Don't say Bro to your Ex |26|

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(Harley's POV)

"What a great question Reece. Oh would you look at the time, your brothers are waiting for us." Madison smiles grabbing my arm. "Bye Reece!" I say while she pulls me away. "Madison what the fuck was that." I mumble. "It's an awkward question." She replies. I clench my jaw hard and take a deep breath. "Fine, be like that." I say walking away. "Harley." I hear behind me. I walk to my brothers and get photos with them while Madison watches. How sad. "Harley, why's she look mad." Nick whispers into my ear. "Face forward and smile." I whisper back. He does what I say and after that we walk off to a private section. "Can we talk about you just ghosting me in real life?" Madison grabs my shoulder. "No." I smile. "Harley." "Madison! It's fine really, stop talking." "Well I guess it doesn't mean anything cause we're not together or anything so." Her voice break with each word.

"Madison-" I say softly but she walks away to the car. Great we're leaving early. "We've gotta go." I say to my brothers. "Why?" Matt asks. "Whatever stay, I don't care." I mutter running after Madison. I hear my brothers follow behind. "Madison." I say opening the car door. "What?" She says. My brothers step into the car. "Can we talk at home?" I ask. "Why can't you say it in front of your brothers? Or are you going to tell them to stop talking while you're at it as well." "Let's bring Nessa next time and tell her it's awkward." I snap back. She stays silent keeping her eyes focus out the window. I bite the inside of my cheek cause of what I just said. I feel horrible. The car is filled with silence only being able to hear slight breathing. I look down at the golden award I've won and just think. Was it even worth it? I don't know man. "Harley. Harley." Someone says shaking me. I open my eyes to see Chris. "Come on." He mumbles. I rub my eyes as I get up and walk into my house. I walk upstairs to my bedroom I somehow miraculously take off the dress, usually I have a team for that.

I get changed into whatever I find first and fall to my bed. "Hey." Nick knocks on my open door. "Hi." I mutter. "You okay?" "Where's Madison." "She went home." "Oh okay." "Are you okay?" "Yeah." "Harley." "I miss her, that's it really." "If you need anything we're here." He smiles. I nod and he shuts the door. I don't know what's going anymore, it feels like I've lost everyone. I mean I know I haven't but it's just feels distant. I barely talk to Nessa and my brothers, and when I talk to Madison I feel like I'm watching our conversation from third person. I don't even know anymore. My phone buzzes and I pick it up. It's just Billie winning a golden globe.

harleysturniolo posted

harleysturniolo posted

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