Date night |9|

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(Harley's POV)

23rd of February

"Harleyy. Harleyyyyy." I hear someone say as they wake me up. I open my eyes slowly to find Madison's pretty little face standing over me. I look around to see I'm not where I was last night. "Was I not just in the living room?" I yawn. "I picked you up and took you upstairs." She says rubbing my cheek gently, I give her a smile and slowly sit up in my bed. "Don't do that." She says. "Don't do what?" "Give me those eyes." "What eyes?" I smile. "Those, those eyes." She giggles leaning closer. "I'm sorry for the deal Mads, I'll quit if you want me too." I apologise.

"Don't you dare quit." She replies. "I'm on the set for season four of outer banks I'm sure I'll be okay without Louis Vuitton." "No it means the world to you, plus I'd be a pretty shit girlfriend to let me ruin something you love." Before I could say something I feel her soft lips on mine. She pulls away leaving her head on mine. "Thank you." I whisper. "Come on we have stuff to do today." I groan at those words. She grabs my hands pulling me up giving me a hug. "Okay change." She demands letting go. I change into long jeans and a sweater then walk out to see my brothers sitting at the table.

"Well aren't you just my pretty big sister." Nick smiles. "Good morning to you too." I say hugging him leaving a kiss on his forehead. "Ready?" Madison asks at the door. "Where are you going?" Chris asks. "Secret." Madison replies. Chris looks at me. "I actually have no idea." I shrug walking to her. "Love yous, see you later." I say walking out the door. "Love you!" Matt yells. I walk to Madison's car and sit in the passenger seat to be the passenger princess I am. "So where are we going?" I ask. "Did I not just say a secret?" She smirks.

She starts to drive leaving one hand off the steering wheel pacing it on mine. A smile starts to grow on my face but I try to not. "You don't have to hide that pretty smile of yours." She says. I'm screaming on the inside how could my life not get any better. "What smile I'm not smiling." I say letting out a big smile. "Yeah yeah shut up." She giggles. About twenty minutes later we arrive at? At uh, I actually have no clue where we are. "I'm sorry, where are we?" I ask clueless. "Oh I just wanted to get lunch with you then I was gonna take you somewhere else but if you don't hurry the fuck up we can't go." She says getting out the car.

"So mean." I roll my eyes sarcastically while walking with her. Her arm wraps around mine as we walk into the restaurant. "Reservation?" A waitress in her early twenties asks. "For Madison Beer." Madison says. They keep talking as I zone out into her really fucking pretty brown eyes. Reminds me of a forest in a way. Like the wood you know? The next thing I know is she's dragging me to a table the waitress puts us at. We sit down and she gives us some time to pick what we want to eat and once we're done the waitress goes off to the back to tell the chef or something. I don't know how it works. "Stop." Madison says. "Stop what." I question confused. "Staring into my soul like you wanna make out with me." She replies.

Well she's not wrong. "Don't know what you're talking about." I shrug. Her hand touches my thigh, I slap it off. She looks at me with puppy dog eyes, this bitch. "We're not doing this today." I say. "Hm?" She says replacing her hand, this time I just let it be. "Madison we're in public." I say, she squeezes my thigh tighter pushing her hand further. "Don't know what you talking about." She mocks me from earlier. Her teasing pisses me off but then again I fucking love it. "I swear to god Madison Elle Beer." She lets go. I feel a sense of relief but also sadness. If anyone's sad it's her, I can see it. "Don't do that." I groan. "What?" "Act sad cause we both know what you're gonna do at home." "Okay shut the fuck up." She laughs.

We get our lunch and start to eat. I can't help but to look at her while she sips her ice coffee. "When do you start shooting?" She asks. "27th." "Excited?" "No." "Why so?" "Cause I have to spend time away from you." "Better miss me." She giggles, she too cute. We finish and walk back to the car. She drives to her house and we hang out there till around five.

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