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Sunghoon & Nari

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Sunghoon & Nari

The next morning, the class gathered in the hotel's dining area for breakfast at the buffet. The aroma of freshly baked pastries, sizzling bacon, and brewed coffee filled the air. The students were bustling around, excitedly chatting about the day's plans.

Nari, still feeling the warmth of last night's memories, found herself gravitating towards Sunghoon. They naturally ended up side by side as they navigated the buffet. She reached for a plate, her eyes scanning the array of food laid out before them.

Sunghoon was beside her, grabbing a plate of his own. As Nari reached for a croissant, Sunghoon leaned over to grab a serving of fresh fruit, bringing them close enough that she could feel the warmth of his body next to hers. Their arms brushed, sending a small shiver down her spine. She could feel his breath on her skin, making her heart race.

He leaned in a bit closer, his lips just inches from her ear. "Good morning," he murmured, his voice soft and intimate.

Nari turned her head slightly, their faces now so close she could see the flecks of gold in his eyes. "Good morning," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper, her cheeks flushing a delicate pink.

Sunghoon's eyes flicked down to her lips for a brief moment before he smiled and took a step back, allowing her some space to breathe. The moment lingered between them, charged with an unspoken connection.

They continued to move along the buffet, occasionally reaching for the same items and exchanging shy smiles. Sunghoon handed her a plate of scrambled eggs, their fingers brushing again. "Here, try these. They look delicious," he said, his tone light and playful.

"Thanks," Nari replied, accepting the plate and feeling a flutter in her stomach.

As they both finished filling their plates, they made their way to the table where Bora and Jake were already seated. Bora was animatedly discussing their plans for the day, and Jake was nodding along, a grin on his face.

"Finally! You two took your sweet time," Bora teased as Nari and Sunghoon sat down.

Nari laughed, trying to shake off the lingering tension from the buffet. "Just wanted to make sure we got everything we wanted," she replied, glancing at Sunghoon who winked at her in response.

They all started to dig into their breakfast, the conversation flowing easily. Sunghoon and Nari found themselves often leaning towards each other, sharing small comments and inside jokes. Each touch, each shared look, deepened the growing bond between them.

At one point, Sunghoon reached over to wipe a bit of jam off the corner of Nari's mouth with his thumb. The gesture was so intimate and sweet that it left Nari feeling both flustered and elated.

"Thanks," she said softly, her eyes meeting his.

"Anytime," he replied, his smile warm and genuine.

The rest of the breakfast continued in the same vein, filled with laughter, shared stories, and small, intimate moments. By the time they finished eating, Nari felt a sense of contentment and excitement for the day ahead.

As they stood up to leave, Sunghoon placed a hand gently on Nari's back, guiding her through the crowd. She could feel his touch lingering, a reminder of the closeness they were building.

"Ready for another adventure?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with excitement.

"Absolutely," Nari replied, her smile matching his. She knew that whatever the day held, it would be unforgettable, especially with Sunghoon by her side.


The group made their way to the museum, with the sun shining brightly over Venice. Nari, who had always enjoyed museums, walked with a spring in her step, excited for the day ahead. Bora, on the other hand, looked less enthusiastic.

"Ugh, museums are so boring," Bora groaned, dragging her feet.

Nari smiled reassuringly at her friend. "Trust me, it'll be fine. There's so much to see and learn!"

Sunghoon appeared beside them, slipping his arm around Nari's shoulders. "Don't worry, Bora. We've got Quark Nari with us. If anyone can make it fun, it's her," he said, using the nickname from school.

Bora rolled her eyes playfully. "Fine, but if I fall asleep, you're all to blame."

Jake, walking ahead of them, turned around and grinned. "If Bora falls asleep, we'll just leave her here as a new exhibit."

Bora smacked Jake on the arm. "Very funny, Jake."

As they entered the museum, the group marveled at the grandeur of the building. High ceilings, intricate frescoes, and marble statues greeted them, setting the tone for an impressive tour. Nari's eyes sparkled with excitement as she took in the surroundings.

They wandered through various exhibits, from Renaissance paintings to ancient Roman artifacts. Jake and Bora, despite their initial reluctance, found themselves captivated by some of the displays. They were a bit loud at times, joking and making comments that had Nari and Sunghoon stifling their laughter.

"Look at this guy," Jake said, pointing at a statue of a stern-looking Roman general. "He looks like he just found out they ran out of pizza."

Bora giggled. "Or maybe someone told him he can't bring his pet lion to the Colosseum."

Nari laughed, appreciating their attempts to lighten the mood. Sunghoon stayed close to her, often leaning in to share his own observations.

"See that painting?" Sunghoon whispered, pointing to a grand Renaissance piece. "The guy in the back looks like he's plotting something. Probably wondering who ate the last piece of cheese."

Nari giggled, covering her mouth. "I can't unsee that now."

As they moved through the museum, Sunghoon's arm occasionally brushed against Nari's, sending small thrills through her.

The group soon came across a statue of a naked Roman athlete, and Jake couldn't resist making a comment. "Well, someone's not afraid to let it all hang out," he said, smirking.

Bora snorted. "Talk about balls of steel."

Nari turned red, trying not to laugh, while Sunghoon shook his head, grinning. "Seriously, Jake? You can't take us anywhere."

Jake continued, not missing a beat. "Hey, Sunghoon, think you could pull off a pose like that?"

Sunghoon glanced at Nari with a playful smirk. "Depends. Think Nari would enjoy the view?"

Nari's blush deepened as she stuttered, "I-I think the statue's fine just as it is."

Bora laughed and nudged Nari. "Come on, admit it. You're curious now."

Sunghoon leaned in closer to Nari, his breath warm against her ear. "Maybe one day, I'll give you a private tour," he whispered teasingly.

Nari giggled, feeling both embarrassed and exhilarated by his attention. "You wish."

As they moved to the final exhibit, a beautiful hall filled with intricate mosaics, Nari felt a sense of contentment. She looked around at her friends, feeling grateful for the experience.

Bora, now fully engaged, turned to Nari. "Okay, I'll admit it. This was pretty cool."

Nari smiled, glad that Bora had enjoyed herself. "Told you it would be fun."

Sunghoon gave Nari's shoulder a gentle squeeze. "You were right, Quark Nari. You made this a great day."

As they left the museum, the group chatted excitedly about their favorite parts. Nari walked alongside Sunghoon, feeling a sense of warmth and happiness. The day had been perfect, filled with laughter, learning, and a growing bond with Sunghoon.


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