Jericho |36|

399 13 2

(Harley's POV)

I take full control over her, kissing her lips as my hands roam her body carelessly. She kisses me back slipping her tongue into my mouth. I guide her over to the sink and I lift her up and sit her down on the counter, I do all of this without breaking the kiss. "Please do whatever you want." She begs as we pull apart for air. "Whatever I want?" I question. "Mhm." She nods while her hand undo the towel wrapped around me. She touches me everywhere around my chest making sure to massage my tits along the way. I undo the towel on her revealing her honey colored bare skin, perfect might I add. I kiss her from the lips downwards. I get to her clit and just replace my mouth with my fingers. I insert them into her and she throws her head back in pleasure. She lets out a quiet moan. Her hands run through my wet hair occasionally gripping to it for support. "Harley." She moans softy and I can feel her walls start to close in. I pull them out moving my mouth to where my fingers just were.

She moans even louder but not loud enough. "Say my name." I mumble. "Harley." She breathes out. I shake my head and suck harder. "Harley." She moans a little louder. I use one of my fingers to rub her clit while I suck. She starts to shake a little. "One more time." "Har-" She can barely get my name out. I hit her g-spot which makes her ride my tongue. She grinds against my tongue shifting around as she reaches her high. "Harley!" She moans loudly finishing in my mouth. I slowly suck less and less to help her ride out her high. I move myself back up to her lips and kiss her. "I'm tired now." I say. She just sits there trying to catch her breath. I step away back into the shower and clean myself off, she steps in as soon as I step out. I only took a minute or two. I dry myself off and walk out to my room with a towel wrapped around my cold body. I look through my closet, um. We're gonna go my beautiful 'Beer' jersey and plaid beige pyjama shorts. I turn around to see a messy bed, oh!

I quickly run downstairs to see Presley and Marley just sitting on the couch, aw. I grab new sheets then run back upstairs. I change my sheet, run back downstairs, put the dirty sheets in the wash then I walk to my fridge. Hm. Chicken, kibble, water tonight for the dogs. I make their dinner and place there bowls in the ground. The two puppies bolt their way and just eat it all. It's dark out side, guessing around seven pm. I look into my living room- Oh, that's a bit messy. I decide to clean up a little bit then I walk up to my room. I walk through my door to see my two little fluffy babies. "Oh why hello." I say cheerfully with my baby voice. Did not know they finished their dinner so quickly. I pet both of there fluffy heads giving them both equal attention. Need to invest in some slow bowls or whatever you call it. I sit on my bed and get comfy in my blanket, I'm cold okay. I scroll through my phone waiting for Madison to come out and she does. Looking through my closet as per usual.

She ends up pulling out a grey tank top with grey sweatpants. I was literally wearing something identical earlier today. "Outfit stealer." I mumble. She turns around with her eyebrows furrowed. "Bitch what?" She giggles. "Nothing." I smile widely. She walks over to the bed and sit at the bottom. "Hm. I don't really like the end." She says like she's up to something. "So lay down next to me?" I question cause I'm not playing her games. "No that's boring. I'll do you one better though." "Hm?" "On top of you." She quickly jumps on top of me and I just stare at her. "How pleasing." I smile patting her thighs. I go back on my phone because I need to keep track of my artists and movie. It's tiring being a full time girlfriend, kidding, I love it. It's tiring being an actress and producer though. Producer, songwriter, actress, the list goes on and on. Impressive résumé though. "Umm fuck you." She says slapping my phone out of my hands. "Um fuck you?" I copy. That's my phone girl.

"You're supposed to love me not your phone hoe." "I can love you both, hoe." "Why would you call your own girlfriend that?" "Don't even play right now." I put my hand in a stop motion up to her face. "You're so rude." "Tell me about it." "Damn, did I really tire you out?" "I really ate you out, that's for sure." "Shut up." She giggles. "I like my jersey on you." "I like you on me." I smile. "Real." She nods in agreement and a small laugh falls from my mouth. "I love you and I always will." She says randomly. And, folded. "Thanks." I giggle. "You suck." She shakes her head. "I love you more and I will, forever." "Forever?" She eyebrows raise in shock. "I made a promise and I'm going to keep it. "That was a full ass year ago." "23rd of February." "Okay seriously what is with you and dates." She laughs leaning down. She kisses me. Slow and passionate. She pulls back she finally lays next to me. As soon as she lifts up the blanket Marley and Presley come out of no where running under the blanket so they're protected from the cold.

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