Finally Asking for Permission |37|

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(Harley's POV)

"Well when you two were younger you were inseparable and when I found out you were bi," She points at me. "and you." She points at Madison. "Me and your mother instantly knew you would end up together." Tracy says. I look at Madison and she looks at me. "When was this?" Mads asks. "Oh when you were like twenty and you just turned eighteen." She says and my jaw drops. I wasn't out then. "There's no way you would have thought that- I wasn't even out?" I say confused. "Harley I love you but every mom can tell when their daughter likes girls." Tracie smiles. I just sit there with my jaw dropped. "So that's why she wasn't so shocked when I told her." I mutter. "And now you two are perfectly happy." She says. "Sadly." Madison looks down at the table. I snap my neck around to her and furrow my eyebrows. "Do you like us fighting?" I ask. She looks up at me then kiss my cheek. "No dickhead." She giggles.

An instant smile shows on my face. "Well that's cute." Tracie smiles. We all talk catching up one everything until dinner is made. We take a seat at the dinner table and start to eat. "So Harley I meant to tell you before but I forgot, what aging does to you-" Tracie says but Madison interrupts her. "Mom you're literally 52." "See old." "Mom." "Anyways I wanted to congratulate you on the Golden Globe and Grammy you won earlier this year." She smiles. "Oh thank you." I smile. "Why'd you thank Madison?" She asks. I just sit there silent. Madison looks at me along with her mother. They both have curious looks on their faces. "Um- I thought that she should know that she's the reason why I still have a platform, a career, support, all of that and she's got me to where I am today." I explain. Madison face lights up. "No, you kinda got yourself there." She says. "You've kinda been my main support for the past year and a half." "Your brothers?"

"Oo that's a hard one, you both have." "Thought so." She smiles. I smile back and continue eating. We all finish up and I offer to help clean up. "No no, it's okay." Tracy smiles. "Hm." I hum picking up all the plates. I clean the dishes then help her wipe down the table. "Thank you sweetheart." She says. "Anytime." I reply. "Harley." Madison groans. "Yeah?" I say about to turn around but I feel arms wrapped around me. I feel her head rest on my shoulder. "You okay?" I ask looking down. "Yeah." She says tiredly. "We can go to bed." I offer. "Please." She says softly. I take her hand and walk her up the stairs into the bedroom. She sits on the bed. I go through my suitcase picking out a sweatshirt and pyjama shorts. I find a towel at the end of the bed and pick it up. "Where are you going?" She questions. "I'm going to shower." I smile. "Can I come?" She asks. I kiss her on the cheek, she's so clingy, I love it.

"It saves water." She smiles. "You don't need to ask." I reply. She quickly stands up picking up the other towel at the end of the bed. I place the clothes I have in my hands on the bed then I walk out. I walk down the hall and open the bathroom door. I turn around to make sure Madison's following and there she is walking down the hall with a sleepy look on her face. I walk into the bathroom and unchange. I turn on the shower and step in, Madison does too. I look up at her as she warms herself up. "Are you okay?" I ask because she's shivering. "No, it's cold." She answers. I turn the tap a little more to heat, steaming hot in a way. "Thank you." She says. She looks down at me. "Hi." I smile. "Hi." She replies. We finish showering then get out changing into our pyjamas. We head to bed and fall asleep in each other arms. We wake up and the whole day we just walk around Jericho.

Time skip
25th 3:42pm

We leave in two days to Somerville. Madison's out right now catching up with old childhood friends taking in the last of Jericho for a while. I need to do it. "Tracie." I say as we sit on the two sofas across from each other. "Yes dear?" She asks. "Uhm-" I hesitate. "Do I have your permission to- you know what, nevermind."  I look down and play with my fingers. Fuck. "Harley." She says making me shoot my head up. "Just ask." She says softly. "Can I have your permission to," I hesitate again. I sit there trying to gather the words, trying not to make a fool out of myself but here we are. "marry your daughter?" I finish. A sense of relief flows through my body but a new feeling of fear appears as well. What if she says no? I didn't not think this through. She stands up so do I. She walks about five step to me and just- hugs me? I hug her back and then she lets go.

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