Distance Between Us |27|

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(Harley's POV)

"What about Madison? Is she hurt? Is she okay?" They stay silent. "Answer me Chris!" I shout. I can't bare the thought of her injured or not okay. "She's fine." He finally speaks up. "Then what about her?" I question. "She uh-" "She said she doesn't want a relationship with you right now." Nick finishes for Chris. And all of a sudden I forget how to breathe. What does he mean? We weren't going to date until everything's solved or already until I got better. "Uh what do you mean? I already knew that." I reply. "She doesn't wanna speak to you right now." Matt says. "What?" "She's doing a 2016 you." Chris says. "Not the time." Nick says slapping Chris gently. "Oh." I bite my tongue until I feel a silvery taste, blood. I nod and walk away. I basically run up to my room. "Hi Marley." I smile as he wags his tail. I sit on my bed and open my phone.

Wife 🤍

So you're cutting me off completely?
Wow Madison.
What the fuck?
All I've done is been there for you then
I tell you to stop talking because
I was pissed off already from YOU
and you overreacted
This is fucking pathetic
Yk I really thought we were going
somewhere but you fully fucking lead me on
Go fuck Zack or something
I'm done protecting you

Excuse me?

You read my text
Read them again

[ Go fuck Zach or something

I said

And I'm pathetic?


Well sorry if-

*You have blocked Wife 🤍


She's pissing me off. Now I have somethings to do. I gather all her clothes from my closet except for that blue hoodie, that's mine now. I write a beautiful caring note and shove that into our picture frame. I take the clothes and frame in my hands and walk down to my car. "Be back soon, take care of Prince." I say rushing past Nick. "Harle-" I cut him off by slamming the door shut. I get into my car and drive straight to her house. Around sixteen minutes later I arrive and I get out of my car. I walk up to her front door step and bang on the door. "Hel- Oh." Madison says. "Hey Mads!" I say sarcastically. I push past her and drop all her clothes on the floor. "Where's Presley?" I ask. "In my room- why are you here?" I ignore her and walk straight up to her bedroom. I open the door to see the beautiful boy himself. I kiss him on his fluffy forehead one last time. "I love you buddy." I whisper in his ear before patting him. I smile goodbye and leave the room shutting the door behind me.

"Harley I really don't think you should be here." Madison says as I come back down the stairs. "Uh this used to be my house too." "What do you want?Your clothes back or?" "No, I just wanna talk." "Why do you have a picture frame in your hand?" "Don't worry bout it. Anyways so you're doing a 2016 me?" "No, I just think I need time Harley." "From what? We agreed on doing this together?" "God do you think of anyone but yourself?" "Uh yeah, you." "Funny, I'm not doing this Harley." "Why then? Why are you breaking up with me even though we're not together?" "We're not together so why does it matter?" "Dude what. Can you please repeat the six words you said on New Years?" "Hm?" "Let's refresh your memory. And I quote 'I wanna be with you forever.' Ring a bell?" "Fuck you, ring a bell?" "What now." "And don't call me dude." "Okay bro." "Oh my days, get out of my house Harley." "Aw we just started talking though." "No you're being a petty little bitch." "Me? A petty little bitch? First stop dissing the 5'1 height."

𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐝 - 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now