I Love You |33|

398 15 5

(Harley's POV)
12th 10:32am

"And here's the view, any questions?" The tour guide, well I don't know what the fuck you call him, I barely graduated high school, asks me. "Uhm so we can do eleven upfront then seven million off in the next three years?" I ask. "Yes actually that woul-" I zone out because now he's just talking about interest and yapping and I lowkey, don't care. "Ma'am?" He questions. "Sounds great! When can I get the paper work done?" I want my house. "We can head back to the office and make it yours!" "Sure." I smile. We walk out to the cars and I follow him back to his office building, for the next two hours we spend time just signing papers and discussing rates, interest, I don't know nor really care, I just want my house. "Just sign here and you'll be set." He smiles. I look down at the paper with a pen in hand and quickly read through the text.

Yeah yeah, all that typical shit. I sign the paper and look up and he's just sitting there with a big smile. "Here's your keys." He says handing me my keys to my house, there at least five for the front door on here then a couple for the shed and other shit like that. We shake hands and I leave. I now own a house, I can move in whenever I want, oh fuck. I haven't told my brothers yet, nor Madison that I actually bought it. She thought I was just going to look at it. I get in my car and drive home. Lunch by Billie starts playing, I could eat that girl for lunch. I get home with the keys in pocket and call Nick and Chris downstairs as Matt's already on the couch. "Yeah?" Nick asks. "What's up?" Chris questions sitting next to Chris. It's Nick, Matt and Chris on the edge all just staring at me, great. "So I love you three a lot and I'm growing up which means I need spa-"

"Are you finally moving out?" Matt asks. Bitch. "Uhm." I mumble. "About fucking time." Nick adds. "Hold up, I didn't even finish." I reply. "We've been waiting for this moment since you started dating Madison and your dumbass left your laptop open on that tab on the kitchen bench." Chris laughs. "What do you guys think of the house though?" "We think we're gonna have to help you move in." Matt says."Yup." I giggle. "I love you guys, this doesn't mean you can't come over." "Trust us, we're coming over. We saw the basketball court and pool you have." Chris says. "Oh my gosh." I laugh and stand up. They stand up too and we all just have one big group hug. "I'm leaving the 15th and not coming back till the 28th by the way." I say and they all let go. "Wait what. No, you just came back." Matt says. "I'm going to Jericho to see Tracie then Massachusetts to see mom." "What days are you seeing mom?" He replies. "The 22nd to the 28th." "No fucking way." Chris's jaw drops.

"What?" I question confused. "We're going back to Somerville on the 20th." Nick says. "Wait what?" What now. "Yeah, the 20th to the 30th." Matt says. "Why?" "Nathan wanted us to come hang out and they're a collab deal over there so we were like why not and also we miss mom." Chris answers. "What are the odds?" I laugh. That's so weird. My brothers walk away upstairs. "Harley!" I hear the front door open, it's Madison and Presley. "Yesss?" I say running towards the door. "Take this and this." She says shoving grocery bags in my hand that are heavy as fuck. "Uhm why?" I say walking to the kitchen. "Because I've been on my feet all week and I'm running off of two hours of sleep, that's fucking why." She mutters sitting at the table. I put away the two bags then walk to her. I stand her up and hug her. "Madison!" I hear Chris's voice. "Hi Chris." She smiles and I let go of her.

"Congratulations on the house by the way!" He smiles walking to us, fuck. I haven't told Madison I bought the house, I bought it quite literally two hours ago. "What house? Harley did you buy the house?" Madison snaps her head around to me. "You look pretty today?" I say trying to avoid this conversation. "She came home and told us." He says. "Chris it would be really nice if you would shut the fuck up now." I mumble. "That's amazing!" She hugs me. Um- that was not the reaction I was expecting. She lets go and has the cutest smile on her face. "When do you want to move in? I'm free the next three weeks s-" "No you're not." I cut her off. "What?" "I miss my mom, I miss your mom." "I'm confused." "We're going to Jericho and Somerville." I smile. "What?" "We're going to see your mom first from the 15th to the 22nd then we're going to see my mom." "You did that for me?" "Yeah." "Harley!" She smiles hugging me.

𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐝 - 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now