Coachella! |31|

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(Harley's POV)

"What the fuck." I hear her mumble under her breath. "Hey." I smile pushing her gently to the side so I can get in. "Dude." She says taken back. I shut the door and lock it, her eyebrows furrow in confusion. "You saw me while you were up on the stage." I say. "Aren't you supposed to be in Paris." "Non, je aimer tu mieux. Toi le regard jolie á Coachella." No, I like you better. You look pretty at Coachella. "Funny, English?" "No, I'm here for vacation, I didn't know you were playing at Coachella." I 'translate' for her. "That's such bullshit." A small giggle leaves her mouth and a smile forms on my face. "What are you doing in the back?" She asks. "I wanted to talk to you." "About?" "Us." "Look Harley I kno-"

"Can I just speak then I'll leave." "Fine." "I've had time to think, god you're all I think about. Okay so here we go, I'm sorry for kissing Griffin, I should have taken full responsibility for that but I didn't. I accused you of cheating last year because I was mad. I saw you in a bed with another girl and I'm sorry for that. I've put you through another fucking trial, the back lash you're getting on the internet, everything, I'm sorry for everything. I know I can't go back into the past and fix the last decade of your life but I just want you to know I'm sorry. I love the idea of being made for you, like the first time we saw each other in years, we hated one of the other but we rekindle our friendship and became the most favourite thing that's ever happened to me. I should have listened to you and I'm sorry I didn't." I explain.

She just stands there trying to think. "Well I'll uh, I'll go now." I smile, I walk to the door and open it but get stopped. "Wait." She says. "Close it." I close the door and turn around to face her. "I'm so sorry Harley." She says walking to me at a fast pace. Madison just grabs my face and- kisses me? I kiss her back, sure have missed this. She pulls away leaving her forehead on mine. I feel sad as she just pulls away. "Sorry there's a bit of lipstick." She says smiling. She uses her thumb to wipe my lip and I just kiss her again. Ain't no lipstick gonna stop me. This time I'm the one to pull away and she pouts. "Glad we got that sorted." I smile. "Uh no, rules and boundaries right now." She says taking my hand, she drags me to a chair and sits me while she sits on the other chair in front of me.

"Open your notes and get this written down." She demands. I shake my head and pull out my phone opening it to the notes app once it's unlocked. "Go." I say. "Okay so if you're going out tonight then you have to say where because of safety reasons and I would like to stalk you." "Cute." I type her words into my notes app. "If there's a guest coming over say who." "Yup." I type. We talk for another hour about boundaries and I think that we're taking little baby steps. I want this to work, so badly. "So." She says. "So." I repeat. "I like you, a lot. And I think you're pretty and have a great personality. I want this to work this time and I'm willing to go through everything again just for you," I look at her confused. Is she asking me out? Aw how adorable.

"And like I was wonde-" "Yes, shut up." I grab her face and kiss her. She pulls an inch away from my face. "I didn't even finish." She whispers against my lips. "Would you like to be my girlfriend, blah blah blah, don't care." I say kissing her again and I can feel her smile. "I don't wanna go anywhere else." I say. "I don't want to be with anyone else." "Me to Mads, me too." "So what do you like bout the tooth gem?" She asks. I look confused and I am confused then she gives me a big smile showing me her pearly whites. I look at her tooth and there's a little gem on it. "Come here." I say moving her head closer. I use my thumb to touch it and this bitch finds it as an opportunity to bite me. "Madison!" I whisper shout. "Sorry I just would've found that funny and I did." She giggles.

"Fine two can play at that game." I mutter before standing up. I walk over to the door and she complains. "No Harley, I'm sorry, come back." She begs. Nope. I hear her stand up and I put my hand on the handle to open it, just as I'm about to pull down on it she swings me around and places herself in front of the door. "No." She says. "You fell right for my trap stupid." I shake my head and she gives me a confused look. I cup her face and kiss her going down onto her neck. I suck a sensitive part and hear her groan. I pull back and look at my creation. "There you go." I smile giving her a small little kiss on the lips. I go back to sitting down and she looks pissed. "No you can't do that. Don't be like that, I hate you." She says crossing her arms as she sits down as well. "Aw I'm sorry, not." I say sarcastically. Of course I'm sorry and I'm going to be extra sorry when she sees the hickey on her neck.

𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐝 - 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now