Too Many Emails |11|

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(Harley's POV)

May 24th 2023

Today's our official three month anniversary of being broken up. I finished shooting the rest of OBX, we started filming right after season three came out then took a break in November, aka Christmas holidays then the Grammys, Oscars, Brit's, you name it was all after January. I left at the end of February and just came back this morning. Sunburnt as fuck, tired as fuck, honestly just so exhausted. Since Madison and I have gone our separate ways I've found myself falling into the hole from 2016. I don't eat properly, always dehydrated, don't sleep, when I do though it's for hours on end, like I go to bed at eight and wake up at two pm the next day. You know what's funny, this would have been our six month anniversary of being together but I guess not.

She kept me together, she made sure I would eat, helped me sleep by wrapping me in her arms, she made me me. And without her I'm nobody. Honestly my only friends are my coworkers and a couple of singers. But what's really shit is I missed Madison's birthday. I texted her happy birthday and that was the last time we talked. She spent it on tour where ever she was. She seems to be doing great without me. I mean her Insta captions. 'Life couldn't be any better 🤍' 'better off without you.' 'paris must've turn of the eiffel tower bc we were having too much fun' Like shut up. And to make it ten times worst, Nick has to comment on each individual post. 'Icon 🌟 I miss you' 'So cute' 'Unbelievable' 'My queeeeen 🛸🛸🛸' And you can shut up too.

WHO DOES THAT? 'Oh my god my sister got broken up with so I'm gonna comment on all her ex girlfriends post to make sure she hates me' shut the fuck up. Wait- no. I'm not jealous, am I?


My thoughts are interrupted by my one and only thing I haven't stopped looking at since February, my phone. Let's make this situation worst. The one and only thing I've been looking at is on my phone is Madison's Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, Facebook. You name it, I've looked at it. I open my phone to the notification.


Evening Miss Sturniolo,
We have been informed you have returned home from Charleston, South Carolina this morning from your manger Tiffany Coford.
We'd like to have a meeting about shooting time for the next month.
Please respond ASAP.

Kind Regards
Carla Hars,
Louis Vuitton Manger.

I throw my phone against my wall. Before I could get up and get it Chris runs through my door. "Are you okay? What was that bang?" Chris asks. I look at him confused. "I'm fine and it was my phone." I reply. He picks it up and hands it to me. "Harley we should talk." "About?" "You getting help." "I don't need help." I scoff. "Ever since you and Madison broke up your well... different." "Define different." "Less happier, less active, and I guess less interested in living." "Geez didn't have to put it like that. I've been gone for the past three months how would you know that?" "Over the phone and." He pauses. "And?" I ask trying to see what he's getting at.

"Well like I called your friends on set to see how you were and turns out you lock yourself in your set room and just read your lines for hours. You just lock yourself in there not talking to anyone till it's time to shoot. That's not normal Harley." "It's just my job." "You didn't do that on Hsmtmts or Barbie or Zombies or Strangler Thi-" "Okay I get it. I'm fine just that was the old me I need to work properly now." "When I said less interested in living I also mean living like a twenty year old." "About to be twenty one actually." "Right. NICK! MATT!" He shouts. They come into my room. "Yessss?" Nick exaggerates. Do not like him right now. In fact I don't like anyone. They can all fuck themselves. With lots of love of course.

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