Forever eventually |10|

543 12 5

(Harley's POV)


I call Madison.

Madison Beer 📞



Are you okay?


Did I do something?


No don't do that.

What do you want Harley.

My girlfriend.

Is that it?

I'd like to know what the fuck i did for you to be so mad.

Don't know.

Are you fucking kidding me?


You don't even care, not even telling me why you're mad.

Maybe this is all bullshit.

Madison what?

I'm done.

Madison please just tell me what's the problem.

You Harley, you're the problem.

I'm sorry what?

I don't think this is going to work.



I get cut off by her hanging up. She's got to be kidding right? Tears fill my eyes and I run into Nicks room where all the triplets are. "Holy shit are you okay Harls?" Chris asks. "No." I sob running into his arms. "What happened?" Nick asks. "Madison just- broke up with me." I stutter. "What? Why?" Matt asks. "I don't know." I say but not much coming out because of the tears. "It'll be okay." Chris says hugging me tightly. "No, you love her right?" Nick asks. I nod my head. "Then go fucking fight for her." He says. I wipe my tears, he's right. "I'll be back." I say walking out. I grab my car keys and drive straight to Madison's house.

Tears in my eyes as I approach the front door. I knock. "Yes?" Madison says looking back not realising it's me. "Madison." I say. He head swings around to look at me. "Harle-" "No stop. I just want to talk." I cut her off. "Fine." She says letting me in. "What?" She says. "Can I ask what I did?" I say. "You don't care Harley. You only care if the public finds out, and you're completely ashamed by it. You don't want them to find out because you don't want people to know you like girls." Madison explains. I give her a confused look. "This is what this whole thing is about?" I say. "You're ashamed of me." She says raising her tone a bit.

"What the fuck, of course not Madison." "Seems like it." "I'm not ashamed of you." "Mhm." "You're breaking up with me because I don't want the public to know?" "Mhm." "After everything Madison you just expect me to go back to hating you? I fucking bent over backwards for your ass and you're breaking up with me." I say. She stays silent. "I've fucking loved you since I was thirteen, pretended to be happy for you when you dated all those guys, I was there for you when no one else was and you're repaying me like this?!" She doesn't say a word.

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