Christmas Eve Heartbreak |21|

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(Harleys POV)


I check my phone for the time. 12:42am. I sigh at the lit up phone in my hand. I can't seem to sleep, just staring at my dark ceiling trapped in my own thoughts. I just left her, again. I mean wouldn't she have blocked Claudia after I broke up with her to prove something or like show up to my house if she wanted to stay? Being with her is all I've ever wanted yet I can't seem to hold onto it long enough. I don't want anyone else, everyone's stupid. She's not. She's everything, pretty, sweet, funny, loving, caring, manipulative, a cheater. Oh I love this list! It's Christmas Eve today, just great. I remember last year Madison and I just sat with each other watching as my brothers and her sister opened their presents like little kids. Quite adorable actually. Now I live my days stuck onto the idea if I did something better, to prove I'm worth of loving, maybe she wouldn't have done it. Lately my thoughts have been getting worse, like almost attempted worse.

I mean they've always been like this but when I'm with my brothers, Ness, Jayla or Madison they seem to go away. They make me happier. I smile at my thoughts and turn around to see my dog laying there sleeping cuter than ever.

Time skip

I wake up to giggling downstairs. I sit up slowly acknowledging the fact that Marley is not in my room. Wait- Marley's not in my room? I get up, open my door and bolt down my stairs. "Marley?" I look around carelessly trying to find him. "Good morning to you too." I hear my brother say from the kitchen. "Where's Marley?" I ask turning my head to the triplets. I take a step back as see Madison holding him in my kitchen. "Uh I just woke up and this better be good." I say with a strange look on my face. "Oh we're filming, we thought you went out. Clearly not." Chris smiles. "Okay then." I say walking over to grab Marley. I step in front of the camera and wave then take Marley out of Madison's hands. She bends down next to my ear. "We need to talk about how you ditched me." She whispers. "Let me know when so I can fit you in my schedule, wait I remember it and I don't got time for your bullshit." I whisper back. I step back and I can see her look at me like she wants something. I give her a smile and walk up to my room.


Right as I sit on my bed too. I look at my phone to see my manger, Tiffany calling me.

Tiffany Coford 📞

Hey Tif, what's up?

What's up? Really? Did you forget that you have an interview in twenty minutes or something because I don't see you here.

Wait what? I thought that was the 26th.

No, it's today. Get your ass over here, now.

On my way.


I quickly change, straighten my hair and brush my teeth. I run downstairs holding my golden boy handing him back to Madison. She looks at me confused. "Interview, late, goodbye, love yous." I say speed walking out the front door. I get into my car and drive straight to the place, it's not too far, around fifteen minutes but I have to get mic'ed and all that.

Time skip
14 minutes

"I'm here!" I shout walking in. Immediately I get grabbed and thrown into a chair. "Stay still." The lady says. Okay standard procedure. "There you are." Tiffany comes walking towards me. "Sorry I'm late." I apologise. "It's fine. They're here for you, so they're all early." She smiles. "Didn't you just say- you know what, it's fine." I reply. "Done." A tallish man says from behind me. "Get in there." My manger says pushing me towards the set as I stand up. "Hey Harley!" A girl says. My eyes narrow in confusion as the girl standing in front of me is Tara Yummy. "I didn't know I was going to be on the DropOuts podcast." I giggle. "Your manger didn't tell you?" Zach the tall brunette asks. "Yeah she didn't." I raise my eyebrows at Tiffany. "Well let's get this started." Jared says. I smile and sit down on the sofa next to Tara. "Just let me fix that for you." She says fixing my microphone and putting on my headphones for me. I smile at her and we hear the back shout. "Rolling in 3, 2, 1."

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