𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐨𝐧𝐞

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After Nari left him standing there, Sunghoon felt lost, but he quickly shook off his thoughts and put on a mask of nonchalance. He headed to the garden area, where he spotted Jake playing cards, betting money. Sighing, Sunghoon walked over just as the bets were being placed, and he sat on the armrest of Jake's chair, betting for him with his own money.

Jake looked up at him and said, "Don't get into this, man."

"Just play," Sunghoon replied, waving him off.

Unfortunately, Jake lost the game, and he gave Sunghoon a look. Thinking Jake was mad, Sunghoon defended himself, "How is this my fault?"

Jake chuckled, shaking his head. "It's not. Just bad luck."

The two of them walked back into Jake's bedroom. Jake, trying to lighten the mood, said, "This isn't Las Vegas, man. We weren't going to hit a double jackpot. I was just doing my thing."

Sunghoon laughed, "It's fine. It's done now. Totally playful."

Jake, a bit more serious, added, "You never listen, man. Don't waste your hard-earned money."

"Money is nothing," Sunghoon replied, still chuckling.

Jake laughed with him, then went to the bathroom to wash his face. Sunghoon was about to leave the room when he stopped, realizing something. He headed to the bathroom door, peeking his head in and seeing Jake.

"Double jackpot? Las Vegas?" Sunghoon began, his eyes lighting up with the memory. "The casino episode where she put $20 in the slot machine and..."

Jake continued the sentence for him, "...and won $20,000. That host of yours is hot."

Sunghoon's eyes softened. "You've seen my show?"

Jake smiled, looking at Sunghoon through the mirror. "You've done around 40 episodes. I've watched them all."

Sunghoon smiled softly. "Then why were you pretending?"

Jake turned to face him, replying earnestly, "It was your show, Hoon. How could I not watch it?"

They both smiled at each other, the bond of their friendship palpable. "I missed you, man," Sunghoon said.

"I missed you too," Jake replied, coming out of the bathroom and sitting on his bed to put on his shoes.

Sunghoon sat next to him and then asked, "Jake, can I say something?"

Jake nodded. Sunghoon continued, "I heard about your bar. It's just a bad phase, man. I have some savings. I want you to take it. Save your bar."

Jake looked at Sunghoon, feeling a mix of guilt and shame. "It's a lot of money, Hoon."

"How much?" Sunghoon asked.

"$25 million," Jake replied.

"Done," Sunghoon said immediately.

Jake sighed and got up, grabbing two glasses. "Our friendship isn't that cheap, Hoon."

"What can I do for you, Jake?" Sunghoon asked.

Jake handed him a drink and said, "All I want is for you to be here and have a drink with me."

Sunghoon smiled softly, and they clinked glasses, taking a drink. They sat there, sharing a moment of companionship, and then both started chuckling and laughing for no reason, the weight of their worries momentarily lifted.


It was late at night, and most people were out in the garden talking, chatting, and laughing under the stars. Bora, Jake, and Sunghoon were sitting together on a cozy outdoor sofa, a few empty bottles of beer at their feet, reminiscing about the past.

"Remember that time in high school when Jake tried to impress that girl by climbing the flagpole?" Bora said, a mischievous grin spreading across her face.

Jake groaned, shaking his head. "Oh, come on, Bora, you have to bring that up? I thought we agreed never to speak of that again."

Sunghoon burst out laughing, slapping his knee. "I remember! You made it halfway up before the principal came out and started yelling at you. What was her name again? Kelly?"

"Kimberly," Jake corrected, chuckling despite himself. "And she didn't even look twice at me after that. Waste of time and pride."

Bora giggled, taking a sip of her drink. "I think the best part was you getting stuck and having to wait for the fire department to come and get you down."

Jake rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. At least I wasn't the one who got caught sneaking out of the house to meet up with some random guy from a party, Miss Bora."

Bora's eyes widened, and she punched Jake's arm lightly. "Hey, that was one time! And he was cute. Plus, we all know Sunghoon was the real troublemaker."

Sunghoon held up his hands defensively. "Whoa, whoa, hold on. I wasn't that bad. I was just... adventurous."

Jake snorted. "Adventurous? You mean like that time you stole your dad's car and took us all on a joyride to the beach in the middle of the night?"

Bora laughed, nearly spilling her drink. "Oh my god, yes! And then we ran out of gas and had to push the car for like two miles to the nearest gas station."

Sunghoon grinned sheepishly. "Okay, that one might have been a bit reckless. But it was fun, right?"

Jake shook his head, still smiling. "Yeah, it was. Those were some crazy times."

Bora sighed, a nostalgic look in her eyes. "We've all grown up a lot since then, haven't we? But in some ways, it feels like nothing's changed."

"Except now we have bills, jobs, and actual responsibilities," Jake said with a mock sigh of despair.

Sunghoon laughed. "True, but we're still the same idiots at heart. Just slightly more responsible idiots."

Jake raised his bottle in a toast. "Here's to us, the responsible idiots."

Bora and Sunghoon clinked their bottles with his. "To us!" they echoed.

A comfortable silence settled over them for a moment, the night air filled with the sounds of laughter and chatter from other guests. Bora leaned back, looking at the stars. "You know, I miss this. Just the three of us, hanging out and talking about anything and everything."

Jake nodded. "Me too. Life gets so busy, it's easy to forget to take a break and just enjoy the moment."

Sunghoon smiled softly. "Yeah, but that's what nights like these are for. To remind us of what really matters."

Bora grinned, a mischievous glint in her eye. "And to remind Jake never to climb flagpoles again."

Jake groaned, but he couldn't help but laugh. "Alright, alright, I get it. No more flagpoles. But seriously, it's good to be here with you guys. I wouldn't trade it for anything."

Sunghoon clapped a hand on Jake's shoulder. "Same here, man. Same here."

They sat there, basking in the warmth of their friendship, the night growing later but their hearts feeling lighter.


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