Moving out, Moving In |39|

514 15 1

(Harley's POV)

29th of July 10:42am

We just got back home from Somerville last night and as of right now Madison's sleeping on top of me so I can't really move. Like she's not fully on me but she's on me.

I was thinking of proposing on the 31st or like after we finish moving into our new house. It's different, plus I want a winter wedding. Wait maybe I should think of what wedding she wants.

It's fine, we'll sort it out. Wait- what if she says no? What if she doesn't like the ring? Fuck I did not think this through. "Are you good there?" She groans moving to the side. Oh, my breathing. "Yeah." I smile. She lets out a little groan then buries her face into my neck.

I really really need her to say yes to this or else I'm going down in history as 'the chick who got rejected by the most beautiful woman on earth'. The pain is real. It's really hard having an attractive girlfriend. It's not for the weak.

Like don't get me wrong I love when she gets compliments just not by certain people such as men, old men, teenagers, girls, women, everyone.

I'd like to keep her to myself but I can't. She belongs to the world. Kidding she's mine and she knows that. That isn't changing either, ever. Who do I even want at the wedding? Definitely our families, our friends, I want Tana mongeau to come.

Don't ask. Basically a bunch of my singer friends, cast friends, friends, family and photographers. Yeah. Oo, I want Marley and Presley to be little pups running around. They're my children. Where do I want it though? Where would she want it? Maybe in our future backyard. Ew no.

Uhm maybe the beach? Yeah but that's basic. I don't know I'll ask her once she says yes. I really hope she says yes. We've spent most of our lives together and I want that to continue. I don't want it to end. We have something I've never felt for anyone before.

I'm so crazy for her that if she asked me to fly to the other side of the world while she's on tour just for a hug, I would. Without hesitation. It's kind of scary to me how fast I'd drop everything for her. I love her and nothing and no one, can change that.

She's mine and I'm hers. It's as simple as that. We lay in bed for another hour until she gets up. "I'm tired." She groans sitting up. "That's nice." I smile sitting up as well.

She turns her head to me and furrows her eyebrows. Aw she looks like a little baby. "You suck." She says. "You'll live." I smile standing up. "Hey where are you going?" "To work." "What?" "I have a meeting today then I'm going to pick up Presley and Marley from Billie's house." "Do you have to?" She whines. "Yes, yes I have to." I smile cupping her jaw.

I kiss her then pull back. I look through my closet trying to find something appropriate. "What am I going to do then?" She asks. "One, go to your house and pack your stuff up. Two, sit in bed all day, or whatever." I suggest. "Oh, forgot about that." She replies.

I change into my meeting clothes then walk to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and my hair then straighten it. I do my makeup then walk back into the room to put on my shoes. "Okay, I love you." I smile.

"Wait come here." She says. I lean down to her sitting on my bed and she kisses me. "Okay I'm good now. Bye, I love you." She smiles. I walk out of my room to my car then drive all the way into the city to Interscope Records.

I get out of my car then walk inside to the building. I get into the elevator and go to the sixteenth floor. I walk through a door and I'm greeted by my team and Gracie Abrams's team along with herself.

A smile appears on my face. It's been a while since I've seen Gracie. "Harley!" She says excitedly jumping up and hugging me. "Hi Gracie." I smile hugging her back. We let go then sit down. We speak about how to keep the album she dropped a month ago relevant, just marketing ideas and ect. We talk for an hour or two before I move off to another meeting upstairs.

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