Make You Mine Argument |22|

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(Madison's POV)

3 days later, 27th

"Andddd cut!" I hear the director say. I'm finally making a music video for 'make you mine'. I mean it's been months since I released it and I've been so busy with tour, writing, Harley.. Look I'm trying to focus on myself. The way we left things a couple days ago was well.. confusing? I don't know. "That's a wrap on the video." Aerin the director smiles at me. "Hey Madison come here." Russ says. He's the director of photography. I walk over to him and he immediately starts talking. "I was talking to Aerin about the video and we've already finish most of the editing we just need a couple more photos, is that alright?" He asks. I smile and nod my head.

Time skip
28th, 11:45am

Gina Harrell 📞


Yes Madison it's done.

All the editing?

Quit asking, I'm not even in charge of that.

Yeah yeah.

It's done trust me, even call up Aerin.

Everything's done?

Yes it is, do not ask me that again.

So it's okay to release tomorrow?

Yes holy fuck.

Gina shut up.

Everything is done, why do you want it out tomorrow anyways?

Because I don't want to release it in 2024, sounds weird. It's better if I keep the music video and song in the same year.

Your str- you know what, you're the boss I don't care.

Yeah I am the boss so next time you're impatient watch out.

Your funny.

I know.

Just text your team there should be a meeting today at 1 so just go to that.

Can do, see you there.

See you there.


Time skip
meeting, 2:23pm

"Post it on the Hq and your main, we can get it covered by social media platforms." One of my mangers, Tina says. I give a smile as an answer and they continue on. "Okay everyone's set for tomorrow?" Bianca one of the other managers ask. We all nod our heads. "You're free to go." She says. I stand up, walk out those stupid fucking door and get in the elevator. I walk out to my car then drive my ass away from that building so I don't have to spend another hour in it with her. Her is my mom, she's a momager. It's just great, we got into an argument about the music video a couple days ago. Haven't talked her since. I just I kinda just snapped, I mean I was already having a shitty day from Harley and then my mom comes in all mad at me. Like be so fucking for real. Anyways in conclusion don't fuck with me after Harley and I fight, for the sixth hundredth time this month..

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