Just A Little Drunk |41|

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(Harley's POV)

(We're pretending her and Isabella are still friends right now)

Friday 5:28pm

"I'm home!" I hear the door open along with footsteps. I get up from the couch and turn around to see my beautiful girlfriend smiling with a dog in her hands. Wait- A dog in her hands? My mouth opens to say something but nothing comes out.

I knit my eyebrows together in confusion and tilt my head. The dog looks almost identical to Presley. I look at the floor to see Presley by Madison's feet with Marley. The dog is smaller than Presley so I'm assuming it's a puppy? I look back up at Madison to see her with a huge smile on my face.

I'm still confused. "Why is there a dog in your hands?" I ask. She mumbles something but I can't hear her. "Huh?" I question. "This is Toast." She smiles. "Okay.. Why do we have Toast?" "Because she needed a home and I couldn't say no." "No you didn't." "Welcome Toast to the family!" "Madison you can't just get another dog." "Okay." She says walking towards me.

"Hands." She demands. I pull out my hands and she places Toast in them. "No." I say shaking my head. "She's cute isn't she?" Mads asks. I think for a moment. I look at the curly furred puppy in my arms. "Aw she's asleep." Madison awes.

A slight smile grow on my face. "Go sit down." She says. I walk to the sofa with Toast in my arms and sit down. I lay the puppy in my lap then watch as Madison walks up the stairs and back down them. She sits next to me. Both of our dogs jump up onto the sofa.

Marley lays his head in Madison's lap while Presley snuggles into Marley. My two baby's, well now I have three. "I'm going out tonight." She says resting her head on my shoulder. "With who?" I ask. I don't know what just got into me, that just came out. "Oh shit sorry, that just came out. You don't need to tell me." I correct myself. "Isabella." She replies. "Haven't you made out with her a billion times?" "Um." "Whatever." "Soooo can I go?" She asks.

I look down at her and she looks up at me. I furrow my eyebrows and squint my eyes. "Baby." I say. "Hm?" She hums. "You don't have to ask to go out." I reply. "Oh." "I love you and trust you." "Sorry, old habits." "Don't be sorry." I smile. I look at her with a soft smile and a gentle look. "Stop." She says.

"Stop what?" I ask. "Don't look at me like that." "Like what?" "No." "Yes, tell me." "Shush." "Get off of me then." "I'll do you one better." "Hm?" "I'll get on top of you." "Madison." I giggle. I look down at her to see her eyes, begging, pleading, needing for something. "You're funny." I say. "It's not funny." She says.

"But it is, there's three dogs in the room, specifically laying on us." "Yeah yeah so what?" "Pause- What?" "I mean we can put them outside." "Cute but you bought an adorable dog home and expect me to not cuddle with her."

"Whatever." "I love you." "Mhm." "Madison say it back." "And if I don't?" "Then you'll get and see nothing for a month straight." "You think I can't go without sex for a month?" She questions.

"Yeah." I reply smirking. "Now if I do recall right I never fucked anyone while we were having issues." "Same here." "Right." "What? You don't believe me?" "Oh no I do cause you were mine while we weren't together and you knew that." She says and I can feel my face heat up.

I turn away from her sight but her hand cups my jaw and turns my head to face her. "I love you." She smiles. My eyes widen and I nod. I can grantee my face is bright red. "Glad that's sorted." She giggles. I shake my head then throw it back onto the head of the sofa.

After a moment I'm about to pull up but I feel lips against my neck. I let out a small groan. I try not to give into the temptation but I'm failing.

This feels amazing. Wait no, stay strong. "No." I mumble but more sounds like a moan. I lift my head back up making her let go and I feel sad. I liked that. "It looks so bare and empty, it's quite sad." She says.

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