Party, sex, lawyers |24|

701 11 6

(Harley's POV)

Please that photo ^
If you couldn't tell by the title, this is not child appropriate chapter

I lean back dodging his fist. "Jesus Zach, bit mad?" I say with full bitchiness. "You're pathetic." He scoffs. "Harley please." I hear Madison beg from Chris's arms. I look over and send a reassuring smile her way. "Harley!" She shouts with her voice breaking. I look at her confused and turn my head around to see Zach's literal knuckles in my face. My head turns back around to Madison's direction from the force. I hold my face and look up but I feel something. Sure it hurts but that's the pain of getting punched in the face. I place my hand on my painful left cheek to feel- blood? I run my finger along the cut against my cheekbone. Mother fucker just ruined my perfect face, who's going to be bringing in the customers for Louis Vuitton now? "Wow that's real mature of you hitting a twenty one year old when you're what? Like about to be thirty?" I say as petty as I can be. "Oh you-" He tries to well- bitch slap me but fails, I dodge his strange hands and place my knuckles into his face knocking him back a couple of steps.

I take more steps forward getting closer and just belt him in the face. He eventually kneels and I push him onto the floor, I bend down. "Don't ever touch, speak, or even look at Madison ever again you fucking weirdo, and make sure to tell everyone you got beat by a twenty one year old girl when they ask what happened." I say with a serious tone before getting back up. I stand still trying to comprehend what the fuck I just did. He laying there bleeding, I think I knocked a tooth or two out while he has a massive bruise forming around his right eye. He's covering his nose though, whoops. "Harley!" Madison says concerned. Her voice makes me so sad because she sounds genuinely concerned. My brother lets go her from his arms and she finds her way to me. "Are you okay?" She asks terrified as she hugs me tightly. "I'm okay." I smile hugging her back, been a while since I had one of these from her. I love them, especially from her. She has this warmth, so comforting that nobody else has. It's like she's the only person in this room with you, like all of my problems have gone away and we're floating on clouds. Madison lets go and places her soft hands under my jaw.

"Let's get you cleaned up." She says tracing her thumb just above my jawline swiping it back and forth. I nod and smile, she takes my hand and leads me to a room upstairs. She place me in the bed and then walks into the bedroom's bathroom. Madison walks back out with a towel, it's wet and dry? Also a bandaid and scissors. She sits next to me. "Stay still." She says softly. I nod my head and she places the towel against the cut on my cheekbone. She slowly starts to wipe it along collecting my blood. I whine at the pain. "Oh you're such a baby." She smiles with a small laugh. "Am not." I roll my eyes playfully. She finishes up with the towel leaving a moist but clean cut on my face. She cuts the bandaid into little strips then places four across my cut helping the wound to close. "Should heal soon." She says examining my face. "Thank you." I reply softly. There's a moment of silence, nothing but the sound of music from downstairs. The music cuts. Huh? "One minute!" We hear someone yell from downstairs.

I look at Madison confused and she looks at me in the same way. Realisation hits me. "Oh it's almost a new year." I say. "Oh." She smiles. Sure have missed that smile. "So uh did you mean what you said to Zach?" She asks. I nod my head slowly. "Why'd you invite him?" I question. "I clearly wasn't thinking straight, it was a shitty move." "Clearly." "I'm sorry Harls." Her voice is so soft, it melts my heart. We hear shouting from downstairs, I'm even more confused now. "They're counting down from ten." Madison whispers. I relax a bit and we just look into each others eyes as we hear the counting. "8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3-" I zoned out by the smile on her face. "Hey Harley." She says shaking me gently. "You okay? Happy new yea-" I cut her off by kissing her. She's taken back by my action but then leans into it. The kiss gets more deeper and passionate. "Hey Har- Oh shit." Someone walks in. We pull away from each other and start giggling.

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