Ch. 8 Teenhoot

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Meg's POV

We were now boarding the plane, wow Teenhoot, this the second time I've been invited. But this time it's different, in a good way. This time my boyfriend gets to go with me, i smiled as i put my things away. When the guys bought the tickets they put us girls together. I didn't mind but I kinda rather sit with my boyfriend and I know the girls would to.

"Meg long time no see or talk" Alicia said. I laughed and pulled her into a hug. She sat next to me and next to her was Casey. We hugged and sat down before the flight began. My phone vibrated and I pulled it out. It was a message from Jc. I smiled

From Jc

Miss you already and were on the same plane lol love you.

To Jc

Aww your to cute. Miss you more and love you, I'll see you when the flights over. Muah

I smiled as I pressed send. "Why are you so smiley" Alicia asked. "Oh nothing, I am just excited to arrive in Tennessee" "Lies, she was texting Jc. I'd know that smile any where" Casey yelled. "Maybe" I said hiding behind my hands. "Oh my god she's lying, I knew it" Casey yelled. That's when a flight attendant tapped Casey's shoulder. "Miss could you please quite down" the flight attendant asked. Casey nodded and when the flight attendant was out of sight we busted up laughing. "I am going to sleep, wake me up when we land"I pulled on my headphones and pressed shuffle on my phone before drifting asleep.


I was woken up by Alicia shaking me and mouthing "Were landing"I nodded and removed my headphones not completely, so they rested on my shoulders. Once the plane stopped I stretched and rubbed my eyes. I reached for my backpack and we were off to find our suitcases. I was walking half asleep when I heard someone scream. Now that definitely woke me up, I rubbed my eyes and looked where the screaming had come from, there stood to girls. I smiled at them and they screamed, that's when I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist. I turned to see it was Jc. I kissed his cheek and then the girls screamed again and ran over to us. They were around thirteen or fourteen years old. "Oh my god!!!!! It's you! Oh my god qhdocjejsjnwf" I really didn't understand the last part. I laughed, "Yeah it's me, what's your name?" I asked as she handed me a notebook. "Um it's Emma and this is my best friend Erica" she said, I smiled and signed her notebook and passed it to Jc so he could sign it. I gave both girls a hug, oh how I loved meeting fan it was one of the best things ever. When Jc was done signing the notebook he handed it back to Emma. "Thank you so much by the way you guys are the cutest couple ever" she said as her and her friend walked away.

"Don't you just love them?" I asked him. "Yeah aren't they amazing but I know someone who will always be more amazing then anyone in the world" he said. "And who is that?" I asked as we headed to grab our suitcases. He intertwined his hand with mine and stood in front of me. "My mom" he said playfully. I slapped his chest and laughed. "Am kidding that amazing girl is my girlfriend" he said as he stepped closer. I stood on my tippy toes and pecked his lips. "And your still Mr Wonderful, love you" I said as I let our noses touched. "Love you to"he said before kissing me. I kissed him back, oh the butterflies. I loved the way he made me feel. Every single time we kissed there was this spark, it was kinda magical. We pulled away and we heard someone say "Awww!!!" We turned around to see the rest of the gang. "You guy's are so cute" Alicia gushed. I blushed and grabbed my suitcase.

After everyone got there suitcases, we headed to the hotel where Andrea was waiting for us. Once we arrived at the hotel we checked into our room. Connor and Kian had done all the planning so I didn't know who i was rooming with. Connor and Casey were rooming together, Alicia with Sam, Trevor with Ricky, Kian with Andrea, and I was rooming with Jc. In each room there was two rooms, the couples got one bed and well Trevor and Ricky got two beds. Jc and I headed to our room to see we were rooming with Connor and Casey. It late so I decided to go to sleep. I walked into my room, I dropped my suitcase and jumped in bed and I mean literally . I pulled the covers over me and was slowly drifted of to sleep. A few minutes later, I felt arms wrap around me and pull me closer to them, I knew it was Jc. He kissed my forehead and then well I don't really remember after this cause I was in deep sleep.

Jc's POV

Finally! We were at the hotel now. Me and Meg are rooming with Connor and Casey. Once we reached our room, Meg walked straight into our room and jumped. I chuckled and put my things away before laying in bed. Meg was fast asleep, I smiled and pulled her close to me and kissed her forehead. I laid there with Meg in my arms, I gotta admit I enjoyed moments like this. Connor told me that we would be here for three week even thought Teenhoot was only three days and I think I want to head to San Antonio with Meg, I hope she say she'll go with me.

Meg's POV

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I rolled over to see if Jc was there but he wasn't. I lazily rubbed my eyes and got out of bed. I walked into the living room to find Jc and Connor talking. They were both shirtless, I ignored them and walked into the kitchen. I made coffee before heading back to my room to take a shower. Today was going to be a long day.

When I got out of the shower I wrapped a towel around me and walked out of the bathroom. I walked over to my suitcase and opened it, I heard someone open the door, I turned around to see it was Jc. "Get out, I am getting dressed" I said. "No, why can't I watch" he said with a smirk. "Fine stay, I am changing in the bathroom" I grabbed shorts, a baseball shirt, bra, and underwear. I went into the bathroom and changed. When I walked out he was getting ready to jump in the shower. I blow dried my hair before walking to the kitchen. I ate breakfast and turned on the tv. I grabbed my phone and checked my Twitter. I decided to tweet, "So excited for Teenhoot can't wait to see you all"


Today had been hectic, so many people where there. So many fans and boy am I tried. So many pictures and signatures my wrist hurts. I left the room with my phone and a snapback and came back with 5 Arizona's, 3 snapbacks, 4 beanies, and 7 posters, well and my phone obviously. I put my things away, then I heard the door close. In the door way stood my roommates. "Hey roomies" I said as I chugged down an Arizona. "Hey beautiful, I wanted to ask you something" Jc said. "Ask away babe" I said as I kissed his cheek. "Um so were spending three weeks here and I was wondering if you wanted to spend them with me in San Antonio?" he asked nervously. I giggled at his nervousness. "Yeah I'd love to" he smiled and picked me. I laughed, "Put me down" i said. He gently set me down and picked my lips. "When do we leave?" I asked. "We leave Tuesday"he said. I smiled two whole weeks with Jc and his siblings this should be fun, especially since I don't have siblings. "Can't wait" I said as I played with his hair. He pressed his lips against mine, I kissed him back and there go the fireworks and the butterflies. This feeling never gets old. We pulled away and rested on each others foreheads. "Love you" he said trying to catch his breathe. "Love you more"

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