Reunited! |32|

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New book cover!

(Harley's POV)

July 8th 10:32pm

"Harley!" I hear a familiar voice shout as I walk out through the airport gate. There she is, Madison Elle Beer. I run up to her and hug her tightly. I grab her face and kiss her. It's been four months since I saw her last. Shooting went for an extra month, ah well, I don't mind. I mean, it was Paris. "How are you?" I ask. "I'm good thank you, how was your flight?" She asks with the cutest smile. "Just tiring." I smile. She takes my hand and we walk down to go grab my suitcase. About forty minutes later my bag shows up and we head home, to my house at least. "It's fine, I'll grab my bag in sec." I say shutting her car door. I open up my front door and see all three of my brother just standing there. "Harley!" Nick shouts running to hug me. His two twins follow behind him and we just have a group hug.

Madison brings my bag in, I literally just told her it's fine. She so thoughtful and cute. "Baby, I told you I was going to grab it." I smile grabbing it from her. "I know but you were just on a long ass flight, it's the least I can do." She says. I shake my head and pull her closer to me. "Ew happy couples." Nick says sarcastically. Madison and I just laugh at his words.

For the past the past four months we've actually been going strong. Long distance wasn't even hard and my favourite part is that nobody knows. Only a family and a couple of friends know about us. Like we're not keeping it a secret, we just don't speak about it. I post Madison all the time and I'm with her all the time, well was until I had to shoot that freaking movie. Anyways, I wouldn't be shocked if people knew. So people know they just can't confirm it until I marry her. Speaking of marriage, it's all I've been thinking about since Paige was talking about it on set the first day. I mean I want to spend the rest of my life with Madison.

I walk upstairs to my room to see a sleeping Marley on the bed. I awe at the sight. He wakes up and sees me, he instantly jumps off the bed and jumps up on top of me giving me plenty of kisses as I drop to my knees. "Oh it's so good to see you." I pout. "I love you so so much! Yes I do." I say in a baby voice. "He's missed you." Madison's voice appears behind me.

"I've missed him." I say giving him big pats, I love this fluff ball. I stand up, grab my laptop out of my bag and jump up onto my bed, Marley follows my action. Madison finds her way next to me and my retriever sits himself over the top of me and Madison. I open up my MacBook and show Madison my screen. Her soft lips part as she drops her jaw. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and I want to move in together. I'm showing her a house that I'd think would be perfect for us. Six bedrooms, four bathrooms, massive living room with a nice big wood/marble kitchen that opens up to the backyard that has a pool, a big one and it's has a bunch of grass for the dogs to play.

Presley and Marley would love to live together. There's a basketball court as well, that's mainly why I want. Oo and it's also near Malibu and Santa Monica beach. It's in Beverly Hills, yes I'm that rich. Sometimes working fourteen hours a day pays off. "That's one big house." She says. "Yeah, what do you think?" I ask. "I like how it looks and it's so close to everything, I love it." She smiles.

"Like on a scale one to ten?" "Twenty two, quite literally the definition of my dream home." My face lights up at her words. "Cool so next question, before we broke up in October I was contemplating on whether to ask you this around our one year anniversary mark. Would you like to mayb- you know? Forget it." I smile. "No stop, I want to hear the rest of that." She smirks. I shake my head and she grabs my hand. "Are you asking me to buy a house with you?" She asks. "No actually, I wasn't going to ask that. I was going to ask if you wanted to move in with me after I bought the house. I ain't letting you pay for my house." "Wouldn't it be our house then?" "Yeah but I'm not letting you pay eighteen million dollars when I could make that back in less than half a year."

𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐝 - 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now