Act 3-Part 1

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"You're good at this end, the rest is up to you." 

Aaliyah Cohen, holding toddler Abigail, moved her fingers across the holographic screen in front of the two girls, Abigail tried to reach out and touch something, Aaliyah softly grabbed her hand. "No, Abs, it'll hurt Dada." Aaliyah said.

Abigail Cohen-Stark, was turning four years old in September, in seven months time, Tony had adopted Abigail six months ago but Aaliyah and Tony had not yet moved out the friendship zone, and they weren't quite sure when they would.

"So, you disconnected the transmission lines? Because, I am not touching anything and then making it all go to full on horseshit." Aaliyah comments, she smiled and adjusted Abigail on her hip.

"Don't teach Abby bad language until she's older. Stark Tower is about to become a beacon of self-sustaining clean energy." Tony said, he smiled, of course Aaliyah couldn't see but she could hear the grin in his tone.

"Assuming the arc reactor actually lights up and takes over." said Aaliyah. "Ali, trust me for .2 seconds please? I assume." said Tony.

Aaliyah let out a sigh, flipping the switch on the desk before turning to the floor to ceiling windows of the Stark Tower living room. A smile lit up her face as she saw the lights outlining the landing zone for the The Magdalene and Iron Man armors light up. Abigail laughed as she saw she bright lights, causing her mother to smile at that.

"How's it looking at your end?" Aaliyah asked. "Like Christmas, but with more me." said Tony. "I can just hear the smugness in your tone." said Aaliyah.

"We've go to go wider on the public awareness campaign. You need to do some press. Pepper's in DC tomorrow. She's working on the zoning for the next three buildings." said Aaliyah adding onto her previous sentence.

"Liyah, enjoy the moment." said Tony. "Then get in her and Abs and I will." said Aaliyah, Abigail let out a laugh, "one day this will all be hers, you know?" Tony asked, walking in. "Seriously?" Aaliyah asked. Tony just grinned and stole Abigail off her mother.

"Levels are holding steady I think." said Aaliyah, as Tony placed Abigail down and crouched to her height as she waddled around, still learning to keep her balance, being fourteen weeks premature when she was born caused some bleeding on her brain and some minour brain damage.

Aaliyah smiled at the scene as she went over to grab champagne. "Of course the levels are holding steady, I was directly involved, which leads me to my next question. How does it feel to be even more of a genius?" Tony asked.

Aaliyah walked back over and places the champagne on the coffee table. "All this, came from that." Aaliyah says stabbing the arc reactor with her finger while Abigail held onto Tony's leg, which Aaliyah grinned at.

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