a t t y g a e: f o r y o u

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After two years, The Machiavellian is now officially completed!

"Finally, I can now read it!" was the first thing I think most of you would say, specifically, those who have been waiting for this to be completed. Well, guess what? "Finally" was also the first word that came into my mind right after I published the Epilogue of this story. It has been quite a good and long journey not just for me but to all of us. 

With all honesty, writing TM has been a challenge to me. The concept of the story is something way out of the things I usually know so I have to do some research and read some digital materials to understand how a character should behave to align it to the terms I used. It wasn't easy, that's for sure, but it's something that I enjoyed and that's actually what matters the most for a person like me. I enjoyed playing with your minds and publishing drafts that will make you think. What I liked the most in our journey is the fact that you're confused all the time. It only means that I published the chapters that some of you wouldn't understand in just one reading and sitting. It's a good thing because that's my intention. I am a person who likes to read stuff that gives me intensifying flow and unpredictable outcomes that's why I decided to try to create this one. 

I know, I know. It's still not close to perfection but that's just how should it be. I intended to maintain it that way for the reason that this story was the very first story I could really say that I worked hard on. Thus, major revision is no longer an option. I know as well that some of you may say that "this is far from this or that" and that's okay. We all have our own preferences. Sabi nga ni BINI Aiah, the person I really admire these days, people may say that we're not the best in the things we do right now or we may feel that way, but it's okay. As long as we tried our very best, that's the only thing that matters.

I would also like to take this opportunity to express my undying gratitude to everyone. Your presence was enough for me to finish this story and to actually interact with you was one of the greatest thing I've experienced here. Recently, I've seen some ridiculous comments written down here for over a year ago saying that this one's flop and I'm calling out some of your favorite authors to gain clout. It was an aggressive and too personal judgment that was supposed to hurt me but gave nothing because none of it was even true in the first place (I deleted the comments already for I think it's a waste of space). The fact that most of you waited for this to be done means it's not a flop. Your existence proved that. Hence, explanations are no longer needed.

Wattpad is an application or website where stories live but that's actually not the only thing you can find here because I found you. You will always be my living proof that I don't need to gain clout and I'm not saying that the reason is you're already giving me one as well. What I'm just trying to say is ever since I started writing here, I found some great people to be with. I didn't find the 'clout' some were trying to associate me with. I found you and it's more valuable than the access to this clout as claimed by some unreasonable people.

That's why allow me to tell you this. 

Sapat ka. The fact that you're reading this makes me happy. I'm so so glad you're existing because your comments, messages, giving my stories some space in your personal reading lists, and even the little things you do for me are the things that keep me going. You may not feel it but you're loved by me.  

MTUL inspired some of you. May this new one do the same thing to those who are struggling right now or still finding the place where they belong. Above all, may the stories I'm creating give you the peace and rest you deserve and need.
Lastly, may the completion of The Machiavellian (TM) strengthen our connection for I really do believe that my stories are the things that connect me to you.

Thank you so much, my love!

attygae 🌸


What's next for attygae?

Sa ngayon, my next target will be finishing the revision of MTUL. Nakabawi na ako sa mga naghihintay for TM so, it's time for me to focus on MTUL naman. I'll work on it while I ready myself for The Narcissist (TN) and The Psychopath (TP). Aalis na dapat ako after revising MTUL (that's the original plan) kaso dumating kayo eh. I never expected that a lot will still wait for me and my stories. Again, thank you for that! Let's see each other soon (lilipat lang talaga ng story) HAHAHAHAHA 🤙🏻

THE MACHIAVELLIAN [COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon