#leaked #goldenglobes |25|

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(Harley's POV)

6th, 12:43pm

"Case dismissal for the day, we will resume tomorrow eight Am." The judge says. I sigh as I stand up from my chair. I have so much other shit to do then Zach. I look over at the man with a bandage over his nose smirking at me then shows his teeth, I knocked his front tooth out so he looks like a crack head. I giggle at my thoughts. "Eight Am Miss Sturniolo." One of my lawyers Joshua says. "Yes Mr Layn." I smile. "Hey." I hear behind me. It's Madison. "Hey." I reply. "You okay, you seem stressed?" "I just hate your ex." "That makes two of us." She says taking my hand. We walk out the doors and down the hallway to the exit. "Ready?" I ask preparing Madison for the yelling. "Ready." She smiles. She holds my hand tighter as the doors open. Cameras clicking left and right, flashing all around us. "Harley is it true you kicked his head into a curb!" A man with a camera shouts. Multiple crazy people join in. "Madison did you suggest for Harley to hit Zach!" "Harley Sturniolo why'd you get Madison Beer involved?" "Are you still in love with her?" My face cringes at half these words these randos are saying.

I open the car door for Madison and shut the door once she gets in, then I turn around to my favourite people in the world, the paparazzi. "No, Madison barely has a part to play in this. I did not involve Madison, she is just a witness, so are half the people coming out of that building so focus on them. Have a nice day." I smile, I walk around to the drivers seat with thousands of questions being thrown at me. I sit buckle myself in to be safe and start to drive. "I hate them." Madison says. "Don't we all?" I let out a small laugh. "Good job." "For what?" "You didn't yell in there which kind of shocked me." "I guess I just got used to courtrooms in December 2022." "I'm so sorry it's happening again a year later." She says rubbing my hand. "It's happening to you too and you were just begging him to stop." "It's fine but I'm going to be at every trial with you." "Madison truely you're adorable, but you have better things to do then watch me fight with Zach in legal ways." "Yeah but the better things are doing you and I can't do that with this stupid trial so may as well watch." She shrugs. I shake my head and laugh.

"They ask some wild questions out there." She says. "I know like what is 'Harley did Zach slept with Madison while with you.'" We both giggle. Madison and I are good friends at the moment. The reason we're not together is because we agreed we should get to catch up, prove both of ourselves worthy again. We talked on the 1st about everything and she told me the whole story with her and Claudia. Not sure if I believe it but that's why we are taking baby steps. She wants my trust even though she's the cause of my trust issues but to be fair she is really trying at this whole thing again and I find it so cute. She's always there, I unblocked her from everything and we end up calling or texting every night since the 1st. Only a week but eh. Honestly I couldn't be more happy besides the Zach part of course but it really seems I've been getting myself on track. "The Oscars and Grammys are coming up." Madison says. "Tony's, Emmys, Brits, Golden Globes, all of it." I reply. "I was just saying the most known ones, no need to be up yourself." "I would totally diss you but uh- I actually can't think of a single thing that's wrong about you." "Aw you're too sweet." "And this is why I hate you." "Hey rude." "Hey rude." I mock in a high pitch tone. "Shut up." She laughs, I laugh along with her.

"Back to what I was saying, the Golden Globes are tomorrow excited?" She asks. "No." "Why not?" "Because you're not invited." "Harley you realise I am invited just at the very back." "Yeah with all them loser, you should sit with me." "I can't, it's procedure." "I'm sure Billie won't mind." "I'm sure that you two have some catching up to do." "Pleaseee." "No, I can't change my seat you know that." "I'll sneak you under my dress." "As much as I would love that no." She smiles. I roll my eyes and give her the silent treatment all the way home. "Harleyyyy." I hear Madison say as I open my door. Nuh uh. "Harley Sturniolo." She says a little more stern. I see my brothers in the living room and I give them a smile. "Harley Sturniolo!" She practically shouts. She doesn't wanna sit next to me, I don't wanna talk to her. "Harley Rose Sturniolo!" She shouts. My jaw drops.

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