Billie's Grammy Afterparty |29|

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(Harley's POV)

Nick smiles and waves at me, I smile and wave back. Me and Nick go way back to 2020. Griffin was part of the 'sway house' and I hung out with him a lot. So this 'house' would hang out with the hype house and Nick was part of that one, so we'd all hang out together. We're still friends, there's no hard feeling when I started dating Madison because he dated started dating one of my exes. But there's a problem now. Why's he with her. Oh fuck, he's walking my way. "Hey Harls, long time no see." He smiles. "Hey Nick." I smile. "Congratulations on the Grammy by the way." "Thank you, are you here for as an influencer or?" I ask. "I mean, sorta but I'm Madison's date." He says. My heart drops. "Oh, that's-" I swallow. "That's cool, uh having fun?" I try to play it off alright but you can hear my voice breaking. "Yeah first time so." "That's great Nick." Madison walks up behind her 'date'. "Hey Mads." Nick says cheerfully. He's like a little golden retriever. "Uh hey Nick." She says staring directly at me. "So are you here with anyone?" He asks.

I think for a moment. She wants to bring Nick? Two can play at that game. "Billie." I reply. "Oh Billie? I heard she came out recently, are you two like a-" "Yeah, she's my date." I smile. You can't see Madison's face drop. "Hey Billie?" I turn around and she tilts her head. I use my hands to gesture to come over here, she does. As she stands beside me and greets Madison and Nick I hold her hand. First she looks at me confused but I raise my eyebrows at her. She holds my hand back and I just breathe. "Congratulations on your nomination by the way." I smile at Madison. "Thanks." She says quietly keeping her eyes on me and Billie's hands. "So how long have you two been a thing?" Nick asks. "Maybe three weeks now or something? We've always had a bond so we just made it this." "We're not dating yet, we just wanna give it time." Billie finishes for me. "That's adorable." He says. "What about you two?" Billie asks. "Friends but I thought I could use a date and he's a good friend." Madison says. "Yeah plus I was coming anyways to film and stuff so why not do it with a friend?" He smiles. Stop smiling Nick Austin. "True!" I sarcastically smile back. I feel bad now.

Oh shit, Madison thinks me and Billie are like- a thing. Ew god no, I've known her since I was 15. I first reached out to her cause of how fucking good ocean eyes is and I kid you not her first dm back to me was. 'Holy fuck your Harley Sturniolo and you're texting me cause you think my song's great. You Harley Sturniolo think my song is great.' She was freaking out but I think I should be the one freaking out now. She does slightly have a higher net worth than me but I think it's only like four hundred k more. "Well uh enjoy your night." Madison says, you can hear the sadness in her voice. They turn around and walk away, I let go of Billies hand and just stare at her walk away. Bit stalkish but hey, who cares. "We're never dating again." Billie says catching my attention. "We never were." I laugh, she breaks out into laughter as well. I'm sure there's now hundreds of photos of that. We get a couple more photos then walk off.

Time skip

"Billie put that down." I say. She holds it up higher. "FINNEAS!" I shout. "Yes?" He asks walking in. "Get your sister to put the dick down." I say making us all just burst out into laughter. We are currently in the Fluer Room just getting ready for Billie's Grammys afterparty and she won't stop playing with a silicone dick. She's so gay, it hurts. "Oo no can do Harls." He says walking out. "Finneas." I groan. Claudia walks in and takes it off of her then on the table. "Claudia that ain't doing nothing." I say. "I tried." She shrugs walking out. Billie walks over to me and puts it on my thigh. "Get that thing off of me, immediately." I raise my eyebrows. "Full gay I see." She giggles. I squint and look at her. "You had pre shots." I mutter. "Huh?" "You had pre shots without me whore." "Uh no-" "Lair." "Shut up." We both just laugh. "So Harley." Billie says with full seriousness. "Yesss?" "With Madison coming an-" "Madison's coming?" I cut her off. "Did I forget to mention she was coming? Whatttt?" She says in a high pitch voice. "Billie." "Harley." "Why's she coming." "Hey I planned this a month ago." "Don't even." "Yeah anyways I think Nick might come."

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