𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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Moon Nari was reluctantly grocery shopping for her mother at the local convenience store. She'd been forced out of the house with a list in hand and a promise to return quickly. She was just finishing up the shopping, grabbing a cola, when a hand appeared next to hers, reaching for a Red Bull. The hand was adorned with small, colorful bracelets and a tiny skull tattoo on the knuckle of the index finger.

Nari turned slightly, curious to see who it was. The person started speaking before Nari could fully process her surroundings.

"Quark Nari?" The familiar nickname, a nod to her love for physics, made her laugh nervously.

Standing beside her was Yang Bora, the bright and crazy classmate known for her unique fashion sense. During their school days, Bora had a phase where she wore colorful headbands and a leather jacket, making her stand out even more. Surprised to see Nari, Bora's eyes lit up.

"Hey, how are you? It's been a while. Finals kept us all so busy," Bora said, her tone genuinely curious.

Nari replied shyly, "I'm good, just... busy with everything."

As they talked, Bora quickly mentioned the upcoming class trip to Italy. "Are you coming on the trip? It's going to be amazing!" she asked eagerly.

Nari stuttered, unsure. "I don't know if my parents will let me..."

Bora's eyes sparkled with excitement. "You have to come! Jake and Sunghoon are going too." The mention of Sunghoon's name made Nari's heart flutter. Bora continued, "It's the perfect last adventure before we graduate. We'll all remember this trip forever."

They eventually ended up in the cashier line, still chatting. Nari, still new to talking with Bora, felt shy and unsure. They hadn't interacted much in school, partly because most people didn't like Nari. She was seen as too perfect, the girl who always got everything right. But beneath that perfection was a regular human being, full of flaws and insecurities.

As Nari paid for her groceries, she pondered this thought, realizing that maybe this trip could be a chance to show a different side of herself. The chapter closed with Nari reflecting on the idea that no one is truly perfect, not even her.


Moon Nari stood in front of the airport, taking a deep breath. For the first time, she was doing something for herself. She had left her mother a note, explaining that this trip was something she had to do. It was the last thing she wanted to experience before graduating high school—something without her parents' pressure. Adjusting her glasses, she walked into the bustling terminal, determination mixed with excitement.

After getting through security and check-in, she made her way toward her gate. As she wandered through the duty-free shops, she spotted Yang Bora and her friends. They were in the chocolate section, where Jake and Bora were eyeing the free M&M samples. They exchanged a mischievous look and rushed to grab as many as they could from the cup, laughing and fussing as they fought over who got to keep it. A few M&Ms spilled onto the floor, and Nari couldn't help but chuckle at the scene from a distance.

Just then, someone sneaked up behind her. "Boo!" The sudden scare made Nari jump.

She spun around to see Park Sunghoon, laughing at her reaction. Sunghoon, Bora, and Jake's companion, was known for his flirty nature and his knack for charming anyone anywhere. Despite his playful demeanor, he was generally a nice person.

"Quark Nari, are you coming on the trip?" Sunghoon asked, a grin spreading across his face. "It's nice to see you out of your books for once!"

Nari nodded, feeling a bit flustered. "Yes, I am."

"Great! It's going to be fun having you with us." He gestured toward Jake and Bora, who were still bickering over the M&Ms. "Let's go rescue them."

As they walked over, Sunghoon kept the conversation light and humorous. "So, Quark Nari, how does it feel to finally do something for yourself?"

"It feels... different," Nari admitted, trying to keep up with Sunghoon's lively pace. "I'm excited but also nervous."

"Don't worry," Sunghoon said, draping his arm around her shoulders in a friendly gesture. "We'll make sure it's a trip you won't forget."

When they reached Jake and Bora, the duo was still squabbling, dropping M&Ms in the process. "Guys, save some for the rest of the travelers!" Sunghoon teased, earning playful glares from both.

"Hey, Nari!" Bora greeted cheerfully. "Glad you could make it."

The group walked together toward the gate, with Nari slightly trailing behind, still feeling like an outsider. Sunghoon, noticing this, fell back and kept pace with her. "Don't worry, Nari. You're with us now."

As they arrived at the gate, it was already open, and Jake and Bora quickly boarded. Sunghoon and Nari, however, were lagging behind due to the M&M incident. Just as they were about to enter, Nari hesitated, her nerves catching up with her.

"Come on, Nari," Sunghoon urged, noticing her pause. "What's wrong?"

"I'm scared," she admitted, her voice trembling slightly. "I've never done anything like this before, all by myself."

Sunghoon's expression softened. "You're not alone anymore. You have me." He then grinned. "And the others too, of course. It's going to be the best trip of your life. You won't regret it, I promise."

He held out his hand to her, offering reassurance. After a moment's hesitation, Nari took it. Together, they walked through the gate and boarded the aircraft. Nari felt a mix of excitement and nervousness, but Sunghoon's confidence was contagious.

As they settled into their seats, Nari couldn't help but smile. Despite her fears, she knew this trip would be a turning point. She was ready to experience life in a way she never had before, and she had a feeling it would be unforgettable.


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