Act 10-Part 6

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Aaliyah Cohen sighed as she brushed out the non existent creases out of her dress, it belonged to her mother, and without her father being alive, Fury much to everyone's joy and shock offered to give her away in loco parentis.

Emma, Aaliyah's lovely, pregnant cousin walked in the room, Aaliyah was in, it felt different, quieter, sadder, empty without Natasha, Clint was different, he tried not to let it show but everyone knew and everyone accepted it, his wife had sacrificed herself, and now Clint had to explain to a ten year old (Hayley-Rose), who was meant to be fifteen like Abigail, a six year old (Ivan) and a three year old (Katerina-Alexandra) why their mother wasn't coming home.

It had been three weeks since that day.

"It's different without her, here." Aaliyah comments.

"I know," Emma said as she placed her hand on her three month pregnant stomach, she was going to tell Steve after they won in Wakanda but they didn't win and she disappeared, taking the baby with her. "Are you okay?" Emma asked, seeing how tense her cousin was.

"No, I'm getting married after seven years of being engaged and I'm forty three, I'll be forty four by the time this small child breaths air," Aaliyah replied placing her hands on her stomach, she was only a few weeks pregnant, they baby couldn't have been more than the size of a poppy seed.

Emma sighed and stepped into the room taking Aaliyah's hands in her own. "Look at me, you've been wanting this wedding for the past seven years but you can hold off on that if you want." she said.

"I know, I know." said Aaliyah, she smiled at her cousin, and the two started heading out to where Zuri's replacement, who's name none of the Avengers could pronounce even when it was explained to them.

Aaliyah had decided against a Jewish wedding and T'Challa had offered to have the wedding in Wakanda, outdoors, something Tony and Aaliyah jumped at the chance to accept, wanting to see the beauty of Wakanda without the risk of alien invasion.

Aaliyah and Emma had met with Fury, who'd actually smiled when he saw Aaliyah's wedding dress, remembering when Dalia had bought it for her own wedding, it was in mint condition because Adam couldn't let it go.

Everyone was sitting on the rocks waiting for the wedding to start while Tony was getting very antsy at the front, Rhodey who was his best man clapped a hand on his shoulder. "Everything okay?" he asked.

"Oh yeah, it's fine," Tony replied before looking at his best friend. "You've still got the rings, right?" he asked double checking because if Rhodey dropped them, the rings would be gone.

"Yes, now relax. She's gonna be here." said Rhodey, sharing a look with Steve, who was one of the groomsmen, Emma started moving to the front as neither Tony nor Aaliyah wanted the bridal music so Emma walking up the aisle to stand with Pepper was the signal that everyone should shut up. 

Rhodey, nearly fainted in shock when she saw his other best friend, he smiled at her and tapped Tony on the shoulder who looked at him and pointed to Aaliyah, causing Tony to stare at her and smile, which made Aaliyah relax.

With Aaliyah at the altar, Fury scurried to go sit next to his wife Priscilla who was a Skrull and Carol Danvers and the ceremony started, and soon it was over and time for the reception, Aaliyah was sick of people giving her congratulations and moved to sit some where peaceful, Tony going with her.

After some silence Emma and Steve walked over, while the children were all running around and everyone was socialising. "We should tell you, we're not returning to America." said Emma.

Aaliyah's breath stilled in her throat. "What?" she croaked out.

"T'Challa's made me the permanent Chief of the Wakandan Medical Staff, and I love that job, plus Wakanda is a safe place to raise our children, they'll be safe here. I'm sorry." Emma's voice broke at the end of her sentence.

 Aaliyah shot up like a bullet and hugged Emma, it was hard, given that the two lived right next door with Dalia (Aaliyah's mother) and Noah (Emma's father) being twins and Adam (Aaliyah's father) and Hayley (Emma's mother) were best friends so Aaliyah Cohen, Tony Stark, Emma Diament and eventually James Rhodes all grew up together.

Now, Aaliyah would be returning to America without her cousin, Clint was retiring so that he could see his kids grow up, Bruce was retiring, Natasha was dead, Steve and Emma also retiring, Thor had gone off with the Guardians of the Galaxy so he was technically retired, and then there was Aaliyah and Tony, both of whom were hanging their suits up for good.

The world had new heroes, new people who could be Avengers, the world had no need for the original seven which became eight in 2015 when Emma joined them, but that didn't mean the world would just forget them, far from it and everyone knew that but they were tired.

"We'll come visit, promise." said Aaliyah.

"Likewise." Emma said as she and Aaliyah pulled away from the hug, Steve and Tony had shook hands again, and everyone started leaving except Emma, Steve and Hayley, and the Wakandan's.

"Ready to go home?" Tony asked as he gripped Aaliyah's hand, which she gripped in return, her free hand holding Samantha's, while Tony's free hand held Samuel's and Abigail who was now fifteen held seven year old Isabella's hand.

"Yeah." said Aaliyah.

The second Aaliyah Cohen set foot in the family home, she and Tony placed their nanoparticle Iron Suit's in a locked box and dropped it in the lake, they were indeed finally able to rest, able to watch their children grow up.


So, that's Aaliyah's story finished, yay.

Uh, you wanna see more of her there's a part I'm posting which basically advertisers 'Her Cousin' which is the second book in the Aaliyah Cohen Series.

Also, anyone who read the Introduction of this story knows that this is book one of The Avengers Series that I'm creating, based around the Marvel Cinematic Universe's original six Avengers, but the characters in this story will not appear in book two.

It's explained better in the next part after 'Her Cousin'.

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