Dinner Kiss, Old Bitch |28|

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(Harley's POV)

"No no no no no." I whisper to myself. "Hey Billie, Finneas." Madison smiles. I look away immediately to the window. "Hi Harley." She says. "Hi." I mumble. "Anyways just wanted to come by and say hi." "It was good seeing you again Madison." Billie says. My head is basically stuck against the window, I ain't looking at her. "Well enjoy your lunch." I hear her footsteps walk away. I look back at Billie and Finneas and give Billie the finger. "Hey what did I do?" She says defensively. "Talk to her." I mutter. "Jesus Harley." She replies slapping her face softly. I look over my shoulder to see her laughing with Nick. That should be me. Not some stupid Nick. Kidding, Nick's the sweetest. We enjoy the rest of lunch laughing and talking but I couldn't help but to look over at Madison constantly. They seem so close, I hate it. Billie drops me home and I walk through my door to be greeted by Marley. And Griffin? "Grif?" I question. "Hey you." He smiles.

"What you doing?" "Waiting for you to get home." "Well I'm home now." "Great, come out to dinner with me." He smiles again. "What?" "Like old times, it doesn't mean anything." I mean if it doesn't mean anything then sure. "Yeah okay." I smile. "Great, I'll pick you up at seven." He says walking out my front door. Well that was- strange? But in a nice way, it was sweet of him to ask. It's like 1 now so I'll just get dressed at like 6 or something. "Harleyyyy!" Chris exaggerates walking through the front door. His twins are obviously behind him. "Hey guys." I smile. "Video time." Matt says. "Only till five, I've got somewhere to be at 6." "Deal." Nick says. "Come on then." Chris grabs me dragging me out to Matt's car. I sit in the back with Nick while Chris and Matt are in the front. We drive to some random parking lot and it's would you rather today. "Okay would you rather have a famous sister or famous brother?" Matt reads the first question. "That's stupid." I mutter. "Literally, Harley has famous brothers and we have a famous sister." Nick adds. "You're not as famous as me but." I giggle. "Shut up." Nick laughs.

"Would you rather jump off a two story building or a bridge?" "How bout none!" Chris says. "Who asks that." We all burst out into laughter. "Would you rather get back with your ex or date a forty year old man?" "Is the forty year old man Chris Hemsworth?" I question. "No, a random." Matt answers. "Is he hot?" "I don't know, it's a random person you've never seen before." He shakes his head. "Then get back with my ex, the fuck, I ain't dating some weirdo." "Oh my god Harley." Nick laughs. "We're moving onto top five." Matt smiles awkwardly. "Okay top five artist." We all go around saying our top five singers.

Time skip

"I gotta get dressed." I mutter running through my front door. I get upstairs and get into shower. I shower then change into a nice mini black dress, cause I can. I straighten my hair and then run downstairs to feed my retriever. "Bubba!" I shout and he comes running down the stairs. "Here you go." I say with a baby voice. He digs right in and I somehow manage to run back up the stairs with this dress on. I place my golden Louis Vuitton necklace around my neck and my bracelet that Madison gave my left wrist. I don't miss her, why am I lying to myself? No I just like the bracelet, it's pretty. Oh and my two favourite rings. One goes on my left middle finger and the other goes on the right ring finger. I check my phone to see it's 6:54. What the- I took that long?


What a coincidence. I walk downstairs and kiss Marley on the forehead goodbye. I open the front door to see Griffin standing there in a casual white t-shirt and jeans. "Well you look pretty." He smiles. "Thank you." I reply. He walks me to his car and he opens the door for me. He gets into the drivers side. "So I was thinking to go to the Beach Main, I heard they have pretty good burgers." "Yeah why not." I shrug. He starts to back out my driveway and drives straight to the place. It takes about thirty minutes to get there but we're talking the whole way there, just like old times. We arrive there and I go to open my door but he stops me. "Wait." He says. I wait and he gets out, walks over to my side and opens the door for me. "How sweet." I say taking his hand. We walk into the restaurant and immediately get sat. "So how's work going?" He asks as we both look through the menu. "It's going well, how's being a little nurse." "It's great, I really really enjoy dealing with people twelve hours a day." He says sarcastically. "Hey at least you're not a big influencer anymore."

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