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Megan's POV

"Hey guys, it's Meg and Alicia. Yup you guessed it, its Thursday!!" I said into the camera. "Today we will be doing the salt and ice challenge" Alicia said. "To Watch the bloopers of this video, click on my face and the link will take you to my channel. Alright now that, thats out of the way, lets get to it. So here we have two bowls of salt and ice" I said as I poured some of the salt in my hand.

"Okay, so what we're doing is pouring some salt in our hands and now for the ice" she said. "Earlier today we twitted out the #askMeg&Alicia, so basically we are going to answer questions while we hold the salt and ice in our hands. Who ever lets go of the ice has to drink a shot of Tapatio" I said. "Alright lets do this, the first question is from @Love1D (isn't real just made it up)

Would you rather be stuck in a room full of spider or snakes?" She said "Um I'd rather die, is that an option?Holy shit this burns. Alright next question is from @Kianlawley, which O2L guy would you date? Really Kian ugh. Well this question is obviously for me cause Alicia is dating Sam. Connor's taken by one of my best friends Casey so no. I guess I would date Jc Caylen but that's not going to happen cause one I don't believe in long distance relationships and two he wouldn't date me so yeah"

Many questions later, I snapped. "Shit this burns like hell" I said as I let go off of what was left of the ice." "Haha you loss! Now drink up loser" Alicia said. "Here I go" I said as I drank the Tapatio. I coughed twice and that was it. "What? That's supposed to burn, why isn't it burning?" She asked I laughed. "It's like you don't know me, Chile is like drinking water to me. Who's the loser now! Alright guys that's it for today. I will see all of you tomorrow on my channel" I said. "And i'll see you on Saturday on my channel" she said. "Well give this video a big thumbs up, favorite it, share it. If your not subscribed then click the button down there. Love you guys, stay awesome and beautiful. See you tomorrow, kisses" I said before turning of the camera.

I laid on my bed ugh I am tried. "I am so killing Kian" I said pulling my laptop close to me and started editing our video. "Come on Meg, you know you love him, he's practically your brother" Alicia said. Kian and I have known each other since the third grade, ever since then he's been my best friend more like my brother but he's both. I love him to bits but sometimes he can be a bit annoying and over protective.

"I know" I said, that's when my phone rang and a picture of Kian showed up on the screen. "Hey" I said into the phone. "Hey Sam and I are having a movie night. Wanna come over?" He asked. "Yeah open your window" I know why does he have to open his window. Well ever since we were kids we would sneak into each others rooms or in case of emergency. "Alright, see you in a bit" he said before hanging up. I sat up and pulled on my converse and opened my window, across from my window you could see Kian waiting to help me in. I jumped out of my window and walked towards his window. He helped me and Alicia in.

"Thanks for embarrassing me on the Internet" I said as I hugged him. "Aw your welcome anything for my favorite girl" he said. "I am telling Andrea!!" I said as I grabbed his phone and ran into the living room where I ran into his mom. "How are you Megan? It's nice to see you" she said. "Good and it's nice to see you to" I said she nodded. "That's great well I'll let you get back to the boys" she said as she made her way out of the room. Out of nowhere and I mean nowhere Kian popped out and ran after me. I unlocked his phone and scrolled throw his recent calls as I ran away from Kian. I clicked on Andrea's name and put it on speaker. She finally answered "What up Kian" said a guys voice.

That's when I was tackled by Kian. "Kian get off of me!!! Alicia get the phone" Sam and Alicia were laying on the couch laughing. "No I am having to much fun watching you guys" she said with a smile. "Come on, please you know you love me more then Sam" I said. "Hey I am right here" Sam yelled.

Apparently to the guy on other side of the phone this was funny. "Um Kian what's going on?" Asked the stranger. "Is that Jc?" Sam asked. "What?!?! I meant to call Andrea. I knew I should've called her from my phone. But no, Kian's phone had to look more fun" I said a little mad with myself. "Meg be a good girl and give me my phone" Kian said. "Only if you share the candy you got in your fan mail" I said trying to keep the phone away from him. "No! You have your own candy!" He yelled.

"Yeah but that's my candy. Come on, please share. You don't have to share with Sam and Alicia" I said trying to convince him. I made puppy dog, he can never say no to this face. "Fine, I hate it when you do that" he said getting off of me. "You know you love me!" I said as I got to my feet. "Um Kian, I am still on the phone." Jc said.

Kian's POV

"Um Kian, I am still on the phone" Jc said. I took Jc off speaker and brought my phone to my ear. "What up, Sorry about that" I said. I know Meg likes Jc and I am really thankful she got me with Andrea. All I want to do is make her feel like I do when I am with Andrea. I've been trying to get her with Jc but she won't let me.

"It's okay man, who was the girl?" He asked. "Oh that was Megan, she's one of my closet friends, she's like my sister" I said. "She seems cool" he said. I smiled, I really want this kind of guy for Meg, I don't need anyone breaking her heart. "Yeah she is, you should check out her YouTube channel, she's under Megstar" I said. "I will, I've got some amazing news" he said sounding excited. "What is it?" I asked.

"Looks like I am spending my summer in Cali!!" He said screaming. "Dude that's great, when are you coming" I asked. "Actually, I leave in a few hours and I should get there tomorrow!" He said "that's awesome! Well I'll talk to you later" I said before hanging up. This was my chance to get Jc and Meg together. And I know who can help me. I scrolled throw my contacts and clicked Casey's name.

To Casey:

Wanna play match maker. Jc's spending the summer in Cali!

I pressed send. Casey was one of Meg's best friends and Casey was dating Connor, that was all thanks to Meg.

From Casey:

Really so is Connor ,But I'd love to

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