LUNCH - Billie Eilish |34|

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(Harley's POV)

I just stand there and she looks genuinely concerned. I take a deep breath and lay down next to her. I can't make her fuck me, that's mean. I just want a hug right now after all that running. I wrap myself around Madison and rest my head on her chest. "My brothers left to go to the grocery store so they won't be back for an hour and I put Presley and Marley outside for some sun." I mumble closing my eyes. "Oh okay." She says running her fingers through my brunette locks. So calming. I shift myself on top of her and look down into her pretty eyes. I stare deeply into those hazel eyes I find attractive and get lost in. Oh my god, she's gorgeous. The prettiest girl in the world is under me right now. I got lucky. Perfect personality, perfect looks, perfect everything. Everything about her is perfect, she is perfect. She's actually quite adorable with her personality, although she may be a little bit bi-polar I still love her. I look up at her giving her a soft smile and rest my head back down on her chest. "Stop shoving your face in my tits." She says looking up at me. "Aw can you not handle it?" I pout sarcastically getting in her face.

We just stop talking and stare at each other. "I-" I get cut off by her grabbing my face and kissing my lips. She lets go. "Kiss me more." I whisper. "Gladly." She smiles kissing me again. The kiss gets deeper and deeper until she slips her tongue in my mouth. I make out with her until she pulls me to the bottom and she's on top, again. I've been waiting for this moment for months, I've missed my Madison. Mostly her personality but I can't lie, I've missed the sex. She does it so right, no one can do it as good as her. Like she can do it so well and I'm her first time fucking a girl. I'm honoured. "You're so pretty." She says breathless while kissing my jawline. She sucks on my neck and a small moan falls out of my mouth. I love the way she gives me hickeys too. "Oh- my god." I can't breathe, this is too good. "I don't like this." She says sitting up on me and tugging on my tight shirt. "Then take it off." I smile. "That's what I thought." She mumbles to herself. She looks at me and I hold my arms up.

She pulls my shirt off wasting no time to kiss me again. "I don't like this either." She smiles slipping her hand under my back. She unclips my bra and takes it off. She throws it to the side and slowly starts to move down further with her kisses. She starts from my lips and moves down so slowly just to tease me and she knows I hate her teasing but she absolutely loves it when I beg her. "Madison please." I beg and she shakes her head. I groan because I'm that stupid saying, oh what is it again? Sexually.. um- Oh! Sexually frustrated. I am actually sexually frustrated right now. She gets to my hips and looks up at me for approval. I nod my head because I just can't speak. "Baby, I need words." Oh she called me baby while trying to fuck me! This could not get better. "Please." I beg. "Please what?" "Please fuck me." Her worried looked turned into a seductive one and she starts to take my pants off, slowly. I need her.

She throws them to the side once she's fully takes them off and then pulls herself in between my legs. It feels so right to have her there. She massages my thighs slowly then uses one hand to play with the band of my underwear. This is torture. She brings herself up to lips and kisses me gently while starting to rub my clit through my underwear. Slowly and gently. This is what I mean by sexually frustrated. Please Madison please. I shove my tongue in her mouth because I need her, so bad. I let out quiet moans that echo against her lips. She pulls back and smiles at me softly, Madison then moves her way down again. Do not play with me right now. Then she starts playing with my underwear again. Seriously Madison? She pulls the sides of my last piece of clothing on and pulls them down past my knee and right off my legs. And of course, she throws them to the side where all my other clothes are.

"You're so wet for someone you haven't seen in months." She smirks looking at me. I shake my head innocently and I feel her fingers slide against me. Oh my- She puts one finger inside me. She slips it in and out, I make it so easy for her because of how wet she's got me. "Madison." I moan quietly. "We're home alone, scream all you want baby." She better stop calling me baby or else I'm going to burst and that is not a joke or an exaggeration. My girlfriend got me head over heels for her when I hear baby though. It's so cute and hot at the same time. A slightly louder moan comes out of my mouth then she inserts another finger into me. Holy fuck. I moan to the pleasure this is bring me. She thrusts them harder into me. "Madison." I moan softly. "I can't last anymore longer." I mumble and she pulls out both fingers. She did not. I feel her kisses against my thighs giving them both equal attention. I feel her get closer and closer to my centre while it feels like my organs are rearranging. "Think you can write 'LUNCH' and get away with it?" She questions. I then feel her face attach to my clit.

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