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Sunghoon & Nari 

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Sunghoon & Nari 

As the morning sunlight filtered through the lobby of their hotel, the group of friends gathered for the day's class activity. Bora, known for her unabashed honesty, launched into an animated retelling of her rough morning due to her period, catching Nari off guard with her openness in front of the boys.

"Seriously, it's like my uterus is holding a grudge today," Bora lamented dramatically, her hands gesturing wildly. Jake chuckled knowingly while Nari shifted uncomfortably, not entirely used to discussing such personal details in mixed company.

Nari glanced over at Sunghoon, who was trying hard not to grin too broadly. "Bora, maybe we don't need all the gory details," Nari quipped, playfully rolling her eyes.

"Oh, come on, Nari. We're practically family. Plus, it's natural!" Bora retorted, shooting a wink at Jake who nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, but do we need a play-by-play?" Jake teased, earning a playful shove from Bora.

Sunghoon couldn't help but laugh at their banter, feeling comfortable and amused by their friendship dynamics.

Their conversation was interrupted by the teacher calling their attention, announcing the day's scavenger hunt activity. Each student would explore different parts of Venice, scanning QR codes to receive clues for the next location.

Nari set off determinedly, navigating the winding streets of Venice with her phone in hand. She quickly deciphered the clues, moving efficiently through the city. As she approached the final location—a park shaded by ancient buildings—she unexpectedly bumped into Sunghoon.

"Well, well, well. Fancy meeting you here," Sunghoon greeted her with a playful grin, eyeing her phone discreetly. "So, what clue are you on, detective Nari?"

Nari narrowed her eyes at him playfully, holding her phone protectively. "Nice try, Sherlock. I'm not giving you any hints," she replied, sticking out her tongue.

Sunghoon chuckled, stepping closer to her. "Alright, fair enough. But how about we take a little break? It's scorching out here," he suggested, nodding towards a nearby bench shaded by a large tree. "Come on, let's rest our weary detective brains."

Nari hesitated for a moment but agreed, settling on the bench beside him. As they sat together, Sunghoon's playful demeanor shifted subtly, his tone becoming softer and more flirtatious.

"You know, Nari, I've been thinking," Sunghoon began, his gaze lingering on her face. "This city looks even more beautiful with you in it."

Nari blushed at the unexpected compliment, her heart skipping a beat. "Smooth, Sunghoon," she replied with a shy smile, feeling a warmth spread through her cheeks.

Seizing the moment, Sunghoon leaned a little closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. "And I've been enjoying our time together. Just walking around, discovering new places... with you," he confessed, his eyes locking with hers.

Nari's heart raced at his words, the air around them thick with unspoken tension. "Me too," she admitted softly, unable to look away from his captivating gaze.

Unbeknownst to Nari, while they were engrossed in their conversation, Sunghoon had quietly tied both of her shoelaces together under the bench.

Just as they were leaning in closer, Sunghoon suddenly stood up with a mischievous grin. "Well, it's been nice chatting, but duty calls!" he declared, starting to walk away.

Confused, Nari tried to stand up but stumbled as her shoelaces held her back. "Hey, wait!" she called after him, flustered and slightly embarrassed as Sunghoon turned back to laugh at her predicament.

"Sunghoon!" she exclaimed, realizing what he had done as she hurriedly untangled her laces. "You sneaky little—"

Sunghoon's laughter echoed through the park as he teasingly called back, "Hurry up, Nari! The clues are waiting!"

Despite the playful prank, Nari couldn't help but laugh along with him, her heart warming at his infectious humor.

"I'll get you for this, Sunghoon!" she called back with a grin, picking up her pace as she chased after him to the final clue, their laughter mingling with the joy of the day's adventure in Venice.

Later that day, after a successful scavenger hunt where they managed to solve all the clues before anyone else, the group reconvened in the hotel lobby. Bora and Jake recounted their amusing misadventures, including Jake accidentally scanning a QR code that led them to a gelato shop instead of the next clue.

"So, the clue said 'find the hidden gem of Venice,' and there we were, staring at a counter of gelato flavors," Jake chuckled, shaking his head at the memory.

Bora grinned. "At least we got to enjoy some gelato while Nari and Sunghoon were busy playing detectives," she teased, nudging Nari playfully.

Nari blushed but couldn't help smiling as Sunghoon stood beside her, their shoulders brushing lightly. "Hey, we were on a mission," she defended with a laugh.

Sunghoon wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer. "And we aced it," he added proudly, his eyes sparkling with admiration for Nari.

The evening continued with shared stories and laughter, the group enjoying their time together in Venice, each moment solidifying their bonds of friendship and, for Nari and Sunghoon, something more that was just beginning to bloom amidst the ancient beauty of the city.


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