"Because i love her!" |18|

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(Harley's POV)

Nessa Beer 📞

Hey Ness.

Harley it's 12 in the morning. Why'd you call?

You know exactly why.

Uh Har-

That's a cute song you know.

Harley just go to sle-

You hang up this phone I'll fucking go to yours, Ryder's, Tracie's, Robert's and Madison's houses just to fucking talk to you.

You don't want to talk to Madison?

Why wouldn't I want to talk to the producer?

Harley I didn't write any lyrics.

Maybe, maybe not, I don't care. What was going through her fucking head?

Ask her that.

Next time I see her I'll be showing her that. Fucking saying I cheated on her?!

Okay firstly, you are not fighting my sister and secondly, that's not what lyrics say.

Really? Cause that's what they imply fuck wit.

Calm down.

No I'm pissed off because your stupid ass sister could ruin my career, my family, my friends, my social media influence, and my whole fucking life.


You realise how much hate I'm going to get? Death threats? People are going to come to my house Nessa. That's going to put my brothers in danger because of that little dumb fucking song you produced.

That's a bit far Harley.

It's happened to others and considering how Madison is classified as the most attractive woman in this generation I'm sure some of her little followers are going to come after me.

They won't.

And how do you know?

And how do you know that they will?

Look. I know you're with Madison.

Uh- No I'm not.

You're at her house, shut the fuck up.


Madison Elle Beer, I know you can hear each fucking word coming out of my mouth right now. (Harley stop! - Nick yells)
So, listen carefully.
The amount of songs you've written about me is awfully a lot. The good and bad ones.
And I see you've written another one, a bad one.
Now this fucked song could cost me everything. Everything. I haven't told a single soul other than my brothers and Nessa about what happened that night in October.
And yet you put it all into a song and shoved it to the eight billion people who live on this earth today. Keep the song up, I like it.
But them lyrics. I cheated on you?
Says a lot coming from someone I walked in on sleeping with her ex while being with someone.
Nothing happened the way I wanted.

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