She found out. |8|

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(Harley's POV)

February 2023

It's been three month since we started dating, we're going really good. My life has taken a flip, actings going great, I have the best brothers, best friend and girlfriend I could ever ask for and I got Louis Vuitton to sign me at the end of November. Madison's going great, she's releasing her new song 'Make You Mine' in two days. So proud of her for it. We're going out for dinner to celebrate. "Harley!" I hear the one and only Madison Beer shout from downstairs. "Coming!" I stay running down. It's me, her, Ness and a couple of her friends.

We walk out the door and get into the car. "You've got everything?" She asks. "Yes, wait no." I say. "What'd you forget?" "This." I say kissing her. "Okay we can go." I say, I can see that adorable smile appear on her face. We get to the restaurant, everything going great, we order and eat. "Bright idea let's go clubbing after this." Isabella says. "Oh my god I haven't gone out in ages, yesss." Madison agrees. Everyone agrees and turns their heads to me. "Uh yeah if yous want to." I smile. We finish everything and head off to a club. We walk inside and get a drink.

Time skip

I'm currently holding Nessa up for her dear life, she is such a light weight. "Hey!" Madison smiles walking towards us. "Hey." I reply. "Having fun with my sister I see." "Heaps." I laugh. "I forgot to ask, how was my model today?" "It was good today, the photos came out amazing." I reply. "Oh what the modelling contract I gave to you because Madison lost your other one." Nessa joins in. "Hm?" Madison questions with a confused look. "Nessa let's go." I say trying to walk away. "No stay." Mads says. "What do you mean by you gave her it because I lost her other one?" She adds.

"Well when you lost it Harley was pissed and she still was till that one day yous became friends again, I made that whole thing happen." Nessa giggles. "Nessa stop." I say. "No what the fuck continue." Madison says confused. "Harley and I made a deal if she became your friend again I'd get her a contract with Louis Vuitton, she said all of that too." Nessa explains. Madison's face looks so pissed. "Madison it's not wha-" "I'm some stupid deal to you? Is this even real Harley." She says cutting me off. "Of course it is it's just." I don't know how to explain this.

"It's just?" "I don't know Madison but I promise you I love you." "Really cause it feels like this whole relationship is a lie." She says walking out. "Madison please!" I shout. I quickly tell Isabella what's going on and she's agrees to take the other girls home. I drag Nessa out the door. "You seem mad." She says. "Yeah well I may have just lost the love of my life." I reply. "Awww." She says. I see Madison get out of her car. "Give me my sister." She says. "I'm sorry?" "Give me my sister." She repeats. "Madison I can explain." "I'm just some deal to you so you can get more famous. I really fucking love you Harley." She says grabbing Nessa.

"So you're just gonna leave me here." "Well if you're such a big girl that you can make deals, you can be a big girl and find a way home." She says. My eyes fill with tears. "Madison-" "Goodbye Harley." She gets in her car with Ness and drives off. Did I just loose my first love? I call Chris sobbing knowing he'll be awake.

Chris Sturniolo 📞

Hey you good?


Why are you crying.

I think Madison just broke up with me.

𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐝 - 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now