"Hi Harley." |12|

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(Harley's POV)

26th 11:22am

"Great to hear. Tate should be in the studio." Peter says. This meeting's boring the fuck out of me. "Thank you Mr Edge." I say getting ready to leave. "Anytime." He smiles. I walk out the door to my car and drive to the studio to get this song done. I get to the studio and walk inside. No one's here? Not even the producer. Strange.


I pick up my phone to see it's Nessa.

Nessa Beer 📞


Yes Ness?

We need to talk.

You need to talk to me every five seconds, what.

Someone's mad.


It's about Mad-

Madison this, Madison that. What do you want Nessa this time. 'We should get back together' it's not going to happen.


Bye Nessa.


Not putting up with this shit today. "Who broke your heart?" I hear a voice say. I turn around to see the Tate McRae herself. "No one." I mumble. "Calm down, I mean your song." She says. "What about it." "It's great it's just.. you seem like you've been through a break up." "I have no time for people." "Madison." "I'm sorry?" "I'm assuming her name's Madison from your call, sorry to eavesdrop." "It's fine but uh yeah." "Is this the Madison Beer, everything's been blowing up about you two in February then it kinda just stopped." "Because we broke up." "Sorry I didn-" "It's fine Tate." "Right you already know me." "Assuming you know me as well." "Harley Sturniolo. Big fan from Stanger Things." "Thanks." I smile. "Shall we?" She says meaning to start recording.

Time skip

Tate and I have been getting super close even though we met three hours ago. "So is it okay if I ask what happened between you and Madison because you hated each other then dated then I don't even know." Tate asks. "So we had a fight, left us not to talk for years. Reconnect, started dating then photos of us got leaked, I didn't want the public to know yet she didn't care, she thought I was embarrassed caused a fight, then we broke up." "So explain the lyrics?" "We had a song and it was 'This Town' by Niall Horan so that's 'But if they start playing that song I can't help but to think about us' 'Last night for the very first time you didn't even try to call' is when we would call every night when we weren't together and when we broke up she didn't try to call and it broke me, I couldn't sleep for two days."

"Wait what's the shirt part about?" She asks. I read the paper to see the lyrics. " 'And I still have the shirt that you wore when we first met'?" "Yeah." "Well that line's bullshit because it's a hoodie and it's the night we found each other again after eight years. I still have it." "So that explains 'I might kick it under the bed hoping that I could forget'" "Yeah." "Do you still love her?" "I made a promise but she didn't so." "What was the promise." "To keep her forever." "Oh shit Harley I'm so sor-" "It's fine." We talk a little more then head back to recording replacing some lyrics ect. Around 5pm I invite her over to mine for dinner to discuss more about what we wanna do with some lyrics, she agrees and comes over. I open my front door to hear chatters from upstairs. "Brothers, just ignore them." I say. A girl voice emerges from the sounds. I look at Tate confused and rush upstairs with her following closely behind me. I knock on Nicks door.

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