Deal |1|

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(Harleys POV)

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11am Sunday

"Harley!" I hear one of the triplets yell from down stairs waking me up. "I'm trying to sleep." I yell back. I hear footsteps approach my room and open the door. "Up, it's 11." Nick says. "No." I groan into my pillow. "Please I need you to grocery shop it's your turn." "I hate you." "You love me, now up." He says making me sit up slowly. Nick walks out the room so I can get changed for the day, I do just that then grabbing my keys and walking out of the place I call my bedroom.

I open my fridge expecting there to be food but there's absolutely nothing. "Did we not do a grocery shop two weeks ago?" I shout so all of my brothers can hear me. "Sorry we were doing a challenge!" I hear Matt yell from the living room. I roll my eyes annoyed at them wasting food once again. "Right I'll be back." I say walking out the front door. I go to my car and sit in the drivers seat buckling myself in. Right as I'm about to put my foot on the pedal I hear Chris screaming my name running towards my jeep.

I wind down the window. "Can you pretty please get Lucky Charms." He asks out of breath. "No you only eat the marshmallows." I yawn. "Pleaseeee." He begs. "Fine." I say driving off. I hear him say "Thank you!" From a distance.

Time skip

Well that was a massive shop, I swear to god if they waste it I'm going to whack them. I pull into my driveway seeing a car that wasn't there before. A red model three Tesla, the only reason I know what car it is because Nessa owns it with that exact number plate. Hm what's Ness doing here? I get out of my car and walk to the front door and yell "Nick, Matt, Chris!" Meaning for them to bring everything inside. Matt and Nessa walk out going to my car carrying in all the groceries.

Not a single word said. I grab the last bag and walk inside to the kitchen to place it on the bench with all the others. Nick and Chris unpack everything as Nessa and Matt run off somewhere. "Harley." I hear Chris say from the fridge. "Yes?" I reply. "So how much do you hate Madison?" He asks. "Hates not a good word, it doesn't describe it enough." I giggle. "Oh fuck." Nick says making me look at them both confused.

"What?" I ask. "Nessa! Matt!" Nick shouts. They come running down the stairs. "What's going on?" I question. "Not good." Chris says to Matt. "Well figure something out we can't have them like that." Matt replies. "She's gonna kill us." Nessa adds. "Stop what the fuck is going on?" I ask again. Everyone pauses as we all hear footsteps walk down the stairs. "Hey does anyone know where the camera went? I can't seem to find it." A familiar brunette says as she looks around for the triplets at the bottom of the stairs.

"What the-" I try to say but Nessa covers my mouth. "I thought she was acting today?" Madison asks. Words trying to come out of my mouth but instead going into Nessa's hand making the sounds muffled. "About that." Matt smiles awkwardly. A confused look appearing on mine and Madison's face. "Can we not fight today." Nessa asks politely. I push her hand away from my mouth. "Why's she in my house?" I ask calmly. "Our hous-" "Save it Chris I pay for everything." I say cutting him off.

"With your shitty acting." Madison mumbles under her breath but I can just hear her. "Excuse me?" I say. "You're excused." She sarcastically smiles. "This bitch." I say walking towards her. Matt grabs me holding onto me tightly. "Go fuck yourself." I snap. She looks at me not mad but in a conerned cocky way. "You admitted to it on 'Baby' so go do it again." "Aw that's so sweet you still listen to my music." "You fucking wish." "You just said that you do." "Holy shit shut the fuck up, you can't even sing."

"Better than the shit you pull on high school musical." "Aw so you still watch me?" "Shut the fu-" "Enough, both of yous." Nessa says cutting off Madison. My eyes narrow giving Madison a bitch look. "Stop." Nessa says hitting me gently. "It's been seven years this shit needs to end." Matt says. "Maybe tell that little cunt to stop being such a shit talking bitch." I snap. "I'm sorry were you not calling me a slut the other week?" Madison scoffs. "No I said it right now slut." "Honestly fuck you." "I'd fuck me too." I say with a small laugh.

𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐝 - 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now