Ch.15 Beach fun

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Meg's POV

I woke up to the sun shinning in my face, I slowly opened my eyes to see a beautiful sunrise. That's when I noticed we were still at the beach. I looked over at Jc and noticed that we had switched positions and that he looking at me. I smiled and kissed his nose, he smiled at me. "We stayed here all night?" I asked. "Yeah, you were the first one to fall asleep" he said with a laugh. "Oh shut up it's been a long day and I was tried. When did we switch positions?" I asked as he took hold of my hand. "When you fell asleep, I moved you so you would be comfortable" he said. " Aw your so sweet" I said as I leaned in to kiss him. He smirked and he pulled away before letting me kiss him, I pouted and turned around so he was facing my back. He wrapped his arms around waist and pulled me closer. "I was joking, there's not a day that I don't want to kiss you" he whispered in my ear as he placed kisses down my neck. I smiled and turned around to face him. He smiled and rested his forehead on mine, our noses touched and I let out a giggle. "Your so cute" he said. "So are you" I said as I pecked his lips. I pulled away, only for him to press his lips against mine. Our lips moved in perfect sync, molding perfectly together.

We pulled away and let our noses touch. I could stay like this forever. When we were interrupted by my stomach growling. Jc laughed, "Come on lets go get something to eat" he said as he got up. He helped me up and I cleaned off the sand off of me. I picked up the blanket and dropped it by Kian. "What do you want to eat?" he asked as he grabbed my hand. "Does it matter? I just want food" I said as we walked. "I think I saw a Starbucks on our way here" he said as we crossed the street. "Yay! Coffee" I said as we walked down the street. We walked in silence but it was a comfortable silence. Once we reached the Starbucks we entered and ordered two Mocha Cookie Crumples and chocolate chip cookies. We decided to sit outside and eat our cookies. Jc pulled out his phone and took a picture of me eating my cookie. I looked up at him "Erase it! I probably look like shit, we woke up on the beach. I haven't washed my teeth" I said reaching over to take his phone. "You look beautiful" he said pulling the phone away from me. "At least let me see it" I said as I drank my coffee. "Go on Instagram" he said. "You didn't" I said with a laugh. "But I did" he said with a chuckle. I pulled out my phone and opened up Instagram . The first picture that showed up was of me drinking my coffee. The caption read 'Starbucks with my beautiful girlfriend'

"Why are you so sweet?" I asked. "Because I have you" he said as he leaned over the table and pecked my lips. We got up and throw away our trash and walked down the boardwalk passing stores and ice cream shops. We passed a skate shop and I stopped him. "Let's get a penny board" I begged. "Alright, let's go" he said. We walked into the store and bought two penny boards.

We skated back to the beach where we left the guys. Once we got there we saw they were still asleep. I took off my shoes and put them by the penny board. I love the feeling of the sand under my feet. I was just standing there enjoying the view when a pair of arms picked me up. "Put me down Justin!" I screamed, he was running oh no, I know how this is going to end. "Okay" he said.

I fell into the freezing cold water. I got up and moved the hair out of my face. "You didn't just do that?!" I said. "But I did" he said. I walked over to him. "Come on give me a hug" I begged. "How about no" he said. "How about yes, you know you want to" I said as I rested my hands on his shoulders. "No I'm good I've had enough hugs for the day" he said. "Fine, I'll just go give my hugs to Con" I said as I walked over to a sleepy Connor, I laughed because he was barely noticing we all fall asleep on the beach. "Con, look what Justin did to me" I said pouting. "What did cloud boy do?" A sleepy Andrea asked. "Look at me" I said. She opened her eyes and looked at me. She let out a laugh. "This is not funny, I didn't bring extra clothes" I said. "Get back at him, I know I taught you better" Kian said with a yawn. "I already tried" I said crossing my hands, the breeze was getting stronger. It wasn't cold but to someone who was soaking wet it was. " Aw baby your cold" Jc said. "No thanks to you" I said as I felt my goosebumps. "Aw I'm sorry" He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist . " You better be" I said as I nuzzled my face into his chest. He kissed my head and tried to keep me warm but it really wasn't working. "You still cold?" he asked. "Really, your asking that question, what do you think?" I asked. "Come on lets go walk" he said. I looked down at what I was wearing, my clothes were some what dry. "Fine" I said, we pulled away and started to walk.

He grabbed my hand and we walked. "You excited for Vidcon?" he asked. "Yeah" I said. "You don't sound very excited, babe what's wrong?" he asked. "I'm excited really but I don't know" I said. "Come on, it's going to be fun" he said. "I know, but a week after Vidcon you leave and I don't want you to leave" i said looking at the water. I knew this day was going to come but three weeks is so little time to enjoy with Jc. "Babe look at me" he said. I looked up at him. "I still have three weeks here and I'm spending every second with you" he said before kissing me. I smiled into the kiss. These three weeks better go by slow as hell. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I pulled away and let our noses touch and I smiled, "I love you" I said before pecking his lips. He bite his lip, "I love you more" I smiled. God he's so perfect and I love being around him.

We pulled away and I walked towards the water. And splashed water Jc way. "Really?" he asked. I splashed more water his way. "Oh it's on!!!" he said running towards me, I ran and tried to splash water his way at the same time. He splashed water in my face and then picked me. I laughed, our forehead rested on eachothers and our noses touched, I looked into his eyes. "Have I ever told you that I love your laugh" he said as he bit his lip. "No, but there's always a first time for everything. Have I ever told you how much I love your big brown eyes" I said as he slowly set me down, keeping the same space between us, which to think of it was none. "Have I ever told you how much I love you" he said looking down at me. I blushed "Do you know how hard it is not to kiss you right now?' I asked. "I know what your going through" he said, I could feel his breathe on my lips. "Then what are you waiting for" I said with a smirk, he chuckled and kissed me.

After our little moment, Jc and I walked back to the where we had set our bonfire. "Why are you guys wet?"Alicia asked. "Why are you dry?"I asked. "Oh don't start with that" she said. "Start with what?" I asked. "I'm not answering that" she said sending a glare my way. "Fine I'll stop" I said, When Alicia would ask a dumb question I'd answer with a question and I'd keep doing it til she got frustrated and gave up. "So you guys ready to go home" Kian asked. I picked up my phone from the floor and looked at the time, which read four o'clock. Wow we've been here all day. "Okay lets go" Sam said. We grabbed our things and headed to the car.

The drive home was quite besides everyone having there own conversations. I rested my head on Jc's chest and looked out the window. He grabbed my hand and played with my fingers. " Why are your hands so small?" he asked. "I don't know" I said. He laughed a little and kept playing with my fingers. The car finally came to a stop. "Do you wanna sleep over?" he asked me as we pulled into the drive way. "Sure but first I'm going to shower my hairs all gross" "Shower at Kian's, please" "I need clothes, I'll be fast. Wait here" I said as I ran inside. I walked into the living room where I found my mom fast asleep. Wow mom, you couldn't make it to your room. I walked in my room and grabbed clothes for tomorrow and pj's and put them in a bag. I walked back into the living room and left my mom a note letting her know where I was earlier.

Goodmorning mom

yesterday after saying goodbye to Drew we went to the beach and slept there. Yes we ate and right now I'm going to Kian's love you! Muah

I kissed my mom's forehead and left the house making sure I locked it. I walked over to Jc. "What took you so long?" he asked. "My mom I left here a note telling her where I was" He nodded and we walked inside and I headed for the bathroom in Jc's room.

After my shower and I changed into basketball shorts and a tank top. After I took a shower Jc took one. I laid in bed thinking, what's going to happen to me and Jc when he leaves. I let out a sigh, long distance relationships are hard. I only a few couples who can actually work through it. I don't know, All I know is that I have to stay positive. Distance either makes you or breaks you, right?

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone. I looked at the screen and it was Drew. "Hey, whats up?" I said into the phone. "Hey I was just calling to tell you we landed five hours ago" "Really you call me now?! How come you didn't call me earlier?" I asked. "We were busy and it's a little hard when you have fans chasing you" he said. "Sounds like fun" I said. "Look I gotta go, we're up next. love you Meg" "Love you to, god luck. Rock that stage" I said before hanging up. Jc came out of the bathroom pulling on a shirt. He jumped in bed and grabbed the control. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. I rested my head on his chest. I'm going to miss this. Positive! Stay Positive! "What do you want to watch?" he asked. "It doesn't matter" I said. He settled for SpongeBoB, I laughed, I love this show. I laughed alone with the show. I looked up at Jc and saw he was playing with my hair. I smiled and pecked his lips.

~ Author's note

So sorry about the late update, writer's block sucks like seriously why does it exist. Anyways hope you liked it

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