet, this time I wasn't pulled back completely, as I was now caught in the middle while Jeong-ho was still firmly holding onto my right wrist. "She said so herself, she's mine now," Jeong-hui yelled out at his twin, giving my arm a sharp tug, causing me to wince in pain. Even if I wanted to move, I nowhere nearly had the strength to go against one of them, let alone two. "And you think I'd let you have her? I'd rather die than give her to you!" With one final jerk from Jeong-hui, rather then being pulled to him, I was tugged behind him, as his fist hit his brother's face, knocking him down to the ground. "Then die already, would you? I'm done with having to share her! She's never liked you anyways!"

Jeong-ho scoffed, rubbing his cheek, getting back up. "Big words to say for someone that could never take care of her the way I could. If anyone here is going to die today, it's you. Why don't we settle this once and for all? The one that gets to have her is the one last standing." Jeong-hui's lips formed a smirk, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. "It's on, fucker." I let out a sigh of relief, slowly and quietly backing up. I did it. It actually worked. I was right after all.

Sir's voice joined the battle over the speakers, as a commentator. "Would you look at that, what a twist of fate. Rather than to fight them herself, Y/N has managed to make them turn on each other. What guts! What an interesting turn of events! Hyunjin on the other hand seems to be struggling more with his challenges, now finding himself between Da-Hye's lovers. How will he save himself this time? Will he be able to kill them all over again? Let's wait and see!"

Fuck, shit, I'd completely lost sight of Hyunjin! My eyes quickly scanned the sight, completely outside of every fight. The twins had somehow managed to get their hands on swords, while dad seemed to be more focused on the boys than on me. He had always been. Punishing me was one of the things he enjoyed, but what he enjoyed more in the entire world was seeing his precious sons well and happy. Them threatening to kill each other did not fit that perfect picture. Thankfully that gave me the space to go over to Hyunjin, spotting him on his knees, held by the two boys as Da-hye took her sweet time torturing Hyunjin.

I didn't have much time left before reaching them, I had to come up with something quickly. Overpowering them strengthwise wouldn't be possible. Not when it felt like my shoulder was dislocated at this point. So then what on earth could I possibly do to get him out of that? My eyes were glued to Da-hye, watching her as she pushed the needle of her heel against his chest. Everything about her screamed confidence. The wild loose hair, bold red glossy lipstick, crop top, miniskirt, and most of all, her smug face, like she had it all in the world. Like there was nothing she couldn't get.

Close behind her, I laughed to myself. If only she were to know better. I untied my hair, ruffling my hands through it to make mine just as wild. I unbuttoned the top two buttons of my blouse, walking right past her, bumping into her shoulder on purpose as I passed her, kneeling down in front of Hyunjin cupping his face. His tired, pained eyes met mine, the tears already forming as soon as he saw me. "Hi baby," I smiled, ignoring the ever so obviously stunned Da-hye behind me. "Is that loser bothering you?"

That was probably the final blow, as Da-hye, pulled me up, spinning me around to face her. "Who the fuck do you think you are, ignoring me like that!" I sighed, pulling away my arm as I eyed her up and down, shrugging before turning back to Hyunjin, crouching down as I gave him a soft smile, gently pressing my lips against his. "Come on baby, let's leave this nobody be," I whispered, taking him out of the grip of the other two boys, who were just as stunned as Da-hye seemed. The long expected bitch slap hit my cheek, finally making me turn around, now facing her. "I asked you who you think you are, you whore!" A smile crept on my face, clinging onto Hyunjin's arm. "The girl you wish you could ever be, his girlfriend."

After all, the only way to combat a bitch, is to be an even bigger one.

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