Oh please |4|

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(Harleys POV)

29th of October filming a YouTube video for the Sturniolo triplets channel in the car.

"No Nick that's silly." I say as we're fighting over what animal is better. A shark or Lion. "You know what else is silly? You and mad-" "Shhh." I giggle covering his mouth with my hand. "I hate you, shut up." I say. "Sowwy." He replies. Matt, Chris and I just look at him. "Out. Out of the car." Matt demands. We all break into laughter. "Don't say that again." Chris says breathless. After we calm down we answer some more questions from instagram for the video. "What's it like being the brothers of Harley and what's it like to be the sister of Chris, Matt, and Nick?" Matt reads out the question.

"My brain is not braining." Chris says confused. "It's really hard being there sister because I'm trying to work upstairs and all you hear is giggle from the kitchen when they're making a video. Oh! And they invited guest over unexpectedly and it causes some situations I don't wanna be in." I answer jokingly. "So you didn't like the other day?" Nick asks. "No I fucking loved it, you three were ruining it." "What your little date?" "Shush." I slap Nick gently. "It's hard being Harley's brother because when we want to make videos with her she likes 'I have work.' And it honestly sucks but she's always there for us when we need her." Matt answers.

"Aww that's so cute Matt. Love youuu." I exaggerate hugging him. "Personally I love it when Harleys around because she's like a second mom, she does all of our laundry, cleans every night before she goes to bed, always checking on us and my favourite. She makes the best fudge slices you'll ever taste." Chris says. "So true." Matt goes to dap up Chris in agreement. "Thank you Chris." I smile hugging him leaving a kiss on his forehead. "I love being Harleys brother because of her stories, like every time she comes back from work she manages to make dinner, feed us and tell us her craziest stories from work or from when we were teens.

She never runs out of them. Also how she puts up with us, not sure how." Nick giggles. "Oh and forgot to mention whatever decision we make she's always gonna be there to support us no matter if she hates it or not." He adds. "Aw I love you guys." I say making a group hug. "Okay your turn, no joking this time." Chris says. I just we- ohhh he meant not joke about what happened on Thursday, okay got this. "I love being your older sister even if we're fourteen months apart. I love how we all have such similar yet completely different personalities.

We all can keep each other's secrets, you guys are like another best friend to me and I love yous, so thank you for sticking by me for the past two decades." I say. "That's so cute." Nick says hugging me. Matt and Chris join in. We let go and Matt reads another question. "Okay this is what joshaucalda asked 'how are the love lives, If Harley's single please consider dating me.'" I giggle at what Matt just said. "I'm very single right now." I say. "What abou-" "Chris I swear to god." I say shoving my hand over his mouth.

"Oh my god, I have a great idea for another video. Two videos in one night?" Matt smiles. "Okay." I say. "Yeah I'm down." Nick agrees. "Well if they're doing it I will too." Chris says. Matt finishes the video for us and he posts something on his story.

matthew.sturniolo just posted a story

sturniolo just posted a story

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