I miss you, I'm sorry |17|

403 9 9

(Harley's POV)



I wake up to my phone ringing, I groan as I pick it up and answer it. Oh it's Gracie.

Gracie Abrams 📞

Hey Harley.

This better be important, you woke me up early on my day off.

Okay good morning to you too.

Gracie it's 9am I'm meant to be sleeping.

Aw boo hoo. The song's finished.

What? Really?

Yeah do you want to hear it?

Of course, why would I not want to see it? (laughs)

My bad, anyways I'll send it to you, you approve and we have a date in mind.

And what's that date?

December 6th.

That's like three days away Gracie.

Yeah well I think it's the best song on the track list so we release that song first then the ep.

Right just send it to me.

Can do.


About a minute after we hang up I receive a text from Gracie. It's the song.

Time skip
2 minutes and 47 seconds later

I call Gracie back as I finish the song.

Gracie Abrams 📞

Soooo? What do you think?

Holy shit Gracie.

Is that bad or?

No, I fucking love it.

Thank god.

It sounds amazing.

So it's Spotify worthy?

It's chart worthy.

Thanks to your writing skills, I can agree.

Thanks to your singing.

And thanks to Aaron for producing.

We make the best trio.

Agreed. I'll let you catch up on your sleep now.

Thank youuu. Have a good day.

You too.

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