What halloween caused |5|

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(Harley's POV)

I'm in pure shock. Madison Beer, the girl I've liked since seventh grade is now kissing me. Out of anyone, she chose me. She pulls away. "Shit sorry I uh shouldn't have done that." She says getting up. She starts walking back to the house but I stop her. I grab her wrist spinning her around. "Madison?" I say. "Mhm." She nods with her head down avoiding eye contact at all cost. "What was that?" I ask. "Sorry Harley I shoul-" before she could finish I kiss her. But this time it wasn't a confusing moment.

"We should probably go back to the party." I whisper after pulling away. She takes my hand and we walk the grassy field back to the mansion like house. It was way more peaceful out there than in here that's for sure. "I'll be back." Madison smiles walking off. Left alone, again. "Harley!" I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see my Nick in his stupid costume. "Hey Nick!" I say. "Are you okay?" He asks. "Huh?" "How many shots did you have." "You know. One, four, eleven?" I say counting my fingers. "Oh my days Harls." He says concerned. "Who's coming home with us?" I ask.

"Me, you, Matt, Chris, Nessa and Madison." He replies. "What about Sab?" "She's going to Jess's." "Ohhhh." "Im going to collect everyone okay? Stay here." Nick says walking away. I quickly grab a cup and just pour a bunch of vodka in it. I skull the drink so I can feel something. "Hi! You must be Harley Sturniolo?" I hear a voice say. I look to my right to see a familiar face. "Yeah that's me." I smile. "Isabella Jone." "Ohhhh that's why you look so familiar." "Yeahhh, I hear lots about you." "Oh from who?" "From your little girl crush over there." She says pointing at Madison.

"Oh no I don-" "She hasn't stopped telling me about you for the past eight years." "Really?" "She'd always say 'I lost the person I love the most and I can't do anything about it.' Or 'I love her so much Isa, it's killing me that I can't be with her.' I don't know. Some shit like that." She says. My face lights up. "Harley let's go!" Chris yells carrying Nessa and Matt on his shoulders, Nick in front of them carrying Madison. "Well hope to talk to you again." She says. "Yeah it was lovely to meet you." I smile walking away. I skip to the car happily and sit down.

Matt is going back and forth in his seat. "Is he okay?" I ask. "He may or may not drank a little." Nick laughs. "I don't want to take care of your drunk ass anymore." Chris groans to Matt. "I'm one year away from 21! I'm old enough." Matt states. We all just look at him confused then burst out laughing. "Not funny." He says starting to count his fingers. "Almost two years actually!" Matt shouts. "Shut the fuck up, it's 2 in the morning and your 19 dickhead." Nessa groans in the front seat. "I can't wait till you guys have to carry me and Nick out of parties." Chris mumbles.

"You realise that there were like a bunch of drunk underaged tiktokers there right?" Madison says. "We're good kids." Nick says. "Bull shit, I saw you take a shot earlier." Nessa laughs. "That was one shot, I can still drive." He says. "No wait so which one of yous steal my vodka when I put it in the cupboards. It's half gone the next day." I say. "Whoops sorry." Matt giggles. "Matt you assho-" "Your girlfriend's sleeping shut up." Chris cutting me off. What the fuck she was just awake. "She's not my girlfriend." I blush.

"Really? Cause it looks like she's asleep on your shoulder right now with her hand on your thigh." Matt says playfully. Immediately Nessa and Nick turn around. "Eyes on the road gay." I say. "Says you." Nick laughs. "Did we all see what happened on the field?" Nessa asks. "No what happened?" I question. "Bitch you made out with Madison." She says. My face turns a light red. "Uh no." "Please I left for twenty minutes and you're already drunk as fuck making out with my sister." She laughs. I sit there in silence knowing she's right.

We get back to the house and I carry Madison in. It took a while, may have fell over twice but we made it to my bedroom. Everyone's either passed out on the couch or in their rooms. Madison's sitting on the edge of my bed, I take off her high heels for her. "Hey Harley." She smiles looking down at me innocently. "Hey Mads." I return the smile standing up. "You're really short." "Thanks." I say letting out a small laugh.

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