10 Things I Hate About You |20|

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(Harley's POV)

Definitely not a child appropriate chapter.

I look in front of me to see Madison. The one I used to call my girlfriend. I just stare at her dead in the eye. "Nessa I thought we were doing stuff today." Madison mumbles. "I tried telling you last night about the change of plans but you cut me off to tell me some bullshit." "Bullshit?" Her eyes widen at her sister words. "Not bullshit you know what I mean." Nessa says. "Yeah well could have texted me she was going to be here." My eyes narrows, my face giving a disgusted look. Who does this bitch think she is? "Oh my god! Hi Madison! It soooo nice to see you again, how are you?" I join in with the most sarcastic bitchiest voice anyone's ever heard. "Harley! I'm doing so well thank you, how's your boyfriend and girlfriend doing?" She replies with the same tone. My eyebrows raise in confusion, I fold. I love how she matches my energy. "Boyfriend and girlfriend? Babes I was only gay for you." I say blowing a kiss as I walk into Nessa's kitchen.

"Griffin and Jayla. They're adorable, your threesomes must be great!" She says. And something inside me switches. I turn around walking to her at a fast pace, I push her against the wall holding her sweater tightly. "Threesome really?" I say pushing her harder, her breathing seems to get heavier but I can't seem to stop. "Harley." Nessa says from behind me. "You're fucking Jayla or griffin." She huffs. My arms seem to have let go of her a little bit, I smile. "That's cute, I'm too busy to want dick." "Definitely not clit." She mumbles. "Excuse me." My arms pushing harder now. "You're excused." She smiles. My body gets hit with a huge wave of derealisation. My breathing gets heavier and I start to feel my heart jump out of my chest. My head starts to feel light and my throat begins to close. My eye sight becoming blurry with each blink i take, I look at Madison to see two of the same person. My head's spinning around and around feeling like a roller coaster. My vision starts going dark. This feels like.. death?

(Madison's POV)

Harleys grip becomes instantly loose. She takes a step back looking around my sister's apartment frantically. "Harley?" I question trying to get her attention. She looks at me swaying back and forth, she blinks once more then


She falls to the floor. "Harley!" Nessa and I shout in sync. My knees drop down to the floor and I start to shake Harley carelessly. "Harley! Harley!" I repeat her name over and over. Her head moves left the slightest and Nessa stands up. I ignore her and continue to shake Harley none stop. "Move." I hear my sister say. I look up at her desperately only to see a glass of water in her hand. I move back a bit and Nessa just dumps the water on Harleys face. "Harley?" I ask begging for a response. Her head moves slowly across the floor. "Harley!" I say shaking her. She opens her eyes and stares at me drowsy. "Madison?" She questions. "Oh my god." I say with relief. Her brown eyes looking up at me in confusion, I just grab her holding her were while sitting on the floor. She doesn't seem to care, she just.. relaxes into it? Harley holds my arms while they're wrapped around her.

"What happened?" She groans as I slowly sit her up. "You fainted." I say softly. "Oh sorry." She apologises, she seems really sad about, like she's a baby. She properly sits up facing me, I cup my hand around her jaw. "Don't be sorry." I smile rubbing her cheek. Our eyes interlock and we sorta start to lean in? "Uh hello? You're both in my house." Nessa says. I shake my head back into reality and drop my hand. Forgot we were here. I smile at my sister and stand up, picking up Harley from the floor as well. She's the weight of a thirteen year old I swear. As I hold her close to me I whisper in her ear. "When was the last time you ate." "Tuesday." She mumbles out of tiredness. I pull her in for a hug. "That was two days ago." My heart breaks into two, not because she hasn't eaten in two days, because this is because of me. I caused this. She rests her head on my chest, in a massive awe right now.

𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐝 - 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now