Soft Spot For You |35|

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(Harley's POV)

Nobody could understand how confused I am right now. I jump up from my bed and go to walk downstairs but stop and look at the mess we made wailer. Whoopsies. I walk out of my room then downstairs to see the back door slided open by a couple of inches with a brunette sitting down in the concrete watching two fluffy dogs run around and play on the green grass. I sigh taking in the sight. She's gorgeous and she's just sitting there, breathing like a normal human being. There's nothing I can do to stop how pretty she is. Anything Madison Beer does is beautiful, whether that's singing to a crowd of hundreds or just sitting there enjoying the view of two dogs playing. She just needs a bit of time then I'll talk to her. I go back upstairs to grab my phone. I walk back downstairs and check the time. 4:48pm. Time goes a little too fast when I'm with her. I look at my phone again to see a notification from Chris.

Chris ❤️

We're out tonight because Tara and
Larray said they needed us for a video
Groceries will be done tmrw 🫡
If you need us we're just a text or call
Love you

Yeah all goods
Just tell them I say hi
Love you guys stay safe please xx

Chris ❤️ loved 'Love you guys stay safe please xx'


I take a deep breath then place my phone face down on the counter. I look in the fridge to see we have steak. Don't mind if I do. I take out the packet and place it next to my stove. I grab out a pan from the bottom cabinet and also some tongs. I find oil in the pantry. I pour a little bit of oil into my pan and turn on the stove. While I wait for that to heat up I 'season' my steaks with salt and pepper. What? I ain't got nothing else on me. The triplets were supposed to go and get groceries today but instead they got sidetracked. I cook one steak at a time letting the salt and pepper really soak into the meat. Hm okay, that sounds wrong. I glance out my glass back doors to see Madison slouched watching the sunset. As I gaze at what I think is the most beautiful sight I've ever seen I feel something hot spit onto my exposed back. Fucking stupid oil.

I walk to my sink and turn my tap on. Fun fact, while cooking with oil you should put water over your hands and neck so you can't feel it when the oil spits at you like it just did with me. I do just as I think and turn around and flip the steak. Time passes by and I finally finish both of the steaks at what is now I believe is five thirty? I check my phone. 5:28pm. So close. I run upstairs and grab a pair of blue plaid pants out of my closet. Why? Because Madison has to be freezing out there. I get back downstairs and look at my two dishes I've made. I'm an amazing chef. Should add that one to the résumé. I complement the two plates with a knife and fork each then walk outside to where Madison has been sitting for the past forty minutes. "Hi." I smile softy before sitting down next to her. She looks at me then down at my lap. She looks so cute, she's cuddled into my sweatshirt cold as fuck. I place the two plates down beside me then hand her the long comfy pants.

"You seem cold." A gentle tone only being heard from my mouth. She stands up expressionless and I place the pants in her hands. She puts them on then sits down beside me again. I pick up the plates again and place one in Madison's lap. While I look into the sunset I can feel her look at me. Staring intensely into my side profile. I keep my eyes on the purplish pink sky. There's a slight tint of dark blue and orange up there actually. I'm only keeping my eyes up here because I don't want to make her mad. I love Madison and I don't mean to make her upset. I was childish when we 'broke' up but now I realise I actually really do want to spend the rest of my life with her. As I enjoy the light cold breeze I feel her lips against my cheek. She pulls back. "Thank you." She lets out softly causing me to look at her. I smile at her gently then turn my head to continue watching our two babies playing in the sunset. She rest her head on my shoulder and we start to eat our dinner.

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