Flirting? |3|

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(Harley's POV)

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Nessa gets up from the table then walks behind me. I pull my head back and look up at her. She grabs the hoodie that I'm wearing dragging me into another room. "One sec." She says pulling me away. She throws me onto the bed. "What the fuck was that?" She asks. "What was what?" I question. "Okay first your wearing my sisters hoodie, second the eye contact, tilting smile, sleeping in the same bed after seven years of hating each other?" She answers.

"I've decided not to hate her." I smile. "No Harley, you never fucking hated her." She says. Nessa's right, I never have or will. "You realise her smile tilting head thing means something else." She says bringing me back from my thoughts. "Something else?" "Holy shit did you not see her do it with Nick, David, Jack and Zack?" "Her current boyfriend and her exes?" "Mhm, why's she doing that to you." "I don't know?" "She doesn't give her hoodie to anyone not even Zack or me and she gave it to you." "Ness it's freezing outside." "What happened last night?" She asks.

"Nothing why?" I reply. "Bull shit, she ran out the door and you went right after her." "Oh that, we got into an argument then she walked out I lost her and so I apologised thinking she couldn't hear me but she did then um yeah." "You. Apologise?" "Shockley." "Harley, Nessa!" We hear Nick yell from the table. "We're finishing this conversation later." Nessa says dragging back to the dining table. "Yes?" I ask sitting back down. "Halloweens literally in four days what are we going as?" Nick asks. I sit there thinking of costume ideas playing with the food on my plate with a fork.

"Fuck costumes where are we going this year?" I ask. "Isabella's party." He replies. "Isabella?" I question. "Isabella Jones." Madison answers. A bright idea pops into my head. "Onesie." I say. "Huh?" Justin says. "I'm wearing a onesie, I don't give a fuck what yous say." I reply. They all look at me odd. "I'm down." Nessa says. "With how cold it is I am too." Matt agrees. "I wanna be a clown." Chris says with a big smile, proud of his costume idea. "You already are one." Nick laughs. Chris hits Nick softly across his crossed arms. "Well if you're a clown then I wanna be a leprechaun." Nick says.

"I want to be somethingggg... Red." Nessa mumbles. "Red lobster." Matt says thinking it's a good idea. "That's so stupid." I mutter. "So it's not stupid for Nick to be a leprechaun and Chris to be a clown but it's stupid for Nessa to be a red lobster?" Matt says. "Yes. Yes it is Matt." I reply. "Fuck you." He laughs. I flip him off sarcastically. "Twenty bucks and I'll do it." Nessa says. "Deal." Matt says putting his hand out, they shake on it. That's so fucking stupid. I place my face in my hands. "Halloweens supposed to be slutty guys." Madison states.

"Oh yeah forgot about that. What if we go in as sluts but take photos in our onesies?" I suggest. "Yeah okay, let's do that." Chris says. We continue talking more about the party as I feel someone touch my hand. I look down to see its Madison's hand playing with mine. What the- "Are you going to finish your breakfast?" Madison asks politely cutting off my thoughts. "Not really hungry." I smile looking at my almost full plate of pancakes. "You should eat Harls." "I'm not hungry." I say gently as I get up going into the kitchen then scrapping the plate into the bin. I wash the plate then proceed to head upstairs to my bedroom.

About a minute later there's a knock on my door. Before I could answer they walk in. "Are you okay?" Madison asks. "Yeah I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" I smile. "Because you barely touched your plate." "I just ate a lot last night that's all." "I didn't see you eat a single thing and I was with you every second." "Just not hungry." "Harley you should really ea-" "Madison just fucking drop it." I say seriously cutting her off. There's a moment of silence, she looks hurt by my words. "I know you're just trying to chec-." I say regretting being so rude to her but she cuts me off. "It's fine." Madison says in a hurt tone walking out the door.

𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐝 - 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now