Written about me |2|

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(Harley's POV)

Time skip

Turns out my brothers invited them for a sleepover, great. Everyone stands up and walks to the kitchen leaving me and Madison alone once again. I decide on continuing our conversation from earlier.

"I tried so hard to be your best friend Madison." I say making her look at me weirdly. "You tried? Was I not good enough for you or?" She replies. "You got all cocky with your fame and Zack has turned you into something else." I explain. "So this is over Zack?" "No it's over you. You're the one who started to shove everything into my face because you have such a perfect life." "My life is far from perfect." "Yeah I know." I mutter under my breath.

"You really are the same 14 year old Harley." She says. "Madison you did nothing but hurt me." "You hurt me by leaving that Saturday and never walking back in. You hurt me by saying all this shit to people right after you had me thinking we'd be best friends again. You left and that hurt." "I had my reasons." "Please enlighten me with them." "I'm not doing this with you." "There are none clearly."

"Fine, you're a fake tacky bitch who did nothing but talk about herself. I tried and tried to help you with everything you had going on but when I needed help you walked away and Zack? Don't even get me started on him. I told you that he'll fuck you up and he did just that leaving you to cry in my arms every night. Yet when I wanted to hang out just once you'd go 'Oh sorry I'm hanging out with Zack.'" I say in a mocking tone.

She stays silent. "If you told me about everything then none of this would have happened." Words finally coming out her mouth. "I did! That's the problem with you, I told you multiple times and you didn't listen. Then to finally get your attention I had to yell it through your thick head." I snap. She looks at me blankly then standing up. She walks through the front door into the cold dark street. She's not even wearing a hoodie.

I get up. "Madison fucking Beer!" I shout from the door as she's already halfway down the street. After a minute of waiting for her to turn around she doesn't. Fuck sake, I start to run to her but she's disappeared on me. "Madison please!" I yell desperately, nothing. "It's freezing, come on Mads!" I shout again. "Madison!" More words flowing out my mouth as I start to become even more worried. She doesn't even have her phone on her, she left it on the coffee table. "I get it. You're doing what I did to you, and it was fucked but I was mad Madison." I say in the same loud tone.

"And I'm sorry! I shouldn't have done it, it was stupid. I should've just worked it out with you!" I say hoping for a response. All I've been doing for the past seven years is worry about Madison, sure I hate her for what she did but I don't. I don't hate her at all, I've tried to but I just can't. She has a place in my heart nobody else can have. I still love her, how could I not? She was my best friend for years. "Please Mads, I'm sorry! I really fucking am!" I yell again.

Hoping to hear her soft voice but expecting not too, only my ears picking up the sound of the trees swaying in the cold breeze. I'm freezing out here. "So you do care about me?" A voice says coming from a distance. "Madison?!" I ask loudly. "You look like you need this." She says coming out of the darkness handing me a light blue hoodie. Instead of grabbing the hoodie I immediately wrap my arms around her waist. She was unsure at first but settled into it.

"How could I not care about you, I've spent the last seven years of my life making sure you're okay from a distance. You know how hard that is?" I smile letting go. "So why'd you leave Harley?" She asks shoving the hoodie in my hands. "I had to." I say making her look at me confused. "I wasn't in the right mind and I couldn't put that on you." I explain putting on the hoodie. "But you could put that on Nessa?" "I ghosted her for a while." "What do you mean you weren't in the right mind?" She asks, I put my head down and start to walk slowly back to the house. We were at least half a mile away.

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